Checking out the NZ trophies

Sakura smiled as she saw Bella through the cabinet trying to get her attention. She knew exactly what was up with her and didn't mind that she was going to head down to the Great Hall. Cyndi was persceptive enough to pick up that Bella had been upset, the truth had been she just hadn't wanted to stay in a room with strange boys longer than ten seconds if she could help it. Being a half Veela was so not easy.

"You're a prefect?" she smiled at her, "Very cool and so is he?" she pointed to the name on the trophy and figured the name must be native to New Zealand as she had never heard of it before. Then noticing James had come in Saks rolled her eyes and continued looking at the trophies, Bella finally left and James made a bee line to also scope out the cabinets.

"That is not true of me, don't listen to him" she glared at him before walking further down the room to another cabinet. This one held trophies for the most points and there again was the boys name.
"Did he not think to give anyone else a chance?" she smiled.
Dominik watched as a slew of others crowded into the already packed space. One of which happened to be a boy from an opposing school. "Well it seems that this party has gotten slightly crowded. A bit too much for me. I'm just going to show myself out." he said as he flashed another smile. He turned to walk out, but not before sizing up the other boy, James. Dom gave him a once over and just chuckled to himself and headed out of the trophy room and out to the ship to catch up with Nic.
Cyndi heard a guy come toward her asking her about giving them a tour. She laughed at the idea. "Sure," she said. "There's not much to it tho'." Before she began, Cyndi turned to Sakura and smiled, "Don't worry. I know he's joking."

"Umm...well, we have trophies of every Hogwarts New Zealand top points scorer. That means they did the best in classwork, homework and stuff...Notice that I am not on any of them." Cyndi said with a laugh. She had never been able to beat Bruin or Estrella in points nor did she necessarily want to.

"We also always give out awards at Halloween for best costumes. You can see the costumes here. We have a party and guys should come." Cyndi added. "It's always really fun."

"And we also have the house cups. Last year, my house won the cup." Cyndi said with a note of pride. "Umm...that's it, I guess." Cyndi said when she was done. She hoped she had not bored them to death.
Zazuka hung back a bit. She wanted to go on the tour with with then not because she hadn't seen the trophy room before but because she wanted to obsurve more everyone. Zazuka didn't really have a way with crowds so she just stayed agains the glass to keep her balence. Dominik's smiles where making her feel woozy. Her eyes widened when she saw who came into the room next. James Potter! She cryed in her mind. A bit of her sences came back to her when Dominik went away. She also found her voice.

"I made that costume you know. Well most of it I had to go to Madem Malkin's to get it charmed. Now that I look at the picture it really does look like my middle was replaced by an hour glass." She said almost all at once. She metely smaked herself. She hadn't suttered but she had picked up on another bad habbit. The one that made it seem like she was in hurry to get something out.
Isabella looked at the different trophies for the first time since she had entered the room, or been at school while listening to Cyndi's explanations. "So Slytherin hasn't won the House Cup?" Isabella asked, feeling a little naive. "Have we at least come close?" she asked.
Then she heard Zazuka say she made a costume. "I'm sorry, but which costume are you talking about?" she said while looking at all the different funny costumes from all the years.
Zazuka looked over the picture of all of them at the Holloween feast and spoted her's. "That one right there." She said pointing at the Time Piece in the corner.


Zazuka sighed. It had taken her forever to make the effect come out right and she was only going to ware it for that day. Then again she had started to work on the one for this year already. Zazuka was really into holloween.
"Wow!" Isabella breathed. "It's really incredible, and must've taken ages!" she said.
"I really like Halloween! My parents used to have this huuuge Halloween party at our house and it used to get really crazy..." Isabella trailed off, not wanting to talk about the crazy things her parents got into. "Of course my favorite part was always trick-or-treating," she laughed.

Then she turned her attention back to Sakura, remembering that James said she had won alot of trophies. "What House are you in over at your school Sakura?" she asked.
"Cyndi this is great" she smiled, "Its actually very similar to back home though we don't have any Halloween parties with trophies we have small parties I guess in our common rooms but nothing massive. Definitely will come along to that."
Glancing at all the trophies and noticing the Halloween ones.
"Nice Zazuka, very nice" the costume was indeed very inventive and imaginative, Sakura would probably have thrown a black bag on and thought herself a genius for coming up with that.

The youngest girl of the group asked her a question and she turned to nudge James.
"See what you did now they think I'm either a mad trophy hoarder or just mad. Isabella take anything the gallant James Potter says to you with a bucket of salt because a pinch is never enough. I won the most points for my third and fourth year, our team won the quidditch cup three years in a row except for last year. We won't talk about that, though there was only a ten point difference and I've just won them for daft things over the years. I mean I'm not muggle born or anything but alot of my friends back at Beauxbatons were and they got me into absailing and skateboarding and stuff, so much so I used to enter competitions. Oh and we're both Gryffindor, James is our Captain and seeker and I'm the keeper".
Zazuka laughed into her hand. "Really? I would think anything could be dispelled with a pinch of salt. Anyway that's great about the interschool Quiddich cup. My best friend is on the Gryffendor team here." She said with a bright smile really she was stuggling to come up with things to say.
"What are the teams here like then? Is she any good?" Sakura turned to Cyndi, now that the can of worms was opened she couldn't stop herself. Saks was an out and out quidditch nut.
"Do you play on any team Cyndi?"
"Wow that's cool," she said as Sakura mentioned all the things she did. "I wish I could try out different sports but my dad would never let me," Isabella rolled her eyes. He didn't want 'Daddy's Princess' getting hurt. Although the only sport he did let me play was Quidditch, which is ironic since you have to be about 50 feet in the air to play! I just tried out for the Slytherin Quidditch team. I don't know any results yet but I don't think I did too bad..." she suddenly looked unsure. "I'm sorry I've rambled on just too much," she said, slightly out of breath. "I just like Quidditch alot," she said as a form of explanation for her rambling.
"Then you're in the right company" smiling at the photographs of the Halloween costumes behind the trophies James moved down to the next cabinet.
"You lot really like your trophies. You left out the girl band you were in Saks, she's very modest our Saks is. Only time for everything but no time for L...O...V...E..." he sing songed every letter of the last word grinning at her.

"I'm sure you did great half pint," he winked at Isabella before turning to the other young girl, "Do you play Zazuka?"
After pushing the Oh my gawd James Potter is talking to me thought away Zazuka shook her head. "I'm extremly uncoordenated and easy to stare down. Also I don't care much for competion unless it's academic. I like to keep at the top of my class. Hasn't worked so far." She said fixing her almond shaped glasses. On anyone else they would have looked silly but on Zazuka they seemed to fit somehow.
"Hey I resent that! I'm 5'2" thank you very much," she said directed towards James but couldn't help but smile anyway.

Then she told Zazuka "Spoken like a true Ravenclaw," then laughed.
Zauzka blushed. She quickly put her hands on her cheeks so it wouldn't be seen until it went down. "Oh dear your right. Then again it is in my nature." She said but she gave Isabella a big smile. Zazuka really didn't take things that siriosly. Most of the time she liked to day dream rather than study.
Cyndi was a little overwhelmed by the amount of conversation that broke out after her little "tour" was done. She did pick up on one thing though. "Yea, I'm a beater on the Gryffindor team" she answered as the group began discussing quidditch. "We should all practice together sometime. It would be fun."
James smiled and Cyndi and then gave Sakura a knowing look. That really wouldn't be a bad idea at all. It would be great if they got to play here for the year they were away actually. A thoughtful pensive look crossed his face before regaining any semblence of composure again he turned to Zazuka.
"You could always do the commentating for the game, you got a great voice" he smiled at her hoping she wouldn't blush again, no matter how adorably odd she looked.
"And there is no way you are 5'2" half pint come on, I'm 6' easily and you definitely only come about half way to me" he walked on to the next cabinet loving the fact that he could tease the smaller girls. They drove me mental back home but here they had so far pretty much left him alone which he was grateful for but his love of teasing and making light fun with girls in general would never diminish.
"A beater eh, nice very nice" muttering to himself as he scoped out another few of the trophies.
Sakura turned at the mention of beater, she loathed that position. Not in her own team of course but on their schools Slytherin team from last year. The memory rackled her even now and was the main reason she now wore goggles all the time on the pitch.
Knowing exactly what James was getting at when he looked at her, she too grew thoughtful.
"That's not a bad idea Cyndi. James we can talk about it later, I could send a message to the captain" looking back down at the trophies she noted his full name Bruin Dumbledez. Half listening as James teased the other Isabella and told Zazuka she could be commentator she smiled. He may tease alot but he had also boosted so many young girls confidence levels back home she thought he had a gift for it. Smiling she turned around to them.

"You know its not a bad idea or even a reporter to write about the game, that way you can still be part of all the hype".
"Oooh a Beater? You have to be tough for that position! You're hardcore Cyndi!" Isabella said all the while trying to make herself taller. She found it so funny how all her life she was always taller than most girls and here she couldn't even reach their head! "I play Chaser," Isabella said simply.

She heard Sakura say towards Zazuka and she that someone could be the commentator or a reporter on the game and frowned. Of course they didn't want them to play with them, being so small and not Gryffindor, she thought rolling her eyes. But reporting on the game didn't sound like a bad idea so Isabella piped up again saying "I just joined the Hogwarts Monthly so I wouldn't mind writing a story on that actually."
Zazuka looked up in thought. "I could couldn't I. I do sing a little so commetating wouldn't that much of a streach." She said her voice getting dreamyer. She listened to the other's talk. "Beater... Wow you have to careful not to get hit yourself don't you? Though I think that anyone that can play quiddich well is gifted." She said puting her hand over her lips to hid a small laugh.
"You should get Sakura to tell you about her run in with Andrew Shirts last year the Slytherin beater, course we rarely call him shirts we usually leave the r out" he grinned turning to face them with his hands now firmly rooted inside his pockets, winking at Saks he knew she'd probably kill him for bringing it up.
Sakura laughed and nudged James as she walked past him. That story was ghastly and there was no way she was going to tell the younger girls, she didn't want to end up turning them off quidditch at all.
"Another time perhaps, Cyndi thanks for the tour. I hope we haven't taken up too much of your time here" she smiled at the girl.
Cyndi blushed as some of them complimented her on being a beater. She didn't think much of it. In fact, it seemed to come quite naturally to her. When somebody named Andrew Shirts was mentioned, Cyndi looked toward both James and Sakura confusedly. "You'll definitely have to tell me that story sometime." She said with a laugh.

Cyndi smiled back at Sakura for thanking her. "Oh it was no problem. It was really great to meet you and James. You too, Isabella." Cyndi s aid. "And it was nice to see you again, Zazuka." Cyndi added. She knew Zazuka was friends with a few of the younger Gryffindors. "Well, I think I'm gonna go now. I have a lot of homework to catch up on." Cyndi said those last words with a disgusted look on her face. She would much rather stay here but knew she needed to get her work done. "I'll see you guys around" Cyndi said as she left the trophy room.
Zazuka smiled wide and waved. "Nice to see you again too Cyndi." She said brightly. She looked at Sakura and laughed. "When you have the time?" She asked. Zazuka was easy to stare down but not so easy to scare. She just knew what her limits where and how to rispect them.
"Yes Zazuka when I have the time I might be persuaded to tell you though it is highly unlikely. These type of stories are best left on the pitch, it would totally turn you off quidditch playing" she smiled before waving to Cyndi as she left, "take care and see you in class".
She looked at a few more of the trophies before her then turned to the others.
"Well I don't know about you lot but I need to get some food in me. I'm sure I'll see you all again at some point. Take care. James I'll see you later" she walked to the door of the trophy room and turned to survey the room once more. Nice definitely a nice selection for a school that had was so young still.

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