
Asparuh Zhefarovich III

Ex-Death Eater / Horcrux Creator
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 17" Core of Crow's Feathers and Poplar 16 1/2" Core of Basilisk's Fang
October 31st, 1949
Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich the Third was not very pleased with some of the members of his family. He had been recording some of the missions that he had sent others on. All of them met the deadlines, but there was one member that did not. One of the best members he had in his little coven, and it was Hades Lutrov. Why did he not get his work done when the deadlines were rather reasonable. Asparuh had ran his mind, and there was but one thing on his mind and that was Etoile Lefevre. Asparuh planned this meeting, and he had to be precise with it. He knew that Hades would be out shopping for his two new arrivals, and then the woman would be left home alone. Somehow that woman was staying there and as displeased he was about Hades going after a Lefevre, he could say nothing because the children produced were purebloods. This was something that he should be used to, and that inbreeding will not be tolerated, and that was if and only if the Zhefarovcih blood mingled with itself. Asparuh would not allow that, not while he was still around and it seemed like he would still be around for another hundred years. He would look the same as well, knowing him and his family. Asparuh had paced in front of the tree before he decided that now would be the best time. He would not tell anyone where he was going because in this family, he alone held the highest authority. No one should ask him where he is going, he would share it if needed.Disapparating from the Zhefarovich Manor, and arriving in a pool of black smoke, the Death Eater stood in the corner.

The corner was basked in shadows, and in his eyes he could see what he thought was a dark nursery. He was right behind the door, and he could see Etoile laying one of the new additions to his family rested into the crib. A boy and a girl, and he knew their names already. Asparuh knew the names of everyone on the tree, and those added in. Some were coming and going from the tree, and with the new regulations set in place, no one was free from them. Asparuh could see that this woman was different than the others. Asparuh would have used his Legilimency but he did not unless she seemed to be hiding something. Asparuh used his hand to slowly close the door with a soft click, and with a wave of his hand, the door locked and sealed. There was an anti-apparation spell set that could not be lifted except by him. Asparuh watched her before he stepped out of the shadows and he folded his arms across his chest, almost expecting a reaction but it was hard to tell anything with the back being turned. He would not expect her to kneel to him like every other family member in the family that would otherwise. She was not apart of the family but he had a feeling that she might be one of these days. He thought that it would be best to keep her from his mother. She might be a ghost but she loved the Lefevre women. Asparuh decided to make himself known. His voice was deep, cold, bone-chilling, laced with a heavy Bulgarian accent, "Alas, it is about time we have a chat." Asparuh was not giving someone an option, but there was a lust in his eyes, one that read out blood lust. He had dealt with too much in the past few years, and he was not going to allow some young woman to question him, family or not.
Etoile Lefevre was utterly exhausted as of late. Taking care of twin babies was a lot harder than she ever expected it to be, even with people helping her out. The most difficult part had to be getting some sleep when they refused to go to bed when she wanted to rest and when they wanted to rest, Etoile needed for them to be fed and stuff. It was hard working around their schedule when she was trying to follow her own. But she loved her children. Even if they were a part of Hades and she was trying everything within her power to keep him out of her life. They were a part of her as well and that was what she enjoyed. There wasn't a single thing about them that she disliked. They both had the most beautiful eyes, precious hair, and even though she tried not to say much about it, they had the most adorable smiles as well. Pure and full of true happiness. They depended on her and actually became comforted when she was around. Which was what most mother's wanted, what any girl wanted. To be needed and desired by someone. Her children was the last bit of happiness she felt in her life but she worried for them because she thought that if Iulian Pisces ever figured out he would kill her children because it was her fault that his best friend was killed. It was her fault that his best friend was always miserable. She kept refusing to marry him and be his so in the end she was blamed for his demise. Which was just stupid because she shouldn't have to marry him. She didn't love him! She would never admit a lie to someone because it wasn't true. Right now Hades was off somewhere and with him being gone Etoile had a moment to breath to herself. Her daughter had finally fallen asleep and all was quiet within the house. Ever since Hades had come back from his little trip she had been forced to deal with him and his attachment to her day in and day out. If anything he had gotten worse with bothering her because now he was actually trying to do things to make her happy so she had to fight against him and his actions towards her. Why the hell was he trying so hard to piss her off, or whatever it was that he was trying to do. And the whole thing between him and Iulian often sent her into a flurry of emotions because she never expected for Hades to get like he did. Especially after someone who had nothing against Hades personally, just against her.

Etoile turned and gasped when she heard the most chilling voice address her. Although she was not the easiest to scare the tall man easily intimidated her to the point of her growing worried for her safety. He was so tall and so dark looking. He was handsome in a sense too, but Etoile could barely register that because she had grown worried that she would be crushed by him. Even though there was a strike of fear within her over this man she dared herself to be brave and to stand her ground. "Who are you?" Etoile asked the man, her silvery green eyes lifted up to stare at him. She wanted to know who he was and why he was here but she was unsure whether questioning him like that was a good idea or not. He seemed like he already had a set reason for being inside Hades' home so she figure it would just be better to see what he wanted. And he wanted to chat with her. "A chat about what?" Etoile asked softly as her pale fingers flitted across the dress she wore. Had she done something wrong that this man needed to address? Was he sent here by Hades to kill her? Or was he just here because he needed her help for something. She did not know who he was and she did not know what he wanted either. It worried her.​
Asparuh listened as she gasped when he had addressed her. That was the type of response that he would want the most because fear was the one emotion that Asparuh understood from others. He could see it in the eyes, and he narrowed them down at the girl. She seemed young, and tiny. He could easily pick her up and swing her around like a ragdoll. If anything, he wanted Hades to have no more females if he had left this one. Asparuh no longer cared about the interbreeding of family's as long as no Zhefarovich blood bred with another one of his bloodline. He would not have that and slaughter that entire family if needed be. She had ever right to wonder who he was and how he entered into this safehouse so easily. One could enter into it if that person was the one that built it. He had needed these places because he was on the run many years ago from the Ministry. Asparuh was asked who he was and he was not very surprised by this anyway. He had expecting something like this, but he would have expected Hades to inform this woman to know that she would have to sooner or later meet the Patriarch of the family, the one that could slaughter them all if they all got on his nerves. He killed without reason, and he would continue doing so. Luckily for her, she was not on the list to die. Not unless she screwed that up this evening. Asparuh introduced himself, "I am Asparuh Zhefarovich the Third, Patriarch of the Zhefarovich Family. The one that is the great-grandfather to your children, the twins." Asparuh did not hesistate to look her over once to see her body. She seemed rather skinny, someone that did not look like she was capable of giving birth to twins at all. Asparuh narrowed his black eyes once more at her as well.

"You are Etoile Hera Lefevre, very distant relative to my wife, Danielle Lefevre. I know a lot about you, how you are involved with my Guardian, Hades." Asparuh paused for a moment, before he added, "I do not know you as a person, and I do not care to know. That is not why I am here." Asparuh glared at her before he waved his hand and conjured a chair before he motioned for her to sit down. This might take a while, but she might not like what he would have to say to her. To his understanding, she did not like Hades so much, and that was none of his concern. His concern was his lack of doing his job and how this woman was interfering. He was not liking his Guardian's work. He would have a good chat with him next. First things first, the object that was causing the sloppy work. Asparuh glanced down at the floor and he almost sneered at what he was going to talk about to her. Asparuh stated, "It has come to my attention, as I went through my grandson's mind, that someone that manages to dislike him so much has caused him to fall in love. My Guardian Hades is being distracted from his work, because he is in love with you. It fascinates me that someone like you could entice \someone like him. Now, I want to rectify the situation. I don't care what has happened in your life, but you are destroying Hades' life. His love for you unmatched is causing him not to process mentally, which is pissing me off. Now, you will have to get over your pathetic little selfish tantrum that you are throwing right now, and lower down those walls. One year, I want to see improvement, or else those twins of yours die, and you will watch them. I will talk with Hades as well, seeing as you are the object of this, I can't destroy love, or else I would." Asparuh seemed like he was getting darker and harsher, and his facial expression was also fearsome, yet he also expected this girl to have a reaction that he would not like.
Etoile lifted her silvery green eyes and watched the man with a look of disbelief and slight worry, never had she seen a man with such extreme height and a look of powerful fierceness. She worried that she may need to watch out for her own safety with him around. The feeling she had around this man reminded her of the way she felt when Iulian Pisces was around her, nothing but downright fear. But she knew she needed to be somewhat strong and keep her ground. He introduced himself as Asparuh Zhefarovich III, who was in turn the Patriarch of some family. One she had heard of from time to time due to Danielle, her mother, and Iulian Pisces from time to time. What was said about them was different for each person but she was aware that they were in legion with the Lefevre's and Danielle was close to the family somehow. But Etoile wasn't sure yet. There was also the fact that he was the great-grandfather of her children. So he was Hades' grandfather was he? 'This was the absolute last thing I wanted. For his family to get involved.' Etoile sighed and brought a hand up to her face to momentarily hide her growing distress. Etoile wanted Hades family to stay out of it because she felt that bringing his family into it would make her seem like they were really together or something. Which they were not, even if Hades tried to make them seem like so. Family meant having more people involved in her life and it was making the process of cutting herself off from others a lot harder than she imagined it was going to be. When Etoile removed her head she left her gaze drop to the floor. Perhaps Asparuh wanted to see his grandchildren and question their future? But Etoile figured there was a lot more than that, especially with the way he had closed the door and everything. Not even seconds passed before he revealed that he knew what her entire full name was, but that he was also married to Miss Danielle. This was her husband? Was he also the man that had broken her heart all those years ago and everything? "You are the man that Miss Danielle married? I thought she had her heart broken by you...." Etoile wasn't aware that this wasn't the man that had done that. And she didn't know if she would come to regret asking this man what she just had. But it wasn't like she knew. But he carefully explain that he did not know who she was as a person and he did not care to know wither. It was not why he was there and Etoile was immediately struck. What was his problem? If he did not come here to know her or anything why bother coming here to see her? It seemed that he wasn't going to leave her without an answer long either. Etoile watched quietly as he waved his hand and conjured a chair before he motioned for her to sit down, which she did without a single word or sound coming from her. Her long ebony hair flowed around her graciously as she did so.

Etoile wanted to intervene and say that she was not involved with Hades, she was just merely trapped here by Hades. Asparuh practically sneered at her as he spoke, but his words were far harsher than the tone. Because his words were absolutely the last thing she wanted to hear. He started to go on about how he went through his grandson's mind. "You are a Legilimens?" Etoile asked as she blinked and held her posture tall and strong. Him being a Legilimens sort of worried her, did that mean he could easily go through her mind at any moment and tell Hades and the other's things about her. Would he know everything about her without even trying? Asparuh went on and started to talk about how it had come to his attention that someone who disliked Hades a lot had caused Hades to fall in love with them. Etoile raised an eyebrow at Asparuh. As if to to question what he had just told her. But she remained silent and kept listening to what he had to say. He even went as far as to tell her that Hades is being distracted from his work because of her. Because he is in love with her. Etoile's mouth dropped in absolute horror. He had to be joking! 'I try everything I can think of to make him miserable and repulsed by me and the stupid bastard goes and falls in love?! What the hell?!' Etoile was at a loss for words. This couldn't be true at all. Someone being in love with her? That was just stupid! She was ugly, plain, aggressive, mouthy, morbid, and stubborn. How could anyone be attracted to that kind of person? But she was destroying Hades' life? How about how he was destroying hers? Etoile offered to leave and let their bond break but he was the one who insisted on her being with him. The fact that Hades loved her but she hated him was supposedly making him slack in his work. How was that her fault? Etoile could not control him or his emotions, and she certainly couldn't make herself fall in love with him. And if in one year's time she didn't improve he would kill her babies. Finally Etoile had lost it and stood up from the chair, her thin body barely able to stand up at tall to his tall for. "In love with me? There has to be some sort of mistake! I have tried everything within my power to keep him from falling for me." Etoile exclaimed. How was it that she failed to repel him from her? How was it that she was it that he passed right on by her falls and traps she set for him. What was it that she had done wrong? "Sir, in all cannot force someone to fall in love. Why is this being put into me? Why can't Hades and I just separated and hope that his feelings wane? Is there nothing else that could be done to rectify this?" Etoile asked as she ran some fingers through her long dark hair. Etoile did not want to fall in love. She did not want to open her heart to Hades, but it seemed that everything was working against her and it was all instead working to Hades' favor. Was there no one and nothing on her side when it came to this torture everyone called a relationship?​
Asparuh might not be the best man to really get on the wrong side of, but what she said really made him a little more than befuddled and caught off guard. Not many could do that, and she seemed to perhaps know more than he did on certain aspects of Danielle's life. That was his wife, and they may be in a loveless marriage, but it still bothered him that this woman that was a complete stranger to him and becoming what he thought would be a nuisance, but he did not know \much anyway about the Lefevre family. He had stopped his quest to take over families once his own started to move around with something that he did not enjoy. Asparuh had moved his head slightly to stare her down and wonder if she was really serious, and he could not detect a lie. There was nothing in there, and she was merely wondering if that was true, if he had been the one. Asparuh shrugged once, and he said coolly, "No, we are not the same man. I do not know the other man, but if you have any information, do tell." Asparuh kept his arms folded across his chest, and he doubted that this girl would wise up but considering her young age, he doubted that it would do no good. Driven by hormones, he hated speaking to people like that, but he had to get things here fixed in his family, and truth be told, he did not mind killing again, because it had been a while since he had killed. He needed something to really use to get a good kill in. then again he wondered if she would piss him off enough to bring anything horrid against her. He gladly would actually, because he had a way of getting things done.

"Yes," he said coldly to Etoile when she asked that he was a Legilimens. He was a fully accomplished one as well, and he knew that just looking into her eyes, he could see the depths of her mind, and hear her thoughts ringing within his own if tried hard enough. He narrowed his eyes when Etoile's mind was rather hostile with her words, and it caused Asparuh to even voice his own, "Keep that mind voice down, I hear it in my head." He narrowed his eyes icily at her but it was not like she could control it, so he did not hold all blame to her. However if it was one thing that Asparuh hated, it was someone telling him that he was making a mistake, because he never made a mistake. Not when it came to things like this. Asparuh stood up from the chair that he had conjured up as well, and then with one smooth motion, his hand went to grab Etoile by the throat to simply hold her in a threatening embrace and to move the slender girl to the wall. Asparuh hissed, "I have never made a mistake, get that through your head, girl. You got yourself in this sticky situation, now I am not saying 'falling in love' so don't stick those words into my mouth. However, obviously separating won't work, as he had tried that. I've seen. Now, start opening up or changing your game plan, or else my promise will become a threat. I can see that you are starting to warm up to him." Asparuh released the slender form from his grasp before he took a step back and he cracked his knuckles before he averted his eyes to the room around. "I can see us getting along if you deflate that ego, or I can be the one that kills you, so I would just change up your game play, and if I hear about something getting worse, someone is going to pay. Speaking of, who is this Iulian Pisces that Hades has tried to kill?"
Etoile kind of wished she hadn't opened her big fat mouth when it came to Danielle's personal life. She thought this was the man that had broken her heart but now that it turns out he wasn't she was worried that Miss Danielle would find out and get upset with her. So immediately Etoile shook her head and took a step back from Asparuh. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you. I mean you kind of scare me, but frankly Danielle scares me a little bit more." Etoile told Asparuh softly. Actually she wished she could tell him because he looked like he was better for her than that jerk of another man. Plus for all she knew he could actually help her get over it, well then again he claimed he didn't love. But so did Hades. Was this man just hiding what he felt or could he really say there was no love involved? It sort of confused her but in a way Etoile could almost feel like Asparuh and her were similar. If they could both of them would live without others in their life and just do their own thing. But it seemed that neither of them had a choice. Especially Etoile, because her being alone would involve her death thanks to Hades and his desire for her to be with him. Surely Asparuh would understand her desire to be alone. It was something she wanted so badly but it seemed that she couldn't have. Did Danielle prefer being alone or with others. It was hard to tell because she had never witnessed Danielle and Asparuh together. "I can tell you however that it happened when she went away for a long time. Danielle told all of us that she didn't want you to know because she had been so foolish." Etoile told Asparuh carefully, giving him look that meant he hadn't heard it from her because she didn't want Danielle on her case for telling her husband something she was afraid to tell to him. Then again Danielle might be afraid that Asparuh would judge her harshly for a mistake she had made when she was young and naive. According to Etoile's mother every woman wanted to fall in love. Some more than others and some took longer to realize it than others. Etoile sort of thought it was bull because she could never see herself falling for a man, even if she once thought she would have loved it. But that was a long time ago. Hades was about eight years too late. If only she could get they permanently dug into his head. He had a thick skull though. She was sure Asparuh knew that as well.

"Great." Someone who could probe her brain and pretty much see anything he wanted, so no matter what she said he would be able to see what was deep within. This family knew how to be a pain in her side to her at least. She didn't want Asparuh lurking around in her mind. "It's not like I can help it. Besides, you shouldn't even be inside my head!" Etoile told Asparuh as her fingers went up to feel her forehead, it was creepy to think that another person was lurking around in there. That he knew what she was thinking and how she was feeling. He could look into her memories and her hopes. It was just creepy and she wished she had a mental flyswatter to knock him out with. Damn it he could probably hear her thoughts right now. Etoile narrowed her eyes for a moment and resisted the urge to storm out of the room. But Etoile didn't have much time to think about anything else before Asparuh grabbed her tightly by the neck. Immediately his grip prevented Etoile from being able to breath not to mention the pain she was beginning to feel. He moved her to the wall and while Etoile tried to struggle out of his grasp and get some air into her longs she wondered if he was going to kill her now and let her out of her misery. Either she was going to do what he told her, it didn't have to be love but it had to be a change. He could see that she was warming up to him. Once he released her Etoile breathed out and looked at him. "How do you know if that will even be enough for Hades. And I'm not warming up to anyone. I actually just wished they'd leave me alone. I am only with him because he forced me into an unbreakable vow." Etoile breathed and coughed once her throat was released. That man had a very tight grip and he could have killed her just there. She almost wished he had because then she wouldn't have to deal with Hades but it seemed that she would just have to work on hating him less because no one was on her side. Asparuh told her that they could get along if she deflated her ego and Etoile rolled her eyes. Easier said than done. But he also wanted to know about Iulian Pisces. "He's a man that goes from family to family either taking them over or destroying everything that belongs to them." Since Asparuh didn't care about her life, she would leave out that Iulian had killed her mother and practically tried to force her to be with his brother. Oh he burnt her house down too. There was a lot of things he had done and Etoile was worried that one day Iulian would try to take out Danielle too.​
"To each their own," Asparuh stated with a shrug of his broad shoulders. It was not really a competition between who could strike the most fear into another. Asparuh had nothing to be afraid of, and he really did not care, but as long as he did, he could get things out of people. Amazingly, they worked better when they were scared. Asparuh stared down at Etoile, curious as to what she would have done if she had not kept her mouth shut. After all, it was her own fault that now Asparuh would have to question Danielle Zhefarovich. Asparuh was sure that this might end up in a fight, but Asparuh rarely yelled unless he was really pissed off. The way he ended conflicts were gruesome, and he would rather keep Danielle around for a while. Asparuh would not risk losing one of his best allies, it would be a foolish choice overall. He would be better off just leaving her be, and while their marriage was still intact, their ties all that much stronger. Asparuh was one of the select few that could remember the great Lord Voldemort and spoke his name even now. He had not feared the man, but respected his beliefs and followed him until Death claimed him. The one thing he did not like about the Dark Lord was going after a young teenager. However he was not going to hold that against who he considered to be the one that started what was going on today. Asparuh would forever remain loyal to him. Asparuh turned his gaze down to her and he listened to what she said. What he understood from that was very little. Asparuh noted softly, "Not admitted to mistakes and afraid to voice them shows weakness. I will have to speak with her over that." Asparuh himself had made mistakes in the past, which he had come to terms with, and knew better to this day. Asparuh may not understand some things but that was only because he did not understand with the way he was raised to be. He was raised to show no weakness, no mercy and no emotion. And that was why he knew not how to feel love, and quite frankly, refused to see anything about it except weakness, even if it seemed to strengthen some others.

The ancient Death Eater could not resist smirking slightly when she complained about him being inside of her head. Ah, but he was, and there was not much she could do about it. All this denial was from somewhere, and with due time, he could find out what he wanted from her. Asparuh shook his head, and he uttered, "I should not be, yet I am." She seemed almost childish with her thoughts. At least, to him. He could see that there was some stubbornness that he knew all too well in there. Asparuh started to pace the room and he did not even have to look at her to tell exactly that her words, they seemed to not be entirely true. At least, not to Asparuh. As a Legilimens, he could easily tell if someone was lying, but one could be fooled if they were not looking at the person as well, believing in what he thought to be true. He was going by what he thought to be true. Asparuh mused out, coolly, "After living with Hades for so long, you tell me. I know him inside and out, it would be best to put your trust in someone that knows him more than you would." He paused for a moment, wondering if his threat of her children was set in her mind just yet, or if she really even cared about them. He shook his head and he muttered, "Such denial." Asparuh then had an idea, one that he knew would assist a lot in Hades’ mindset. Something that he figured that even Etoile would get into. Perhaps this would help her understand Hades, and also he knew that there was a connection between Etoile and the Death Eaters somewhere. He said nothing more about Iulian Pisces though, instead he mused over his own idea. Now that he thought about it, Etoile’s mother was a Death Eater, and from he had seen in her mind, she shared such a bond with her mother. Asparuh inquired, slyly, "Etoile, would you like to get a better understanding of the very things your mother would have wanted you to do? What I am speaking of is becoming what your mother was, and it would open up as a world of possibilities." Asparuh looked toward her now, and he had the most serious expression on his face. He outstretched his hand, palm up, and said, "Say yes, and I will take you to be recruited." Asparuh could hear someone coming in, and no doubt it would be Hades himself. Asparuh flourished his wand with his other hand and sealed the door shut with a powerful spell. He was not going to have his grandson interrupt in what could be a potential ally.
<COLOR color="black">Etoile ducked her face to the floor and remained being completely silent. She was at a loss for words on what she should do. It would appear that she wasn't being given much of an option with this as her children were in danger and she could possibly be in danger as well. Asparuh wanted an improvement. That was about the extent of what she knew. There was about a million and one things that could be improved when it came to their strained relationship though. Hell it wasn't even a relationship to her. It was more of a forceful demand that she was forced to comply with. For awhile Etoile didn't even understand why it mattered if Etoile cared for Hades or not. He knew that he would have her by his side no matter what she felt because of the unbreakable vow she was bound to him under. But now that she had been told that he was actually in love with her she could sort of understand why it it would be affecting him. Her thoughts went back to when Iulian and his brother had control over her life and how easily influenced she was by Iulian's brother whenever he desired something from her. She had been head over heels, or so she thought, for that boy but it was all just some silly joke. Was there an actual chance that what she was doing and saying to Hades was hurting him? He didn't let it show because she had never noticed any hint of sadness from him before. Just the same cockiness he had since day one of meeting him. The one time he hated acted different to her standards at all was after she had given birth and he was acting a little strangely. That couldn't have been why he was acting like that though. 'Maybe it's time I started looking at Hades in a different light.' Etoile thought to herself as she shifted from foot to foot. Or at least try to. There wasn't a lot of certainty within her to know if she could do it. After what had happened to her in the past plus the things Hades had done to her, she wasn't sure if it would be easy to do. According to what she had been hearing, Hades wasn't doing what he was supposed to do when it came to his job and it was because he was too focused on her. There was never a point when she told him that he needed to be focused on her. How was this something she needed to fix? Because he loves you! Even though her mother wasn't around anymore she could practically hear her say that to Etoile. Her mother was brave, extremely smart, and a strong believer of the dark arts. But she always felt that love should never be shunned or despised. Then again she was killed before she could see all the damage it had done to Etoile. Plus there was that big factor. What if she did let Hades in and he ended up getting her to let down those walls, would he even be able to make her happy? He talked all this talk about how she needed to accept how she felt. Screw that! She wanted to know if she'd ever be happy with him before she ever considered telling others how she felt, if she felt anything. Which she didn't...sort of. Etoile wasn't sure what she felt.

Asparuh told her that there was such denial and Etoile rolled her eyes and shook her head. He must see something within her mind that not even she could see herself. Because she didn't know what she was feeling or if she even wanted to ever find out what she was feeling. Hades had her mind in a whirl. His family forcing her to feel things for him was not helping her mind make itself up. Asparuh then started to ask her if she wanted a better understanding of the very things her mother wanted for her to do. Etoile immediately knew what he was talking about. She remembered back to that day. Before she had been put into the vow by Hades and she was hiding out in her home she went through her mother's journal and found something she didn't think she should have waited to see. Her mother's wish for her to become a death eater like she once was. The final words saying that none of this was Etoile's fault and she needed to be strong and fair to herself. To love and be happy once again because there will be another life after Iulian and his brother waiting for her. Etoile wasn't sure if Hades and his family was her new attempt at life, but she had long since decided that becoming a Death Eater was what her mother wanted and Etoile could give her at least that. There was other feelings fueling her but she didn't think they were as strong and powerful as this feeling was. Etoile let her silvery green orbs rest upon Asparuh as he outstretched his hand, palm up and told her that if she said yes he would take her to get recruited. 'This is what my mother wanted. This is what I want. I can't wait to see who trains me. I'll show them a thing or two about female Death Eaters.' Etoile smirked and ignored the sound of someone coming. Silently she outstretched her hand and took hold of Asparuh's giant hands. Then they were both Apparated off in a puff of dark and ominous smoke.​

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