Cinàed o Ceallaigh

Cinaed o Ceallaigh

New Member
Cin?ed o Ceallaigh

<r>OOC: Not done, but I gotta get to bed<br/>
<B><s></s>Full Name<e></e></B>:<br/>
-Cinàed o Ceallaigh<br/>
<B><s></s>Date of Birth<e></e></B>:<br/>
-July 17, 2013<br/>
<B><s></s>Current Age<e></e></B>:<br/>
<B><s></s>Basic Appearance<e></e></B>:<br/>
-4'10", 80lb. Copper colored hair (a 'redhead'), pale skin and sapphire eyes. Athletic looking for a child his age.<br/>
-He's a kind, if not mischievous soul. He doesn't believe in picking on the weak, and tends to defend people from bullies. But he doesn't mind a harmless prank, or revenge if he or his friends are wronged. He's intelligent, and athletic, but has a terrible memory, except for putting names to faces. He is usually calm, and always thinking, but can easily get hyped up and energized if the motivation is there. When he gets hyper he's easily distracted. He loves animals, magical or non, and has an obsession with fire, controlled fire at least, and also loves being in water.<br/>
-At home: Golden Retriever<br/>
-At school: <IMG src=""><s>
</e></IMG> <- A Kingsnake<br/>
<B><s></s>Area of Residence<e></e></B>:<br/>
<B><s></s>Blood Status<e></e></B>:<br/>
- Not sure what you want here<br/>
<B><s></s>Special Abilities<e></e></B>:<br/>
- I'm going to try to swing for parsletongue<br/>
<B><s></s>Interests or Hobbies<e></e></B>:<br/>
- Interests: Animals, normal 11 year old stuff, learning<br/>
- Hobbies: reading, writing, video games :)D)<br/>
<B><s></s>Additional Skills<e></e></B><br/>
- He can fight, as well as strategize(sp?)<br/>
- Athletic, Intelligent<br/>
- Forgetful, easily angered, easily distracted when hyped up.<br/>
<B><s></s>Favorite place to be<e></e></B>:<br/>
- In water, or a forest<br/>
- None yet<br/>
<B><s></s>Hogwarts House<e></e></B>:<br/>
-N/A <br/>
<B><s></s>Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions<e></e></B>:<br/>
- To be the best in his classes<br/>
<B><s></s>Best school subjects<e></e></B>:<br/>
- Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Herbology (Will add more, but little is offered as a first year)<br/>
<B><s></s>Worst school subjects<e></e></B>:<br/>
- History of Magic (See above)<br/>
<B><s></s>Extracurricular Activities<e></e></B>:<br/>
- Karate, Basketball, Soccer<br/>
<B><s></s>Plans for your future<e></e></B>:<br/>
- Unsure yet<br/>
<B><s></s>Your Boggart<e></e></B>:<br/>
- A pair of red eyes in pitch darkness<br/>
<B><s></s>Mirror of Erised<e></e></B>:<br/>
- It would show him on his O.W.L. year, dressed in his gee, with a black belt, holding his OWL results with perfect scores.<br/>
<B><s></s>A page from your diary<e></e></B>:<br/>
Hi there. :)

I have just a few questions for you, if you wouldn't mind answering. :)

I find it a little funny (and ironic?) that he loves fire but also loves being in water. :lol:

Why does he have a snake for a pet?

What are his pets names? Both at home and at school.

Where in Ireland does he reside?

Who's the magical parent, his mother or father? What happened when the other found out they were magical?

(In case you didn't know yet, the application for Parselmouth can be found here. :) ) Why do you want your character to be a Parselmouth?

What House do you wish for him to be in?

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