Christobelle Montgomery

Christobelle Montgomery

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
The Basics
Character's Name: Christobelle Elizabeth Montgomery. Sometimes called Chrissie, Christa, or Belle.
Character's Birthdate: 11th June, 2001.
Hometown: London, England.
Blood Status: Muggle-Born.
Wand: Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather.
Educated At: Hogwarts (Scotland) House: Hufflepuff.
Occupation: Currently unemployed, though works as a dressmaker by commission.
Hair: Vibrant red, and cropped quite short. Perhaps the most vibrant thing about her.
Eyes: Pale blue-green.
Height: 5'5", about average height (although perhaps on the short side). Has quite a small frame.
Style: Rather eclectic, because she likes to make her own clothes. Prefers to keep to neutral colours but occaisionally brightens up. It all depends on how she feels.
Other Distinguishing Features: She has a birthmark on her left arm, which has no discernable shape, but is rather an odd arrangement of pigmentation.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Christobelle is extraordinarly shy and reclusive. Generally, she passes it off as her fraternal twin, Wallace, being the extrovert, while Christobelle is the introvert. She generally avoids contact with other people, unless she feels extremely comfortable around them (i.e. her twin brother or her cousin). In a way, this is Christobelle's own coping mechanism. When it was discovered that Wallace and Christobelle were magical, their parents were infuriated and threatened to disown them (they didn't, but relations between parents and children have always been strained). While Wallace merely took this in his stride and went about his business without care, going on to become a Gryffindor and later working in the Ministry of Magic, Christobelle, who was already born an introvert, became perhaps even more reclusive and afraid, and went through school quite lonely (although as a Hufflepuff, she had more than enough friendly housemates), before attempting to go in to retail. Her natural paralyzing shyness caused her to rethink this decision, however. Christobelle has a very hard time getting to know people, but once she does, she is unwaveringly loyal and kind.
Special Talents/Abilities: Christobelle wouldn't exactly call herself talented, but she is quite a dab hand at making clothes. They are always well-made, stylish, and fit extremely well. It is because of her skills that she occaisionally offers her services as a dressmaker - but not too often, as meeting people is extremely difficult for her.
History: Christobelle is the youngest of three children, being born half an hour later than her twin brother, Wallace. She and her brothers, Spencer and Wallace, grew up in comfort, considering their father, Wallace II, was a sitting member of the House of Lords (his place has now been taken by his eldest son, Spencer). Spencer was always the favourite, but Christobelle was by no means neglected. Unfortunately, when she and her twin were seven, their powers started to show, and their fearful family became more detached. Once they turned eleven, their letters of acceptance to Hogwarts arrived, and while their parents were hesitant, their mother's sister, who's own children had gone to Hogwarts, convinced them to send the twins.
While Wallace had an easy time at Hogwarts, Christobelle found it very difficult. She was friendly enough to her house mates and dorm buddies, but kept to herself mostly - just the way she liked it. She was always a bit of a loner, but that never really mattered to her. Wallace brought her out of her shell whenever he could, but he was in Gryffindor while she was in Hufflepuff, so Christobelle remained mostly closed off to the world.
Her grades were average, not standing out but not appalling either. She recieved Os in Transfiguration and Charms, which she hadn't expected, but it pleased her nonetheless.
After school, both she and Wallace decided that they couldn't really stay home when their parents were fearful and disdainful of their abilities, so they instead travelled overseas, exploring a little before settling in New Zealand, staying with their cousin, Isolde Glasson. Christobelle attempted to work at a clothes shop, but she decided too quickly that it wasn't for her, because her shyness did not work to her advantage in retail. Currently, she is unemployed, but she makes clothes for commission, occaisionally. She also keeps her cousin's house in order, to shake the feeling that she is the proverbial anchor around her well as her twin's.
Twin Brother: Wallace Montgomery III. Complete opposite of Christobelle - where she is introverted, he is extroverted. Though they share experiences and beliefs. He works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office in the New Zealand Ministry of Magic and Christobelle looks up to him quite a lot.
Older Brother: Spencer Montgomery. Muggle. Representative in the House of Lords. Looks down upon his younger siblings with pity and does not really care for them at all. Rather stuck-up and snobbish. Aged 29.
Father: Wallace Montgomery II. Muggle. Prideful, ridiculously so, and like his eldest son, stuck-up and snobbish. Though like his younger son, he can be hot-headed and bold at times. Less so in his old age (he is 68), but still has more backbone than Spencer. Doesn't appreciate his twin children's talents.
Mother: Elizabeth Montgomery. Muggle. More submissive - though not to the same extent as Christobelle. Owns a fashion boutique. Had hoped to pass it to her daughter, but instead had to give the management to a couple of creative, fashionable muggle women. Aged 60.
Cousin: Isolde Glasson. Half-blood. Former Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand, now unemployed though looking to do some fieldwork in History of Magic. Generous enough to offer Wallace and Christobelle a place to stay. Former Ravenclaw. Aged 30.

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