Choir or a Hogwarts Cheer group?

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Isla MacNiall

Well-Known Member
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Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
Well, I'm not really sure what to make, I've made a cheer group before but that's just to represent Hogwarts for Tri-wizard or if we're ever having a out of country Quidditch match. So, you can decide which ever you want to join and what group should be made (The cheer group or Choir will be part of Conglomerated Arts).

If you reply here make sure to put what group you wanted and of course why, why do you want that particular group. (Remember, Choir isn't Glee Club, if someone will make Glee Club then it is not us. The songs are more like theater or Opera) Cheer group will not be used as a stereotypical real life cheer group (like you see on the movies). I hope I'm clear and if not, just howler me on PM, if I'm not online and you want answer quickly just PM me on FB :) (its connected to my phone).
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