Closed Chasing the Truth

Diana Hollis

Sneaky | Asst. Gossip Columnist | 2052 graduate 💋
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Delaney)
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2033 (27)
Diana's holidays hadn't been bad. It had been quite nice to meet her baby sister, at least... until she had started to cry a lot during the night. Diana wasn't a big fan of that, but she had gotten her dad to put a silencing charm on her bedroom door in the evenings and that had helped. She had given Alice a bit of boy advice, and hoped her sister would listen to her. Her boyfriend sounded like a complete idiot and loser, and Diana rather hoped her sister would actually have backbone enough to dump him for not writing her all break. Diana's own boyfriend was practically perfect, and she enjoyed his attention a lot. But there was something that was giving her second thoughts. Something that infuriating Charlotte girl had said to her. She had tried to dismiss it and ignore it, but it was difficult to get it out of her head. Ever since her relationship with Edmund had completely gone up in flames, Diana had been hesitant to trust anyone else in the same way. She had finally started to think that maybe she could trust Simon, that what they had was real, but then Charlotte had put doubt in her head. So Diana knew what she had to do, even if it scared her. She didn't want to lose Simon, but she had to know the truth. She knew where he could be found often, as he was a very serious student. Diana preferred not to spend too much time in the library herself, but knew she would find Simon there.

She approached him and sat down at the same table at him, giving him a quick smile that almost came automatically to her lips. He really was handsome, and hers. For a moment, she doubted what to do. Would it be worth it? Asking him? Things were going well, maybe she shouldn't rock the boat. But she knew she couldn't just ignore Charlotte's words. She just hoped the girl had lied to her to hurt her. "Simon, hi." She said, leaning over to quickly kiss his cheek. "I hope I'm not interrupting your studies, but I have to talk to you."
Simon’s holidays could only be described as calm, since that was what they were. He knew that soon enough he’d need to break up with Diana. The girl was lovely, bold, beautiful and just amazing, but she wasn’t Charlotte and Simon hadn’t shaken away any feelings he had for her, it would be unfair to continue the thing with Diana. He hadn’t contacted Charlotte over the break, keeping radio silence with her, but had shot her a wink at the sorting ceremony. The part veela however hadn’t yet found the words or the occasion to really bring it up with Diana, after all, he could’ve really come to appreciate Diana more so than Charlotte, but it just hadn’t happened. People just couldn’t control who they liked he figured. But, since this was his first NEWT year, he was also very focused on his studies. Having a girlfriend was nice but having good grades in his mind was better. It was as he was working that he was interrupted by Diana. He looked up as she greeted him, allowing a charming smile to grace his features as she kissed his cheek. At the words he shook his head, ”it’s the beginning of the year, I have time. Plus, I’d always have time for you Diana,” he replied with a little smile. Though if she wanted to talk about something, maybe she was a little more clued in than he gave her credit for. He pushed away his books and looked towards her, ”What did you want to talk about,” he asked with a smile, trying to read from her expression what this could be about.
It would be easy to fall into the same old rhythm with Simon, to just smile and say it was nothing, to leave Charlotte's comment in the past. But now that she was wary, and frankly, a bit afraid, something about Simon's sweet words almost seemed hollow to her. He always had these perfect little lines that made her heart flutter, but did he mean them? She was starting to doubt everything, and it honestly made her a little bit angry with herself. Simon was here being the perfect boyfriend as always, and Diana was letting some bitter, jealous, words from Charlotte ruin the mood. "I know you do." She said with a slight smirk, projecting her usual confident air. But when he asked what she wanted to talk about, her smirk faded a little. "It's about that annoying stalker girl, the blond one." She said. "Charlotte, I guess her name is? She said something weird to me." Diana paused, almost wanting to move on and say nothing else. But she had to know. "She said you sent her a rose. Did you?" She asked, her voice suddenly deadly serious.
Simon could note that her smile faded a little and couldn’t help but think she was maybe breaking up with him. He listened as she began talking, Charlotte. He rolled his eyes at the thought of her interferring, at her trying to get between them, even though Charlotte had never shown too much of an interest in him. Not enough for him to think that they might end up together, but still a part of him knew that he liked her far more. That keeping this going with Diana wouldn’t be the choice to make even if she was amazing. He knew sending Charlotte the rose was teasing a bit, it wasn’t particularly fair to Diana, but he’d done it and of course it had ended up that Charlotte had told Diana. Simon would’ve eventually broken up with Diana, given that he knew how his feelings sat but he could figure this wouldn’t go a good way. ”I did,” Simon kept her gaze and spoke honestly, ”Charlotte and I have...history, we mess around with each other. So I sent her the rose,” Simon had never liked lying, of course he did occasionally engage in lying by omission but he wasn’t the type to shy away from telling the truth to someone’s face. ”I am sorry Diana, I do really like you and hoped that us together would let me get over her, but Charlotte and I, we have history and it’s not that easy,” he repeated, unsure of how to explain in simple words that he understood what he’d done wrong and that he was sorry for it.
Diana realized she was holding her breath as she waited for Simon to reply. There was a moment of silence after her words, only broken by the words that also broke Diana's heart. He had sent her a rose. And he hadn't told her. Blood rushed in her ears as she sat there, listening to his excuse. First he presented it as if he had just done it as a joke, something she could have lived with. But then he used the past tense while talking about their relationship and suddenly talked about getting over her, and Diana knew she had to get out and get out now. She had decided after Edmund that no boy was going to break her heart again. And while Simon had already broken hers into a million pieces with a few simple words, there was no reason he had to know that. "I was going to ask you what color it was. But I don't think I need to." She said, inwardly pleased at how steady her voice was. She got up from the table, staring at him with a cold, disgusted look. "Simon, you're a coward. You sent this rose in February, it's now September. You could have told me at any moment, but you didn't. I hate her, but at least she's honest enough to tell me something." She clenched her fists, remembering the day she got his rose. "How could you spew all that bullsh*t about picking the prettiest rose especially for me, when you knew she was also getting a rose from you somewhere else in the castle? How could you say sappy stuff like that with a straight face? And what you just said, about always having time for me? Is it that easy for you to just say that stuff without meaning it? That's not normal." She made a sound of disgust, then crossed her arms. "If she had sent you anything back, I bet you would have dumped me before March came around. But she didn't, so you just held onto me until you got your chance with her, is that it?" She made no effort to keep her voice down, noticing several heads turning in their direction. "I'm worth more than that, Simon. But you're clearly not. Enjoy being with your psycho princess. You two deserve each other."
Simon rolled his eyes a little at her when she called him a coward, he also knew that Charlotte was only honest when it suited her, so her telling Diana meant something was maybe there between him and her. He didn’t want to move away just yet, but Simon did want to find Charlotte, if only because it would be quite easy for them to fall into old patterns and maybe this time he’d just ask her out directly, no more of their silly games. He let his mind wander a little as Diana continued, he knew that she was right in most of the ways, he had liked Diana a lot and had meant all of the sappy things he’d said, they’d been dating, would she had expected him to be horrible. ”I meant what I said,” Simon said in a plain tone, the part-veela knew there was little point in arguing with her or trying to get her to see his side of things, he knew that this was working out at least a little in his favour, Diana was done with him and he could move on. ”You are worth more than that, and I am sorry for how I treated you, it was unfair of me. It was a joke when I sent it, she had a boyfriend, I had you and it was just a memory of our old games, but you are right, I kept it from you because I had...have feelings for her,” Simon told Diana with as neutral an expression as he could. ”I did really like you Diana but I guess I’m too hung up on my psycho princess to realise what we could've had,” Simon sort of hoped she’d leave now, he didn’t want to be the one to leave really, he still had some work to do and he didn’t want to be seen rushing off to charlotte immediately, especially if Diana was still there.
Charlotte had been having a boring break. She was more driven than ever to beat Simon with having the best grades. She wanted to be top earner of the points, she wanted it. But she was way too distracted last year with that Simon and Diana stuff. But now that Odette was gone and she had poured some gasoline on the relationship between Simon and Diana she was curious how fast the fire would go on. The blonde was usually be found in the library and this time too, she had been early there and found a table just for her own. She had been sending all people away that tried to sit at it. And it succeeded she now sat alone and hide her face in a History of Magic book. The blonde knew that Simon was here often and she had been thinking of him for sure. The rose he gave her, what she still did not know for sure, but hoped would stood at her nightstand. The blonde saw the red head coming into the library and hide her face in the book she just didn't want him to see her. Because she was now serious busy with her study and she liked to look at him from a distance. He was way more handsome than ever and she just knew that she wanted to go for him this year. She would do anything to get that. And Diana had to be out of the way.

But after a while she saw the girl coming in and she figured it would be nice to watch this. Would Diana actually have the balls to start about the rose? Charlotte hoped so. And would Simon have actually send it? Charlotte was dying to know. And she pretended to be reading but actually looked over her book towards the two. Charlotte sat not too far away and could look to the two really good. She could not hear what they were saying so she pretended to search for a book so that she could overhear and it was really quiet in the library so that helped too. Charlotte stood up and walked to the bookshelve. Hiding herself from the two. She grinned softly as she heard Diana asking about the rose. And turned around with her book to her body when Simon said he had. Her heart made a jump. They had a history? That was kind of positive. And he had feelings for her. She turned around to see Diana her face. She was very pleased with this. And Simon seemed to be more cruel than she actually thought he would be. And it made her like him even more. They were just ment to be. Psycho Princess? What a stupid name the girl came up with. It seemed like she had another nickname. But she was no princess, more a queen and Simon would be the king for her. Charlotte could easily eat popcorn and watch this, it pleased her.
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Diana didn't know what kind of reactions he had expected from Simon. Tears? Apologies? A rolling of his eyes definitely wasn't what she had hoped, and it only made her more angry. She made a dismissive noise when he said he had meant what he'd said, and rolled her own eyes when he said she was right about being worth more than that. "This might have actually sounded meaningful if you said it yourself, not now that I said it first." She snapped at him. She had expected Simon to have feelings for Charlotte, had thought she had been prepared for it, but when he actually said the words, she still felt her heart crack. Why had she let him in? She had told herself that she wouldn't, not after Edmund. But here was yet another boy, breaking her heart. "You should have broken up with me the moment you realized this." She said, her voice cold. "You're an ***hole." She had no other words to say, and knew that if she stayed any longer, he would see her cry. She turned and walked out of the library with her head held high. She hoped no one could see her hands tremble at her sides.
Simon listened as she snapped at him, knowing he did deserve the words, of course he did. A part of Simon had realised that it was wrong and had intended to break up with Diana, she’d just gotten to it first. He let her call him a name and then watched as she stormed off. Simon let out a small sigh of relief at it. At least it was over, and perhaps only a few people around them had heard it, well, likely a lot had but the part-veela would just get on with it, he needed to. He took a moment to just breath, letting the emotions of the moment wash over him before he took his quill and re-opened the book getting back to work, a break up didn’t mean he should stop, certainly not one where a lot of his own feelings had largely already faded. He would need to seek out Charlotte at some point, try to talk to her, tell her about how he felt, but for now he still had to study and as a sixth year there was no break from it. Simon knew if he spoke to Charlotte they might need to keep it on the low for a little while as the dust from this settled. Simon hardly wanted to end up getting slapped or punched in the face for moving on too quickly by one of Diana’s minions.
Charlotte looked between the bookshelves and grinned. She could not stop smiling about this, and she actually wanted to rub it in Diana's face. But she would do that for sure. She and Simon would be together really soon, she was sure of it. But she could pretend to have not notice anything, she wanted Simon to do trouble for her. He had to work for it. She didn't want him to know that she would fall in his arms so easily. She had been dreaming of this over the break and after hearing the good news of her father that he wanted to her to take over the company she was the happiest girl again. Everything was going how she wanted it. She just deserved it, the best. The blonde almost could not hold her laugh as Diana called Simon a bad name. This was hilarious. He kind of used Diana for sure, to make her jealous. Diana actually had to read what was on the note he had send her. This all was to make her jealous and it had worked, since Charlotte had dated Shane. The boy ment nothing to her, but it was fun. She was glad the boy didn't wanted more too than just a fling. When Diana was away Charlotte walked back to her own place carefully and took some books and pretending that she was done with studying and walked pass Simon so that he would see her.
Simon’s mind seemed to still be a little stuck, though the thing with Diana was over and he was free to pursue Charlotte at his leisure, he couldn’t it seemed to quieten his mind enough to study. He did looked up right at the moment when Charlotte passed him. He couldn’t help the fond roll of his eyes as she did so, ”Hey Charlotte, how surprising to see you here,” the prefect was hardly surprised, ”I bet you really liked what just happened, after all, you orchestrated it,” his words would appear harsh but he had a fond expression on his features. He wasn’t sure how quickly to go into it. He knew Charlotte had said it to Diana and he wasn’t sure what charlotte’s reaction to them breaking up would be. ”Maybe we should stop messing each other around now, grow up a little,” he didn’t want to outright say that he liked her that he wanted to be with her and not Diana, that had she not meddle with his relationship the break up would’ve likely still happened. He didn’t know what to say so instead he just kept his eyes on her with a faint smile on his expression, and eagerness too. He knew she liked him and he was ready to stop playing, Simon just hoped she was too. After all, why would she have meddled if she didn’t. Charlotte wouldn’t have done that if she didn’t like him.
Charlotte was curious how Simon would react and he spoke to her ofcourse and turned around trying to act suprisingly to see him, but it was kind of fun and no point it seemed to pretend. But she just pretended to be innocent and all. And smiled shortly. '' Hi Simon. Suprising? I don't see why? I come here just as much as you do, studying you know?'' Charlotte than answered and looked at her books that she hold onto. And than went standing across him as they were having a conversation. She noticed Diana was all gone it seemed. And the next comment he made make her laugh, she could pretend to hear nothing but she liked all this so why not take the credit. '' I did? You send me a rose? I just felt being honest was the best to do for poor Diana.'' The blonde said the last sentence with a grin, she had no idea if Simon would feel sorry or that he would just like what she did. But when he said they should stop messing and grow up a little she rolled her eyes and grinned. '' You are as bad as me.. you know. Perhaps even worse, now with what you did to Diana. No judgment from me though, she is the true ***hole'' The blonde than said and went sitting on the chair across Simon and grinned after she put her books on the table. She wasn't gonna make a first move, he had to she figured but she could tell what she thought. '' But you are right. This was fun, and I enjoyed myself to be honest. How sweet of you to do this all for me.'' The blonde than said. And grinned for a moment and looked around the library for a moment. '' You could just have told me you know.. That you like me. But points for the effort.'' Charlotte than said with a smile. She was not gonna say she liked him too, not yet. She needed to see what he was going to answer. But this felt like the best moment, she wanted nothing more than to be with Simon. And he had proven to be worthy for her.
Simon rolled his eyes a little at her response, of course she would say that. Of course she would pretend that she hadn’t been actively seeking him out on the off chance it happened. Simon smiled a little when she walked a little towards him and of course brought up the rose, ”II was thinking about breaking up anyway, it just hadn’t needed to be because of you,” Simon told her, but he didn’t really care if it had been her or if it had been someone else. He grinned a little when she said he was as bad as her, but did call Diana a name, he winced a little at it, ”Come on, she’s not that, we’re that,” he knew he’d not acted great, that Diana had gotten caught up in his and Charlotte’s game because of him, and she didn’t deserve to be called names. Simon watched as she placed her books down on the table and then said it without so many words that she liked him. It was a way of getting around saying it. Simon just smiled at her and moved to hold out his hand to her, ”Charlotte, I would really like to on a date with you, so lets stop playing games and actually try this for real,” the ravenclaw said to her speaking honestly to her about what he wanted, hoping that she would realise that was what she wanted and that they would finally be able to just try this, to be together, ”I mean I’d want to just jump straight into being your boyfriend, but I think you’d like to be wooed,” he joked lightly with a little smirk. He knew he was moving fast, but the break up was so final that it was all he needed to start moving on.
The blonde looked at Simon now she could really see him from close. It was teasing what they both did and it pleased her mostly. And the fact that Simon was gonna break up with Diana pleased her even more, if it wasn't for her. Charlotte kind of hoped that or wished, but it was just fun that she helped a bit in that progress. '' Can't resist the spotlight you know. But good to know.'' Charlotte said with a grin and looked at the table and up to Simon again. The blonde thought of opening her book but it seemed that they had to talk first and she had no problem with that. '' She called you that. I don't like her. Pretending to be something with her mother being Minister and all.'' Charlotte said honest she just didn't liked the girl. But Simon was true in one way. But she didn't cared if they were both bad. The blonde saw Simon moving to hold her hand and she kind of felt butterflies or something inside her. Charlotte looked teasing at him and smiled shortly. She was so weak now. He had her under his spell. But this was what she wanted. He told her now exactly what they needed and she needed. He had set a first step and this was all happening. She touched his hand for a moment and smiled charmingly. '' I like games. But I would love to go on a date with you. But don't think I will study less harder now. I will beat you this year.'' Charlotte answered and grinned for a moment. He wanted to be her boyfriend, but Simon just knew her to good as he said she wanted to be wooed. Suddenly Charlotte felt hard to kind of lay on the table how she thought. People had dissapointed her so much lately, and she hoped Simon would not. She took her hand back slowly and smiled. '' You know me too well.'' She started off and looked around her for a moment. '' Simon we are just ment for eachother. I accept you as my boyfriend.'' The blonde than said with a smile. '' But I do like to be wooed.'' Charlotte than said. She kind of felt this was fast after Diana, but she didn't cared. Charlotte knew what she wanted and now she got it.
Simon smirked in agreement, of course she couldn’t resist it, but he as much at fault, keen to get her attention and doing it at the expense of others. At least now, sitting in front of each other, they could be somewhat honest. The part veela let her say her piece about Diana, though he knew Diana’s words were justified there was no sense fighting Charlotte on them, it wouldn’t and didn’t matter any more, they were finally getting some things out in to the open, finally addressing what they had always danced around. Simon’s gaze shifted to his hand as she lightly touched it, pleased that his more forward approach was seemingly working well with her. Finally they would stop dancing around, finally he would get to date her. He smiled when she said she would want to go on a date with him. Simon smiled softly at her. He nodded as she spoke, knowing that if he didn’t woo her then she would likely feel a little annoyed even if she did already want to be his girlfriend. ”Well, the wooing starts now, what would you say to some food, I know some really great house elves who can make you your favourite dish,” SImon offered, he wanted them to be together together, and even though she said she accepted it, he knew it would still be better if he took some time to show her what she meant to him. If he took some time to just date her. They could be official now, but he would still do all of the steps as if they were working towards it. Charlotte definitely deserved the best and Simon would go out of his way to provide that for her. He knew they would need to make up for all of their games but he knew they could do it.

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