Charlotte Bell

Charlotte Bell

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❤ Charlotte ❤ Bell ❤

❤ The ❤ Biography ❤


Name: Charlotte Topaz Bell.
Name Meanings:
Charlotte: Little and womanly
Topaz: November birth stone, jewel
Bell: Promise
Nicknames: She used to be called Charlie, but now she doesn't like the nickname. She doesn't have any other nicknames.
Birthdate: July 13
Hometown: Waikato, NZ.
Blood: Half-blood
House: Slytherin
Marital Status: Single



Hair: Charlotte's hair, while naturally blond, is now a dark shade of red. Why she dyed her hair? She wanted red hair, plain and simple. Her hair is wavy and curls in some places and her hair falls to just past her shoulders. She has bangs which are usually swept to the side of her head and sometimes held with a bobby pin. She doesn't often wear headbands or anything to tie her hair up, with the exception of special occasions.
Eyes: Her eyes are a tawny shade of gold. They are rounder than an average person's eyes and deep-set.
Skintone: Charlotte's skin is quite pale with pinkish undertones. There are faint freckles covering her face and shoulders.
Height: 5"2
Build: Slim
Style: Charlotte likes dresses - especially ones with floral patterns. Her favorite type of footwear are ballet flats.
Voice: Light and airy, and usually not louder than a whisper.
Playby: Kate Nash
Misc: Charlotte is rarely seen without her charms. She has a collection of charms, which are usually on a bracelet. She has too many charms to wear all at once and only wears the ones she feels are the most important for the particular day. Her different charms all have different meanings. For example, she may wear her charm that symbolizes luck during an exam or something.

List of Charms:

[to be continued]


Likes: Fashion, Ballet, Soccer, Rabbits, Snakes, The colour pink, Greek mythology
Dislikes: Dirt, Getting wet, Roses
Allergies: Bee/wasp stings. A sting from a wasp could kill her.
Erised: Friends
Minor Fears: Spiders
Boggart: A giant wasp
Armortentia: Apples


Personality: Charlotte is quiet, soft spoken and shy around most people. She is nice enough once you get to know her although she is a tiny bit self-centered. And, she's not the brightest crayon in the box. But, she honestly couldn't care less about her grades. Really, life isn't all about schoolwork! Oh, and did we mention that she's a wee bit paranoid? Just a little, she's not paranoid in a OMG-everything's-out-to-get-me kind of way. No, she's more paranoid that people don't like her very much. She doesn't think that people care about her as much as she act like it.

Charlotte has Schizophrenia and hears voices inside her head. There are three main voices: Cressida, Ariadne and Lulu. Two of the voices - Cressida and Ariadne are the voices of temptation and reason respectively. Ariadne tells Charlotte the 'right' thing to do, while Cressida informs her of what she wants to do. At least, that is what they are supposed to be doing. Cressida is usually very annoying and impulsive. She tends to make Charlotte do things that Charlotte would never dream of doing. Ariadne is generally nicer to Charlotte.
Lulu is somewhat different from the other two. Charlotte thinks of her as a friend, and doesn't realize that Lulu is actually inside head. Lulu simply exists because Charlotte is lonely. Lulu is shy and a lot like Charlotte. Lulu doesn't like it when Charlotte tries to explore and make friends. She is a little possessive of Charlotte.


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First off, there are her parents. Madeline and Ronan. Oh, you thought that they were Delani and David. Yeah, she does too. But, read the history section for that. So. Her parents are Madeline and Ronan.

Natasha and James Bell are her adopted sister and brother.
Becky Gale is her half-sister
Erica Gale is her half-sister
Melissa Bell is her sister. Melissa was given the name Bell because she grew up with another branch of the Bell family, distantly related to David Bell.

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Childhood History: The ever glamorous Madeline Gale, or should we say, Madeline Garnier because of her still-unofficial divorce, had an affair which resulted in Charlotte's birth. Madeline's husband really didn't care about Madeline, so she left him for Ronan. Madeline and Ronan had Charlotte, but Madeline was far too busy with the life of a fashion designer to worry about a young child. So, Charlotte was given to Madeline's best friend, Delani, who raised her. Madeline and Ronan had another daughter, Melissa, who was given to another friend of Madeline's. Melissa would have gone to Delani, but Charlotte would have noticed something odd, seeing as Charlotte was one year old already. Natasha and James, Delani's children, honestly didn't care whether or not Charlotte was biologically their sister or not, so they just accepted the fact that she was. Growing up, Charlotte didn't interact with many other children her age. She created an imaginary friend when she was three years old, whom she called Lulu. [to be completed]

Hogwarts History:
[to be completed]


<SIZE size="150">Credit :
Lyrics: Every Avenue - Where Were You
Graphics: Me


❤ Charlotte ❤ Bell ❤

❤ The ❤ Questionaire ❤

First off, this is a Q&A type thing. I ask the question and Charlotte answers. The interviews are done at a specific time, so Charlotte would answer the question the way she would at that stage of her life. A lot of these answers are in the biography, but this is just Charlotte's way of answering. Also, her Schizophrenia, while it may affect what she is saying and doing, will not be shown. This is how Charlotte would be viewed by somebody who was talking to her and knew nothing about her. Okay? With me so far? Good. Let's begin.

"Charlotte talking"
Observations of Charlotte's behavior


Questionnaire One - June 2027
1. What is your name?
"Charlotte Bell." Charlotte's eyes flicker around the room and don't meet the interviewer's.

2. Do you have a middle name?
"Yeah... Topaz." Charlotte speaks quietly, still with her eyes moving around the room. She looks quite nervous.

3. Do you like your name?
Charlotte nods slowly, her eyes moving to a point above the interviewer's forehead. "I guess so. I like my middle name." Her voice is still very quiet and hard to hear.

4. Can I call you Charlie?
At this point, Charlotte fixes her eyes on the interviewer and stares. "Um. Please don't." Her voice is slighter louder and has a hint of a commanding tone in it, but she is obviously trying to be polite.

5. Why not?
Charlotte shrugs and drops her gaze. "I just don't like it."

6. Are there any nicknames you like?
Charlotte slowly looks up. "Charm." She says in a whisper.

7. Why Charm? Any particular reason?
Charlotte smiles faintly. "Because I collect charms." She blushes slightly.

8. So, you have red hair. Is it natural?
Charlotte brushes her bangs away from her face. "I dyed it. It used to be blonde."

9. Why?
"I like it better red." Charlotte still talks quietly, but says the sentence in an unmistakably matter-of-fact tone. She tucks her hair behind her ears.

10. Okay then. Do you have any birthmarks, scars or anything of the like?
Charlotte nods. "I have a birthmark behind my neck." She puts her hand on the back of her neck for a few seconds.

11. Where were you born?
Charlotte looks unsure of herself. "Uh... Waikato hospital, I guess. I've lived there my whole life."

12. What's your house like?
Charlotte suddenly beams happily. "The Ramblings is really big. All my cousins come and stay there when they come to New Zealand."

13. Do you have any siblings?
Charlotte looks quite happy to be on the topic of her family. "Yes. My sister, Natasha is seventeen now. She just finished Hogwarts. James is seventeen too. They're twins. Natasha was in Hufflepuff and James was in Slytherin, like me." She stops talking and seems to realize that someone is listening.

14. Slytherin? Are your parents proud?
Charlotte has a faraway look in her eyes. "My dad died when I was little, I don't know how he would feel. He was in Ravenclaw. Delani's happy though. She was a Slytherin too.

15. Do you know which parent you most resemble?
Charlotte looks surprised and a little worried. "I don't really look like either of them. They both have black hair. Dad had green eyes and Delani's eyes are blue." Charlotte looks a little distressed when she realizes that she doesn't look like her parents.


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❤ Charlotte ❤ Bell ❤
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❤ The ❤ Questionaire ❤

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