Christa's How To Survival Guide

Christa Langley

sorry, I'm a what
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Flexible Cedar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

HouseTraitsMascot & ElementNotable Traits in Action
Bravery, Courage, Chivalry, DaringLion, Fire"Standing up to a bully, defending a friend, or trying new challenges."
Hard Work, Loyalty, Patience, FairnessBadger, Earth"Always lending a hand, being dependable, and treating everyone equally."
Intelligence, Creativity, Wisdom, WitEagle, Air"Finding clever solutions to problems, excelling in academics, and thinking outside the box."
Ambition, Cunning, Resourcefulness, DeterminationSerpent, Water"Pursuing goals with focus, thinking strategically, and thriving under pressure."

*none Georgia font denotes comments from other people
This section includes;
  • A hand drawn map of Hogwarts interior, (roughly sketched with some changes clearly made) showing "important locations" each of the common rooms, the great hall, the library, the first year classrooms, the lounge and how to get to the grounds.
  • Suggested ways to organise the class schedules into easily readable sections, what food is good to eat and the best places to study and spend free time.
House "Did You Know?"
  • Gryffindor: A boy once used his bed sheets to make his halloween costume? (The Head of house was livid) I once heard someone say the Captain of the Quidditch team doesn't like one of the alternate players and that's why they're an alternate.
  • Hufflepuff: A boy in this house once broke into the Headmasters Office (I don't know if this is true or just a rumour!!!!) There was also a boy who asked if he could snip the tip off of his wand! (Don't do that)
  • Slytherin: Everyone thinks they cheat their points for the house cup (I don't know if it's true, but they have a lot of points!!) The Slytherin beaters once bludgered their own seeker nine times in one Quidditch training session. (Quidditch is a weird sport they play on brooms IN THE AIR)
  • Ravenclaw: People say they're the smartest house, but I heard a girl from this house accused someone of something that wasn't true and got punched for it (doesn't seem very smart to me.)

Accio!Hogwarts’ yearbook club, responsible for compiling and designing the annual publication that captures memories, events, and highlights of the school year.
The Brotherhood of MagicA boys’ fraternity fostering camaraderie, brotherhood, and support among its members, with activities centred on community building and magical traditions. (Boys only I think, you can avoid this one!)
Conglomerated Arts ClubA creative hub for students interested in various forms of art, including drama, dance, visual arts, and performance, encouraging self-expression and collaboration. (I'm in this!)
Heta OmegaA girls’ sorority focused on building connections, fostering leadership, and providing a supportive community for its members within Hogwarts. (I'm in this too!)
Hogwarts MonthlyThe school newspaper, where students can develop their journalistic skills by reporting on events, writing articles, and sharing stories about Hogwarts life.
Student Defence AssociationA club dedicated to practicing and improving defensive magic, including dueling, spell casting, and strategies for personal and collective safety. (I think, I'm not in this one and I don't know much about it!)
The Wild PatchA group for nature enthusiasts, focusing on herbology, gardening, and exploring the magical and non-magical aspects of the natural world. (Mum and Dad would like this!)

There are a few non essential or "unofficial clubs" I have complied a list that I have managed to find out about below.
  • Pep club (sort of like cheerleading I think)
  • Quidditch Club
  • Gobstones??? (not sure what this is)
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Spells I learnt this year (by class!)

CHARMS - “A Charm is a spell that adds certain properties to an object or creature. Charms are distinguished from transfigurations in that a charm adds or changes properties of an object; it focuses on altering what the object does as opposed to what the object is.” ~ Grayveson, Professor
  • Lumos - torch
  • Wingardium Leviosa - floats things
  • Finite - ends spell effects apparently
  • Accio - come here
  • Depulso - go away
  • Expelliarmus - drops their wand
TRANSFIGURATION - "You will learn everything from manipulating, conjuring and even vanishing the very matter that makes up our physical world. It is a discipline that demands precision, creativity, and focus." ~ Pirrip, Professor
Types of Transfiguration
  • Inanimate to Inanimate
  • Inanimate to Animate
  • Animate to Inanimate
  • Animate to Animate
  • Switching
  • Conjuring
  • Vanishing
So far I have found most of these very interesting, though I would like to learn more, and I'm not sure at what point I would need to turn my quill into a spoon, because I'm sure if I'm ever in need of a spoon, I could just go and get one.
  • Scriopea - quill into spoon
  • Flammeus Tailora - match into needle
  • Gemelitiar - book into jewellery box
DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS - "It's like, the study of how to protect yourself against dark magic and stuff? And, er, how to duel? Or something..." ~ Miles Flynn, Gryffindor
A note on rules
  • Pay attention to everything you are taught.
  • Do not fool around in class.
  • Respect the subject and its importance.
''We will practice curses, hexes, jinxes and counter-spells for each of these as you advance through the years.'' ~ Waldgrave
It's safe to say I don't understand what this class is for. I don't know why we need to learn how to hex or curse or jinx someone if we will learn how to defend against them. I also don't know the difference between them, once I find out I'll add that info here.

  • Protego - shield charm (it says it's a charm so I would have thought it should be in charms, but it's a shield so it's in Defence class. Don't ask me, I'm confused too)
  • Stupefy - stupid charm? It's something called a stunning spell, so the description of it being the stupid spell is kinda accurate actually


  1. Never practice spells on another student without supervision
  2. Pronunciation is super important!!!
  3. Make sure you make the correct motion with your wand (you're gonna look silly, but its important I promise)
  4. Don't volunteer for spell demonstration when asked - honestly just don't.
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This page is dedicated to all of the challenges I have faced so far, feel free to add your own when you get this!

Homesickness - It's probably going to happen when you least expect it, but worry not dear sister as I HAVE THE SOLUTION!

  • Write often: this section contains information on how Sabrina (or anyone reading it) will best be able to send a letter and how to pick the right non-bitey owl. It talks about the best times for her to go to the owlery, the turn around time of letters and how often she should be able to send a letter between classes and other commitments.
  • A section titled Home in a box suggests brining a small item from home, like a photo, keepsake, or a favourite books, to keep by her bedside.
  • Hogwarts will feel like home before you know it! The Great Hall becomes your family dining room, and your dormmates become your siblings.
  • A drawing of a cheerful owl carrying a letter, with a reminder to visit the Owlery when feeling down - it’s peaceful and a great place to think.
Tricky Professors - Sometimes there's gonna be a professor that just doesn't sit right with you, hopefully this will be a little how to guide for navigating the different personalities you're going to come across early at Hogwarts.
  • Waldgrave (Defence Against the Dark Arts):
    • He's very serious - you should be okay if you follow all his rules. Has a thing about casting spells on students
    • Always come prepared for a lecture, he really likes to talk
    • Ask questions if you're stuck, he likes to see his students engaged
  • Moncrieffe (History of Magic):
    • Very strict. Don't mess up in this class.
    • If you ask good questions, she gives nice points
    • If you follow her rules, she's very approachable, but doesn't suffer fools lightly
Each professor's profile is illustrated with fun doodles: a small caricature of the professor themselves and then something representative of the class they teach. For Defence, she's drawn a shield.

Vex's Schemes - One thing you'll encounter very early on at this school, is ghosts. Most of them are pretty harmless and unless you walk through them, probably won't even notice you're there. However, there is one ghost for whom trouble does not begin to describe. His name is Vex and he will try to prank you in a bunch of different ways. (Yes, ghosts are real)
  • Vex Spotting Checklist
    • The great hall rafters - Vex loves dropping things on students heads
    • Empty corridors - his favourite ambush spots include these areas, because there's no one to help or warn you here
    • Anywhere there is fragile and breakable things - he likes to throw them and make a bit of a mess
  • She has included a cartoon drawing of Vex cackling whilst upending an ink bottle onto a student
  • How to "avoid his tricks":
    • Walk confidently but stay alert - vex likes to target new and nervous students for fun
    • always keep your bags close and closed - he will try to scatter your belongings
    • if you see him, call for a professor - they can't control him but they are more likely to know how to distract him
  • She has also included a bit of a light hearted note: Don't let Vex's pranks ruin your day. Laugh it off and remember, everyone has been his victim at least once!
She has decorated this page with colourful ink splatters, a doodle of a quill floating in midair and little ghosts peeking out from the margins.

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• Hand-drawn sketches of common creatures (e.g., a house-elf, a niffler).

Quick Facts:

• “What to Do If You See a Hippogriff” (with a polite bow illustrated).
• “Why You Should Never Take a Niffler into Gringotts.”
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Fun Facts:
  • Trivia about Hogwarts (“The third-floor corridor is off-limits—don’t ask why!”).
Personal Memories:
  • Polaroid-like doodles of Christa’s favourite spots, like the Gryffindor common room or the lake.
Encouraging Quotes:
  • Uplifting words from her peers and other inspirational figures.
Blank Pages for Her Sister:
  • Encourage her to add her own notes and memories.
Magical Envelope:
  • An envelope at the back with a small gift:
    • A pressed flower from Hogwarts grounds.
    • A chocolate frog card.
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Yes I have friends, believe it or not and some of them have asked to leave comments for you. Don't worry, they're all really nice! (I promise)
Messages and Mementos from your Hogwarts Extended Family!
  • Written in sparkling gold ink, the title is surrounded by whimsical doodles of stars, owls, wands and Hogwarts crests.
  • Comments Pages: Each page is divided into section with prompts to guide her friends.
    • Leave your mark: a space for her friend to write advice, share memories or leave kind words.
    • Favourite memory so far: a spot for her friends to write about a funny or heartwarming moment
    • Words of wisdom: a box for sage advice or motivational quotes
    • Mini-doodle zone: a small blank area for friends to sketch something fun, like their Patronus, a magical plant or a favourite spell.
  • The pages are designed with borders of animated parchment that appears to shimmer and shift slightly, giving it a magical effect. (this is a colouring effect and not a magical one)
  • Stickers of magical creatures like Nifflers, Bowtruckles, and a tiny dragon decorate the corners.
There is a picture of all of the friends included along with their signature at the back of this section.
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