Cherrie Jane Swift :-D.

Cherrie Swift

Active Member
Cherrie Jane Swift :D.


Full Name: Cherrie Jane Swift.
Date of Birth: The 26th of May 2009.
Appearance: Cherrie has long browny black hair. It's long and sits half way between her shoulders and elbows! She has big brown eyes and a fringe. Her hair is usually left down in its natural style, poker straight, but she sometimes curls it with a pencil after she gets out the shower and her hair is still wet. After that she sprays it with hair spray and leaves it to dry in, after it's dry its all ringlets and loose curls, nice!
Area Of Residence: Tasmania, Australia!
Cherrie's not small, and shes not very tall either! She stands at about 4'9, and is quite petite and skinny, but not weak!


Mother: Angelisa Swift. Angelisa is currently un-employed, as she only had her fourth child, Tamzin, 5 months ago! She is quite a small women, with long black curly hair and blue eyes! Angelisa is the daughter of two half-blood's, and she origianally lived in Glasgow, Scotland. She attended Hogwarts Scotland and was in Gryffindor!
Father: Graeme Swift! Graeme works in the ministry of magic and is son to a half-blood and a muggle-born. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. Graeme used to live in London, but him and Angelisa moved to Tasmania after marrying, wanting there kids to grow up in the sun! Graeme went to Hogwarts Scotland and was in Hufflepuff!
Baby Sister: Tamzin Swift! Tamzin is currently only 5 months old and enjoys chewing things, anything!
Big Sister: Pixie Swift! Pixie is 19 and left Hogwarts New Zealand at 18. She was in Gryffindor, like her mother, and looks a lot like her mother, except she has a softer, lighter shade of brown hair. Pixie has applied for a job as Flying Professor at Beuxbatons academy, and her application was accepted! She starts when the new school year starts!
Big Brother: Sammy Swift, known as Sam! Sam is the twin of Pixie, and is 19 too. He followed in his dad's footsteps and was in Hufflepuff when he was at school. He has short brown hair and Hazel eyes and has just started a job working in the ministry.

At Hogwarts New Zealand:

Hogwarts House (And Why): Hufflepuff - Although Cherrie is smart and brave, her biggest traits are loyalty and kindness! She is very caring and kind, and especially Loyal to even the most distant friend!
Best School Subject (And Why): Cherrie hasn't started yet, but shes sure she will enjoy all her subjects, those that require knowledge and Herbology mostly. Cherrie loves plants, thinks there fascinating, all the things they can do!
Worst School Subject (And Why): Cherrie hasn't started yet, but she doesn't think there will be a subject she'll not like, so it depends on her grades.


What would their Patronus be?: An Ape, because they are intelligent and fun, or a Dolphin, because they are also intelligent, but caring and helpful too!
What would their Boggart be?: A T on all her Exams, or a friend in need, were she couldn't help them!
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one): Cherrie's animagus form would proborbaly be a Dolphin, because there helpful and caring!
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Herself, a third year with a prefects badge on. Helping those who needed help and being as caring and kind as she always is, having got O's on all of her exams.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The moment her baby Sister was born! Cherrie got to hold her sister before anyone else, even her mum, as she was in quite a state and had to be whisked away for a bath! Cherrie had never felt so proud, she even got to pick her sister's name, Tamzin!


A Rolpelay: Cherrie awoke as her alarm clock rang out, loudly! Yawning, she sat up and wodered were she was, before a grin spread over he face and she remembered! She was at Hogwarts New Zealand, in her Hufflepuff dorm room she shared with other girls. Spotting the time and date on her clock, Cherrie jumped out of bed happily and grabbed her shower things from her trunk, she wanted to be nice and fresh for her first day of lessons.
An hour later, She was making her way out the Common room and down to the Great Hall. Talking and laughing echoed in her ears as she entered it and she took a seat between two girls at the Hufflepuff table. Shoveling toast and orange juice down her throat, she finished quickly and headed up to her first class, Defence Against the Dark Arts. There she waited for the Professor and other students to arrive, being first there. Maybe she shouldn't have rushed her breakfast so much, but she was just far too excited and eager to wait!

A Diary Entry: Dear Diary,
I arrived at Hogwarts New Zealand today! Its amazing. From the Great Hall and Grounds, to the Hufflepuff Common room. Yehp i was placed in Hufflepuff! The house i wanted, like Dad and Sam. I think it's the right place for me, the Sorting Hat seems to think so too =D.
I've grabbed a bed in a dorm room with four other girls, and made friends with them. It's so exciting to be here, and i still cant believe it. Been walking about with a grin on my face like a dooley all day!
Anyway, i have to go send a letter to Mum and Dad, i promised i would let them know what house I'm in and how I'm going!
Ill write more later, bu for now, Byee.

Cherrie =D(K).

(((Hey, just as noone as questioned your character yet, I thought I'd give it a shot... bear in mind that these questions are OOC for me but IC for you.... You can either roleplay answering them or answer like it was a questionaire/application or something.

Oh by the way you may notice that some of my questions have sub questions those are just to help you out and push the thinking process a little further.

1. You seem to take a lot of care with your hair. How old were you when you started caring? Is there anyone in particular you are trying to impress? Is this something you learnt from your mom? sister?

a)I see you live in Australia, because your parents wanted you to grow up in the hotter climate. So what was it like? How did it change your childhood?

b)What is your favourite childhood memory? Did you show any signs of magic?

a)With your mother/sister having been in Gryffindor and your father/brother in Hufflepuff was there any pressure put on you to be in (or not in) a specific house? b)Now that you are a Hufflepuff will pressure be placed on Tamzin to be a Gryffindor to even it out?
c)You seem really happy and excited to be a Hufflepuff. How would the feeling have been different if you had been in Gryffindor? Ravenclaw? Slytherin?

4. What was it like growing up in such a large family? What about being the youngest child? WHat were the struggles? Triumps? Good Things?

5. You said your mother is currently un-employed as she has just had a child? What did she do before? Was her career one of the things she had to give up to have so many children?

6. If your mom lived in Glasgow and your dad lived in London was there any opposition (from families? friends? coworkers?) to them moving to Australia? Have you ever been to visit your family in Scotland or England (if any still exists)?

7. After seeing a few different lifestyles and jobs through your parents and siblings what do you think you'll do when you leave Hogwarts?

8. Was it hard to leave your baby sister when you came to Hogwarts knowing that you'll miss seing her grow up? Was there any question of you not comming because of that?

9. Having twin siblings were there any pranks or jokes they played on you or your parents?

10. Where did your love of herbology come from? Was planting and plants a part of your childhood or was it just something you seemed born with?

11. You had three things representing your hearts greatest desire. What do you think the deepest feeling is? Suceeding? Being Needed? Feeling Accepted?

12. Is there something that motivates you to be so caring and helpful? A moment when you were younger and weren't helped? The great feeling you received from a caring family? The thought that it may be you who needs the help next?

13. The name Tamzin is quite a different one. What made you choose that for your baby sister?

14. Although your sister is still very young have there been any signs yet that she may be a little "different"?

Sorry about all the questions :p I just got a little carried away!! Good job though! I look forward to meeting your character someday. )))

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