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- 7/2007
<I>Chase Blade
Basic Information
Name: Chase Blade.
Birthdate: 16th of July, 2007
School Year: Graduated
Gender: Male
Blood Type: Half Blood
Hogwarts-House: Ravenclaw
Appearance and Personality
Chase is 6'0, with bright red eyes, he has blonde hair, tan skin but not to tan, he has a number of marks on his back, that were caused from his parents friends, who were set with the task and raising him and his brother when his parents left him when they wanted to go out and explore the world. The people they were left with were of Muggle Heritage, who began hitting him and his brother when they was young. Chase is inquisitive and likes to ask as many questions as he can, but he knows when he should and when he should not. As a Death Eater, Chase is actually quite a roughless person, and the only members of his family that he gets along with because of this are his father, and his sister.
He is the type of person who doesn't care what people think of him, and he uses that to his advantage a lot, specially when he goes out on missions for the Death Eaters, or if he just wants to go out and torture a poor soul for the sake of it. Chase tends to work by himself, and doesn't like to interact with others very often, because they tend to cause problems with him and will try to steer him off of the path that he has already chosen for himself.
Chase was born into a more poverty stricken family then most others, and before long, he began to notice how much that would really be able to affect his life, and the lives of the people around him. When he was only young, and just after his little brother Alex was born, they were sent away by their parents to live off with Muggles, while they went out and explored the world, leaving the two of them to suffer. Chase had never been able to forgive his parents for his, but he soon learned that most of the initial planning and whole idea of them being left behind, had been all his Mother, and he hated her for it.
Soon after Chase started school, he was contacted by his father, and he informed him of two newcomers into the Blade family, people he had never even heard of before. His new brother-in-law, Marcus Blade, and sister, Mikayla Blade. Chase didn't care much for Marcus, because he wasn't directly related to Chase. However, Mikayla, was actually a cool kind of person, and she was the only member of the family, apart from Gregory, whom he confided in about his wishes to join the Death Eaters when he was older, and she was supportive of it to say the least.
Towards the end of his Seventh Year at Hogwarts New Zealand, Chase met the person that he hoped he would be able to be with together, and the person who gave him the biggest reason to become a Death Eater then all of them. Eden Koshiba. It wasn't long after the first meeting of them, that they both realised that they had undeniable feelings for each other, and they both knew that they would be better off with each other, regardless of what everyone else thought of them, and it seemed as though it was frowned upon by a lot of people for Chase to have done what he was doing.
Chase and Eden continued to be together for the next two years, during which Chase joined the Death Eaters, and his first full out torture, was to a person by the name of Maddiie Fields, which then led to the torture to insanity of Professor Melodie Lowe, which was a bad move for Chase to make. She was landed in St. Mungo's, and then he eventually found her when she was let out, in order to finish the job that was started. This did not end well, and Chase was soon thrown in Azkaban, to be awaiting trial. He did not like this, because it also ended things between him and Eden.
Chase is a very strange person. He is interested in things that Death Eaters do, and he is even interested in politics. Hand-to-hand combat, and magical combat are things that interest him to no end. Chase believes that you should always be able to defend yourself in more then one way, lest the only way that you know should fail you. Chase knows more then enough when it comes to both magical combat, and non-magical combat, so he is fairly confident that he would be able to handle anything, as it comes.
<I>Chase Blade

Basic Information
Name: Chase Blade.
Birthdate: 16th of July, 2007
School Year: Graduated
Gender: Male
Blood Type: Half Blood
Hogwarts-House: Ravenclaw
Appearance and Personality
Chase is 6'0, with bright red eyes, he has blonde hair, tan skin but not to tan, he has a number of marks on his back, that were caused from his parents friends, who were set with the task and raising him and his brother when his parents left him when they wanted to go out and explore the world. The people they were left with were of Muggle Heritage, who began hitting him and his brother when they was young. Chase is inquisitive and likes to ask as many questions as he can, but he knows when he should and when he should not. As a Death Eater, Chase is actually quite a roughless person, and the only members of his family that he gets along with because of this are his father, and his sister.
He is the type of person who doesn't care what people think of him, and he uses that to his advantage a lot, specially when he goes out on missions for the Death Eaters, or if he just wants to go out and torture a poor soul for the sake of it. Chase tends to work by himself, and doesn't like to interact with others very often, because they tend to cause problems with him and will try to steer him off of the path that he has already chosen for himself.
Chase was born into a more poverty stricken family then most others, and before long, he began to notice how much that would really be able to affect his life, and the lives of the people around him. When he was only young, and just after his little brother Alex was born, they were sent away by their parents to live off with Muggles, while they went out and explored the world, leaving the two of them to suffer. Chase had never been able to forgive his parents for his, but he soon learned that most of the initial planning and whole idea of them being left behind, had been all his Mother, and he hated her for it.
Soon after Chase started school, he was contacted by his father, and he informed him of two newcomers into the Blade family, people he had never even heard of before. His new brother-in-law, Marcus Blade, and sister, Mikayla Blade. Chase didn't care much for Marcus, because he wasn't directly related to Chase. However, Mikayla, was actually a cool kind of person, and she was the only member of the family, apart from Gregory, whom he confided in about his wishes to join the Death Eaters when he was older, and she was supportive of it to say the least.
Towards the end of his Seventh Year at Hogwarts New Zealand, Chase met the person that he hoped he would be able to be with together, and the person who gave him the biggest reason to become a Death Eater then all of them. Eden Koshiba. It wasn't long after the first meeting of them, that they both realised that they had undeniable feelings for each other, and they both knew that they would be better off with each other, regardless of what everyone else thought of them, and it seemed as though it was frowned upon by a lot of people for Chase to have done what he was doing.
Chase and Eden continued to be together for the next two years, during which Chase joined the Death Eaters, and his first full out torture, was to a person by the name of Maddiie Fields, which then led to the torture to insanity of Professor Melodie Lowe, which was a bad move for Chase to make. She was landed in St. Mungo's, and then he eventually found her when she was let out, in order to finish the job that was started. This did not end well, and Chase was soon thrown in Azkaban, to be awaiting trial. He did not like this, because it also ended things between him and Eden.
Chase is a very strange person. He is interested in things that Death Eaters do, and he is even interested in politics. Hand-to-hand combat, and magical combat are things that interest him to no end. Chase believes that you should always be able to defend yourself in more then one way, lest the only way that you know should fail you. Chase knows more then enough when it comes to both magical combat, and non-magical combat, so he is fairly confident that he would be able to handle anything, as it comes.