Charms 2:6

Lyra couldn’t believe that the year had flown by so quickly. She really wasn’t ready to leave the students, but she knew her time had come to an end. She smiled warmly as her students came into the classroom, and once everyone was seated, Lyra stood. “Hello again. This is our final lesson of the semester before the exams. Today I would just like you to review what we’ve learned, and come to me if you have any questions about anything. Before we begin, however,” she tucked her hair behind her ear. “I would like to tell you that it has been an absolute pleasure teaching all of you this year. I have seen such remarkable improvements in all of your work. You are all growing into remarkable young witches and wizards.” Lyra smiled and moved back to her desk. “Go on, I’m here if you need anything.”
Sunday was relieved that the semester was almost over. She needed a break from all of this, from the spells and the pressure and the desire to be perfect. She just wanted to be seen, to be more than just another day of the week. Feeling unbelievably tired, Sunday dragged herself out of her bed, pushing through her usual morning routine with a bit less enthusiasm than usual. Ready, she grabbed her bag and headed for class. Her smile was a little more forced than usual. She was glad for the review, settling in and just going over her notes. She'd rather stay here than the library, and lingered until most everyone else had left. She bit back a sigh, gathering her things and heading out again, ready for a nap.

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