Chihiro Aiko, one of the Higuchi

Chihiro Aiko

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood

Full Name:
Chihiro Aiko (Higuchi)

Date of Birth:
March 3rd (During the Japanese doll festival)

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Brown hair (dyed) but naturally black
Light skin
Brown eyes


The meaning of the name Chihiro is a thousand question. And perhaps that’s the answer why Chihiro is the most curioust girl you will ever meet. Chihiro tends to ask a lot of questions to everyone, she likes to know everything about anyone and will get the answer in no time. Chihiro is a very intelligent young lady who would do anything to impress her parents. She’s also very ambitious but she’s not a brat, but she will shove anyone that gets on her way. She’s very envious even toward her cousins, so whenever her parents praise on other children, she would work XTRA hard to get her pride back.

During her spare time, she will likely dance in her training room practicing ballet or playing the viola. She had been doing these things since she was little so she had mastered it all now. She's very competitive when it comes to ballet, she wanted to be the best so whenever she see someone better than her, she will do anything to make her look better than the girl.

Chihiro is also very modiste but not as much as Koboshi. Chihiro is identical to anything Kawaii or in English cute. Kawaii had always been her trade mark, she would choose pastel colors, baby colors over black or dark colors. Many people thought she has plastic surgery but she didn't have them, at least she couldn't remember having one. She don't know if she had them when she was a baby but she's sure that she don't have plastic surgery.
She's naturally ♥ Kawaii ♥

Chihiro is very proud being Japanese and she prefer to speak in Japanese when her cousins are around. She loves wearing Kimono during Tanabata (Japanese Star festival). Her favorite Japanese festival is Hanami (Flower viewing) Which is partying beneath the Sakura during daytime or at night. Sakura is Chihiro's favorite flower, she enjoy viewing them for hours and she never get bored of them. She has envy her cousin, Sakura she wanted to be named Sakura instead of Chihiro but what's done is done.

She has a very good and tight relationship with her family including her cousins. Usually, Chihiro and her cousins spend their time together during the whole summer since the fathers of theirs would go back to Japan and do business there along with their mothers.

Chihiro has a black belt around her waist when she's wearing her Karate uniform. That means that she's good at it and is in the highest level or Karate. She's not violence but her father wants her to protect herself in case she was attacked by someone else. So that's why she had been trained since she was little. Chihiro wont attack other people unless her life is in danger.


Katsurou Higuchi, Father

Katsurou Higuchi is the 2nd child of 5 and he’s a pureblood. Katsurou run a family family business along with his siblings back in Japan and he got a lot of income from there. The family is known as the perfectionist. Both of the parents of Katsurou had passed away since they were little. They weren't rich like they are but since their parents die, Katsurou along with his brothers work as hard as they could to earn money. So for the last 20 years, Katsurou had been living in a mansion, thanks to the family business.


Hana Takeshi, Mother
Hana is a muggleborn and is the only child. She help her husband Katsurou with the business of his. Hana had been a hard worker as well but she had been staying home with Chihiro till Chihiro reach the age of 7. And then she often leave the mansion to go to Japan and rarely spend time with her daughter except if there’s a family reunion.


Keitaro Higuchi, Cousin (The prince charming)

Keitaro is the oldest cousin and had been acting like one for the whole time. He is a real gentleman and had been acting like a prince charming. He’s a well-mannered young man who is currently the 2nd wealthiest relative Chihiro had ever had. Keitaro is very intelligent and he NEVER get a “T” in his exams, at least not yet.


Koboshi Aiko, Cousin (The beauty)
Koboshi Aiko is the second oldest cousin and she often argues with Keitaro. However, the relationship of them is tight and they had love each other with their whole heart even though they often argue with each other. Koboshi is the wealthiest cousin of Chihiro’s and the most ambitious cousin. She will do anything to get people out of her way. Koboshi is known as the beauty of the family, she got the looks and she’s proud of it.


Kotaro Higuchi, cousin (Class clown)
Kotaro is the fourth oldest which makes Chihiro the third. Chihiro is older than him by month only. Kotaro is known as the class clown. He will do great things to make other people laugh. He likes to pull pranks and he’s very good at making jokes. Kotaro will pull pranks to those who bully his cousins and wont show a mercy to them. He’s not scared of anything except his father. His dad is very strict and has no sense of humor however he’s rarely home so Kotaro could do anything he want when he’s not in the mansion.


Sakura Aiko, cousin (The loyal one)
Sakura is the youngest among all. She has a very kind heart and a very friendly personality. Kotaro is the closest cousins she ever has since she often spend time in his mansion however; she’s close to the others too and loved them with all her heart. Sakura was born during the month of the blooming of cherry blossom. And that’s how she got her name, and the name suits her as well. She’s sweet, and beautiful, and a graceful young lass. Her mother is often around while her father is a hard worker.

In conclusion, they’re all are the only child and love each other.
The family had agreed that the girls will be named “Aiko” And the boys Higuchi to be inherit the name to their children in the future.

Shiba Inu (A dog)

Area of Residence:
Osaka, Japan

Blood Status:
Half blood

Interests or Hobbies:
Spend time with her cousins
Playing Viola
Playing rubik

Additional Skills:
She’s a fantastic viola player and a fantastic ballet dancer too.

The family of hers

Being left out

Describe your character in three words:
Cute, ambitious, multi-talented

Favourite place to be:
In Japan along with her cousins

IThere are too many

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To have fun

Best school subjects:
Probably Charms

Worst school subjects:
Don’t know yet

Extracurricular Activities:

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
To graduate Hogwarts and run the family business along with her father, uncles, aunties, and cousins.

Your Patronus:
A chipmunk

Your Patronus memory:
The formal party that was held at her Mansion during winter when people were praising her and her cousins.

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:
A chipmunk

Mirror of Erised:
To run the family business along with her family

A page from your diary:

Dear diary,

I’m going to Hogwarts soon along with my cousins and I’m looking forward to that. I hope all of us are sorted into the same house however that’s impossible. Since we got different personalities, goals, different way of thinking, etc. Maybe, Koboshi and I will be in the same house but I’m not sure about the rest. But well, we’re still in the same school right? Which mean that we still get to see each other and chill.
Father sent me an owl this morning; he said the Sakura this year is beautiful. How I wish to come with him but that’s impossible. He got works to do. Well this is all I got for now.

Matta ne!!! (I’ll see you later)


Heyy Sally,
just got a few questions to help you develop your character.
You can answer in either Ooc or Ic

1. What is Chihiro's favourite muggle board game and why?
2. What would I most likely find Chihiro doing on any given day?
3. Why does she dye her hair?
4. Apart from brown has she ever dyed it any other colours?
5. What is her favourite color and why?
6. Which of the cousins is she closest to? Give reasons why.
7. Which of the cousins serectly get on her nerves? Give reasons why.
8. Would she ever be persuaded into breaking rules by the cousins?
9. What would be the worst thing to happen to Chihiro before the end of this year?
10. Does she ever wish she had a brother or sister instead of cousins?


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