Cherrie Kim

Cherrie Kim

Physical therapist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
10 1/4 Rowan with Unicorn Hair Core (slightly yielding)
Full Name:
- Kim Cherrie (Kim being the surname)

Date of Birth:
- February 14, 2009

Current Age:
- 22

Basic Appearance:
- 5' 11", Almond shaped Dark brown eyes (sometimes black), Black hair just below ears, lean and muscular, baby face

- I am a very bitter person. This is because I am the result of an affair my mother had with a married man. I like to cause people pain because I find it fun to watch people suffer. I am a flirt when I see a woman that interests me. I can be very romantic and charming when I am trying to pick up woman as well. I am only 'nice' when I am at work with a patient and my co-workers. I give off a very dangerous aura though my baby face dim this aura a bit. I don't think of people as friends, but more like tools with a specific use. My mother use me to get money out of my father, so I learned how to manipulate people from her. I use the skills of others to get to where I need to be and to get what I want. I do not really know how to make friends.

- Mother: Kim Hye-ori
Age: Old and annoying
History: I find my mother to be stupid and desperate. I am surprised at how she put up with me until I turned 17. To some extent I love my mother, but I will not do many things for her as she only uses my to keep my father in her arms. My mother works as a waitress in a club.

Father: Henrie Cherrie
Age: Old
History: I have only met my mother once and that was when I was 7. I told him that I never wanted to see him ever again. My father is the CEO of a huge talent agency in France. I can ruin his imagine of I choose, but I would gain nothing but hate from exposing myself.

- A cat. Lucky Lucky is my best friend do to speak.

Area of Residence:
- New Zealand

Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood

- Korean (mother) and French (father)

Special Abilities:
- None

Interests or Hobbies:
- Counseling
- Petting Lucky
- Quidditch
- Reading romance novels
- Making portions
- Running and boxing

Additional Skills:
- None

- Strong willed
- Helpful, (when it comes to work)
- Sensitive
- Romantic
- Calm
- Serious

- Sadistic
- Bitter
- Rude
- Blunt
- Deceptive

Describe your character in three words:
- Sadistic, Bitter, and Calm

Favourite place to be:
- At home with Lucky.

Hogwarts House:
- None. Beauxbatons

Beauxbatons Hopes and Ambitions:
- While at Beauxbatons I wanted to help Quidditch be a better sport by helping the players deal with their problems and leave them off the Pitch. I became a Prefect in my fifth year. I was also a Chaser on the school team in my seventh year.

Best school subjects:
- Potions
- Charms
- Herbology
- Arithmancy
- Defense Against the Dark Arts

Worst school subjects:
- Muggle Studies
- Transfiguration
- Astronomy
- History of Magic

Extracurricular Activities:
- Chaser on school Quidditch team in seventh year

- 2027

Current Job:
- Sports Psychologist

Plans for your future:
- I plan on proposing to my girlfriend soon, but I am still thinking. I do not have very many plans as of now.

Your Patronus:
- A shark because I am never caught off guard. I always have walls up to keep people from getting up close and personal. I am remorseless when I cause people pain. Their cries for mercy don't effect me during or afterwards. I will do anything to survive, and I am able to defend myself well.

Your Patronus memory:
- When I met Anthony. She flipped my world upside down and she s perfect for me. We were at the beach and we ended up hitting it off really well. I have never felt so comfortable and loved by a person like her ever, and it means a lot to me that she is able to provide me with friends and family aren't able to.

Your Boggart:
- Black nail polish and fire.

Your Animagus:
- Shark. I did horrible in Transfiguration, so I wouldn't really know.

Mirror of Erised:
- A family.

A page from your diary:

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