Open Cheer On

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Hazel Ashworth

🧵Quirky | Try-Hard | Fashion Designer| ACCIO 📸
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2049 (13)
Hazel thought she looked really nice in her costume this year. It wasn't as unique as she liked to normally dress, but thankfully she hadn't seen that many cheerleaders this year. She had two green and silver pompoms to go with her outfit and was trying to figure out an easy way to carry them while also holding her drink. She settled on clenching them under her arm as she moved around the room. Hazel was looking for her friends, wondering if they were all together without her. Probably, as they all came from the same dormitory. Hazel edged past a group of older kids and looked around before sighing. Where were they? She spotted her brother jumping out at some poor girl and grimaced. He was such a menace, but she wasn't going to say anything to him. It seemed like her and Logan had some sort of unspoken agreement not to really talk to each other, which was fine by her.
Kyousuke wasn't sure about his costume. It was perhaps a step up from his previous one, though everytime he looked in the mirror he was freshly surprised by his own blond hair. Kyousuke entered the great hall, looking around for someone he recognised. He noticed Hazel within a few minutes, making a beeline towards her through the crowds of people. She looked good. Well, she always looked good, so perhaps it wasn't worth commenting on really. Kyousuke just wished she wasn't as out of his league, feeling a stab of inadequacy that he quickly shoved away. There was no point dwelling on any of that. He approached Hazel, finally reaching her after a minute or so of getting through the crowds. "Hey, Hazel," he said, trying to sound calm and collected and in all honesty he was probably succeeding at that. "Need help?" he then asked, noticing her having to hold her pom poms with her drink. "You're costume's cool, uh, by the way."
Hazel turned away from her brother as she noticed someone approaching her. She smiled at the sight of Kyousuke, she really liked him. When Lucy had started babbling about getting boyfriends, he was the first person who jumped into her mind. But how did you do that, did you just ask? What if he didn't want to? She smiled at him quickly. "Oh, I can manage." She said. "But if you want to hold them for a bit, it would be nice. Until I finish my drink?" She smiled at him. "You look very cute." She said, then grinned as he complimented her outfit. "Thanks!"
Kyousuke nodded. "I can do that," he said, offering to take her pom poms off of her and accidentally brushing her hand with his as he did so. "Sorry," he blurted before he could think better of it. Damn, now he couldn't pretend he hadn't noticed doing it. Heat was rushing to his cheeks. Hazel then said he looked cute and the blush deepened. Okay, this was okay. Everything was fine. "It was kind of last minute," Kyousuke admitted, wanting to keep talking to distract himself. "The hair's not too much?" He touched it absent-mindedly.
Hazel noticed now Kyousuke’s hand brushed against her own and it made her feel oddly tingly. She let out a nervous giggle. “No worries.” She said quickly. “And thanks!” She quickly sipped her drink, glancing over at Kyousuke as he touched his hair. She reached over and lightly touched it too. “No, it’s cute.” She said, lowering her hand again. “You look angelic.”
Kyousuke felt...he wasn't sure what he felt. He didn't know if he liked it, and yet he wanted more of it. She was touching his hair. She called it - him - angelic. A small smile graced Kyousuke's lips, the only hint besides a light blush that anything was happening beneath the surface. "Thanks," he murmured, surprised at how happy this all made him. And yet he was sure Hazel didn't feel the same way. His smile faded slightly. "You, uh, maybe want to dance after you finish your drink?" he asked, not sure where that came from. He wasn't the biggest on dancing but he'd been practicing in case something like this came up. He hadn't thought he'd be the one to suggest it.
Hazel wasn't sure why, but she had hoped for a bit more of a reaction from Kyousuke. She had been flirting, hadn't she? It hadn't been an entirely conscious choice, but she was sure that's what it had been. Yet, he just said thanks. Was that supposed to happen? But then, thankfully, he asked her to Dance. She beamed and nodded. "Yeah! I'd love to!" She said brightly, taking a big sip of her drink so she could finish it faster.
Kyousuke, oblivious to Hazel's intentions, was at least glad she'd said yes. "Sorry - I didn't mean to make you rush," he said as she took a big sip of her drink. He was getting a bit antsy now. Halloween didn't usually change their music to a slow dance, but suddenly just the possibility of that was making him nervous. He both wanted it and didn't want it, a conflict deep in his heart.
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