Chaser Vs. Chaser (Closed) (Kiera)

James Potter

Well-Known Member
16 inches Mahogony Pheonix Feather Core
Wearing his old Quidditch Captain's robes James entered the field deciding to use a school broom rather than his Canon Streak as it was modified and wouldn't be fair for Kiera. Not to mention James was pretty good as a Chaser and while he wasn't underestimating her skills knew his own were pretty good. James had been looking forwards to this as he opened the chest and brought out a few things that he used when practicing. The Dummy's rode on fake brooms and would fly randomly about trying to knock into you to get you to drop the Quaffle or fall off target. Two of them were special and would chase after bludgers and try to knock them into anything close by that moved, which means either the two chasers or the Dummies could easily be hit. Next James pulled out the Quaffle while releasing the bludgers.

James watched as the dummy Beaters chased after the bludgers and knocked them into one of the dummy chasers. They weren't smart but would do for this little match. James hoped that Kiera had gotten his letter at breakfast but could never be sure as he used a school owl. James wondered if he should get his own but after a quick thought figured it would be best not too, he only had a few more months at school and then would be back on the road with his team and that was no life for animals. James kicked the pitch slightly wondering when she would show up but also wondering how good she was, James didn't know what skills Gymnastics brought to the pitch.
Kiera had been in her dorm getting ready for the day when a school owl flew in the room. She had been a bit suprised when it pecked at her, dropping the letter, then flying back out the open window. She smiled as she realized it was a note from James asking her to come to the pitch. Kiera grinned, she had a bet to win. She quickly changed into muggle clothes she prefered to fly in which consisted of worn out jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt. Robes could be annoying when she wanted to do certain tricks. Lastly she grabbed her Scarlet streak from under her bed.

Kiera hurried down the stairs, remembering to stop and grab a bite to eat in the Great Hall. Kiera wasnt one for breakfast and tended to skip it. She walked outside to a beautiful spring day. It was the perfect temperature and an excellent day for Qudditch. She arrived at the pitch soon enough and looked around for James.
James saw Kiera and smiled brightly "good morning" James said with a smile as he heard the loud thunk of two dummies hitting each other. "Ready for a game of Quidditch?" James asked as he indicated the little field he'd made which seemed harmless enough but would be more dangerous once they started flying and playing the game. James removed his Cloak and simply wore a light white sweater and dark jeans. James kept the rest of his Quidditch Gear on however so as to help him keep the feel of the match. "So how have you been?" James asked as he walked up to her indicating her leg. "Has it healed all the way?" James asked curiously as added "cause I don't want any excuses when I beat you" James said with a smile.
Kiera grinned as she saw James. "Good morning to you too. It seems you've been busy." she said looking around the game he had ready for them. She had never seen these practice dummies before as she rarely practiced alone. She looked at his outfit. He looked good, but she thought her clothes were more flexable. He mentioned her leg and she smiled genuinely at him. "Its been awesome since you fixed it. Never been better." she said with a laugh. "I dont need excuses since I'm going to win." she said with a smirk.
"Well now that your here we can get started" James said as he pointed his wand at the dummies. The Dummies immediantly began moving alot faster with more precision as they now appeared like whooshing blurs the only thing that stopped them was the occasional bludger that would knock them off course and into something, they immediantly recovered however without a scratch and set off back into the game. James lifted the Quaffle and tossed it up a Dummy immediantly caught it and began flying off as two others began chasing it. "The dummies won't score that's up to use but they are obsiticles in our way, so are the beaters and the seekers" James explained as he pointed out the four other dummies, two were chasing after nothing while the other two were flying after the bludgers. "The one who scores three goals first wins, also the Dummies are not on anyone's team so be carefull" James said with a smile as he mounted his broom and waited for Kieira.
Kiera studied the Dummies' movements. "Hmm I think I understand the rules." she said. James definately had the advantage with practicing with them before. She wasnt as sure that she would win as she had been. She wasnt about to let him know that though. Kiera smiled confidently at James as he told her to be careful. 'Well thats a lost cause.' she mused to herself. She hopped on her broom and hovered beside him. "So how are we going to start this?" she asked. She didnt know whether to just take off after the Quaffle or not.
"You can start at anytime, just go after the Quaffle and be carefull of everything else" James said with a smile as he kicked off from the ground and flew high up. James needed to get a better view of the situations, as he tried to figure what would be the best way to get the Quaffle from the dummies. James didn't want to just go after it but instead let Kiera have a shot since she'd never dealt with the dummies before and it could be a bit different then facing real opponants. James waited paitiently for the game to officially begin.
Kiera nodded her head. "Alright then." she said as James flew up in the air. She hovered for a moment longer. She looked around, noticing where all the dummies were heading to. Kiera found the dummy with the quaffle. It was at the oppisite side of the pitch. She smiled and took off. Kiera decided to get a feel of the pitch by doing two highspeed warm up loops.

As she finished the second loop, she headed straight for the dummy. She didnt know how smart they were or if it would sense her approaching. She flew towards the side where it cradled the ball. As Kiera passed it, she balled up her hand in a fist and wacked the Quaffle as hard as she could towards the ground. Her plan worked as the dummy dropped the ball. Kiera grinned as she dove suddenly towards the Quaffle. She snagged it out of the air and placed it in a secure grip. Then a thought occured to her. Which goal was hers?

Kiera looked for James but didnt see him in the mists of all the dummies. She shrugged and made an executive decision. She headed to the north goal, declaring it hers.
James watched as Kiera got the Quaffle. James began to fly down towards her but was a bit surprised that his broomstick was moving as fast as he was normally use too. James remebered that he wasn't on his broom and that this one wasn't as quick as his real one. James knew that he had to use quick wit to beat Kiera and was more than willing to do so. James watched as the Beaters saw him and knocked a bludgers towards him. James quickly flew over Kiera landing in front of Kiera hoping that the bludger would hit her. James was immediantly tackled however by one of the dummy chasers as two of them began flying past him towards Kiera. James had to recover as he looked for Kiera again.
Kiera was aware of her surroundings as she flew towards the North hoop. She saw James approaching her from behind and the dummies hitting a beater towards her. She almost lost her focus as she saw the expression on his face. He looked so intense and Kiera found it adorable. At that moment, a bludger flew towards her. Kiera barrel rolled to the right as the ball barely missed her. She switched her attention to the two dummies aproaching her on each side. She got nervous with the two giant dummies flanking each side. Kiera did a sudden drop and roll as an attempt to lose them.
James flew quickly forwards as he wanted to gain speed and catch up to Kiera. Before James knew it he was side by side, James didn't want her to think he was going easy so decided to slam into her as hard as he could. Speeding up a little James quickly made to tackle her but before he could another Chaser came at him causing him to go downwards to avoid being hit as he quickly recovered and made his way towards Kiera once more. He had some ground to gain as they were closing in on the goal posts, James was surprised to see that she had mannaged to hold onto the Quaffle something James knew he would have to fix as he flew under her and began raising his broom in order to tackle her from below.
Kiera winced as James slammed into her side. The whole left side of her body went numb with pain. She shot James a glare that exmplified the phrase 'if looks could kill'. She had no doubts after that hit that he was playing full out. Kiera was now in shooting range of the goals. As she was focusing on where to pick her shot, she lost focus on where she was going. When she looked straight again, a dummy was directly infront of her. She gritted her teeth as she dove underneath the dummy, feeling it graze the top of her head. Kiera glanced over her shoulder and saw James gaining on her fast from the back. She knew she only had one shot. Kiera raised up and chunked the Quaffle as hard as she could through the far left goal. She grinned broadly as it soared through.

((yay! your back!! :wub: ))

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