Chasing stairways

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
Selene had half a day off from her classes, the first thing she had done after she had had her lunch was to go up to the dorms and have a sleep. she could sleep so much better during the daytime and with busy classes it had been hard until today. those few hours she had managed to get had been bliss. when she had woken up one look out of the window had told her that it had been a few hours since she had slept and a look at the clock had shown that it was almost an hour until dinner time. that being said, it was winter and the sun was already starting to sink. she could have gotten another hour of sleep but as she had woken up refreshed she had decided to go for a wander. she got dressed and made her way down from the dorm out of Ravenclaw tower and started to wander. taking turns and stairways at random, stopping to look at things as she passed. eventually, she ended up on a winding staircase that kept going up, and up, and up, and up.
the eleven-year-old paused to examine a picture on the wall. or rather she paused to catch her breath before starting off walking again. it wasn't that much further before she reached the top. The eleven-year-old stepped out of the stairwell and examined the room. it was a large round room with a panoramic view of the surrounding land, there was another staircase leading up to the owlery but as selene didn't have an owl, having decided on a cat instead she had no need to go there. instead, she sat on one of the window seats and looked out over the grounds, the forest and the lake. she reached into the bag that she habbitually carried and after a moment of indecision deciding she took out the book she was reading, a novel set in medieval times about a girl trying to find her father, and discover who murdered her dad.
Aonghas had been sending rather frequent letters to his parents, mostly to keep them informed of how he was doing at school, since he figured that Rory definitely wouldn’t be. He had taken to finding it a rather soothing process, with all the recent changes in his family he sought out the peace that came with writing a letter and the process of going to send it. It was rather nice, it felt good to be connect to his family even in such a way. After all, he was quite far from them and knew that things were not easy currently for anyone. The boy had been sending the letter, attaching it to the family owl and sending it on it’s way back to home. He had made sure to include some details about how he figured his brother was doing. He saw him somewhat often, just staring blankly into the distance, but Aonghas had bigger concerns than his brother really, he needed to not focus on that and focus more on himself. Or well, really focus on anything else. The hufflepuff finished up what he was doing and headed back down the stairs from the owlery stopping in the north tower where he spotted a girl with a book sitting in a window sill reading a book. He frowned at the action, there were so many better places to read, so many parts of the school with more comfortable chairs and more lighting, this was a bit that he could imagine was busy, where the noise would be owls that wouldn’t be helpful in trying to read. ”Why are ye readin’ here?” the boy asked, attempting a friendly tone, but knowing it did maybe come out rather bluntly. He was curious as to why, though it didn’t make a whole lot of sense and he doubted that any explanation would help that.
slene looked up briefly as she saw someone passing up to the owlery she didn't pay much attention to it she had just got to an interesting part of the book where the main character fund her mothers cat murdered. a few minutes and a few pages later she heard the same person descend from the owlery. this time he spotted her. asking why she was reading. she really wanted to read on, it was an interesting twist to the plot. but she looked at the boy her mismatched violet and grey eyes sweeping over him and she vaguely recognised him from the sorting. he was probably new to the school too. he probably didn't know anyone either. "It has a great view. and there is something calming about being at the top of a tower" she said. her family owned a tower in Cornwall, the last remaining part of a medieval castle. of course, muggles couldn't see the tower, only ruins but she used to enjoy spending the day sitting at the top looking out of the window over the sea and absorbed in a good book. whilst her house was in a tower. this one felt more like the one at home, more, more, what was the word not derelict, not empty, less homely. "I am Selene by the way," she said closing the book her bookmark in place. if she was going to talk to the boy she may as well not try and do two things at once,
Aonghas frowned as he noticed her mismatched eyes and frowned more when she then explained why she was reading there. He didn’t particularly get it. He didn’t think it was that interesting or different from any other place that she could be reading, it didn’t seem as though it would really be worth. He definitely didn’t see how it could be calming, though he had spent little time in towers. The sprawling estate his family resided on was still rather traditional in style, or well, it just didn’t have any towers. The boy didn’t quite believe it, ”Is it actual?” he asked, his voice expressing that he didn’t particularly believe her, but he wasn’t unwilling to hear her out about it, ”Would a good view no dae the same?” the boy added thinking that it might be the ability to see so much, to look out over a vast stretch of land. At the introduction he put his hand out to her, ”Aonghas,” he introduced back, he would remain polite for sure, and that was all fine, and he didn’t mean anything by it really, by his questioning about what she was doing, he just did not understand it. Not at all. To him it was an inconvenient way of reading. There were calmer warmer places elsewhere. Aonghas could admit however that maybe it was just that he did not understand it at all having never done it.
it took Selene a little bit of concentration to tell what the boy was saying through his thick accent. she was pretty sure he said would a good view not do the same. "a great view is better." she said not quite sure where the conversation was going. nice to meet you Aonghas" she said shaking his hand. "what house are you in" she asked. feeling like it was part of the introduction. she knew he wasn't Ravenclaw so there were three options left.
Aonghas looked at the girl he still wasn’t sold on what she was saying and he was mostly talking to himself. He looked out at it, and figured it was maybe then something he would have to do to figure out if it was better, if he could read better or had a better place to study he would benefit because of it. Aonghas been about to walk away when the girl asked him his house, ”Ah’m a hufflepuff, whit are ye?” the boy then asked in return, he knew that she wasn’t a hufflepuff, and from this location he could figure what she might be but he wouldn’t say anything about it. He didn’t mind what she was in terms of house, Hufflepuff was his important house and he was happy, so it didn’t matter what her house was. ”Ah dinnae ‘hink hooses matter all that much, but mast of ma family were hufflepuffs, just no my brother,” the boy went into more detail, that was probably quite unimportant and unnecessary to tell her anything like that, but he wouldn’t mind the odd random conversation with people, especially since he was so new to the school he needed to spend a little bit of time getting to know people no matter the situation.
Selene smiled when the boy said that he was a Hufflepuff. "Awesome. my sister is a Hufflepuff too." she said she had been a little surprised by Helena's sorting she had thought that her sister would have been in Gryffindor but instead the hat put heli in Hufflepuff and almost put her in Gryffindor. how she was almost a Gryffindor she had no idea. "I am in Ravenclaw" she said. "I wasn't asking because I don't like some houses or think others are better or worse, i was just curious as to what house you were in. But as you are in Hufflepuff it means we will have herbology and, umm, transfiguration together" she said, she had learned which classes she would be having with Hufflepuff early as they would be the classes she would have with heli. this was a bit of a lie. it was good to know what house people were in because it gave a bit of an idea as to what they were like. and whilst she had no dislike for a house she obviously thought Ravenclaw was the best.
Aonghas nodded, he wasn’t sure he knew the girl’s sister, he didn’t know all that many people in Hufflepuff yet, he was still fairly new. He wasn’t too surprised given the location of where they were that she was a ravenclaw. ”How’re ye findin’ it?” Aonghas wasn’t sure what the other houses would be like, he knew a little more about his one and slytherin, and the gryffindor cousin that he had, but ravenclaw was slightly different and of course this was after all an entirely different school from his old country. The boy shrugged at what she said, remembering what classes they were in together due to their houses. He shrugged at her statement about the house, ”Aye, ah know, hooses are just important fae ma family, but I dinnae see why,” He explained to her, ”There’s a lot ae tradition in ma family, but I dinnae see how it matters really,” the boy shrugged, ”What classes ye likin’ so far?” he moved the conversation along, not particularly willing to linger on what the other conversation might’ve been like. He was just trying to be sure that she knew he wasn’t so bothered by the girl’s question of houses.

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