Charlie Wendell

Charlie Wendell

Active Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
Charlie Heather Wendell

Auckland - more specifically, Te Atatu Peninsula

Blood Status:
Muggle born. (And proud.)

Current Age:

Charlie has curly blonde hair that goes brown when it gets wet. It goes down past her shoulders, and usually she wears it up in a ponytail or messy bun. Her eyes are rather insignificant, a hazel-green sort of colour, and she is about ten centimetres taller than average. She is quite skinny, but due to exercise she is strong.
Born into the Muggle world, Charlie doesn't really like robes (cloaks, however, she are finding absolutely fantastic - Charlie never liked the winter). Instead, she typically wears vintage kiwiana t-shirts, jeans or her brother's camouflage cargo pants, her yellow raincoat and, depending on the weather, jandals and trainers. Charlie isn't really all that bothered about how she looks.

Judas Wendell, Charlie's father: Short, getting a middle, Muggle and 46 years old. Works as an Army medic.
Menolly Wendell, Charlie's mother: Died when Charlie was four, when her Navy crew went down. She was an officer in the RNZN.
Zach Wendell, Charlie's brother: Tall, fit, extremely good-looking and Muggle. 17 years old, as soon as he was old enough Zach enlisted in the Air Force.
When Charlie got her Hogwarts letter, he was shocked, and immediately suspicious. He warmed up to the idea of his daughter being a witch because Zach was ecstatic that his sister could do magic.

Charlie has her own budgie, which she named Roman. Roman has blue and green plumage, as well as beady black eyes. Charlie loves Roman, but she bought him pretty much just because he was a bird. She is unsure if she can take him to Hogwarts, however.

Charlie is not exactly a social butterfly when it comes to new people, mainly because she has been around the same folks for her whole life. Her mind grew up quickly, surrounded by libraries and the internet (and subject to her brother, who is six years older than her), so she acts a bit older than she really is. She is really close to her brother, and would do anything to protect the people she cares about.
Try as she might, Charlie is hopelessly un-witty, even if she is incredibly smart and critical thinker. She takes charge of situations because she gets frustrated by nobody doing anything useful.

Plans for the Future:
Ever since her mother died, Charlie wanted to be on the Defense Force. Her father is an army medic, her brother enlisted in the Air Force, and her mother died on a mission for the Navy. Charlie had always dreamed about being a Navy Officer, and living up to her mother's name. Now that she knows she is a witch, though, Charlie's a bit unsure whether or not to follow her magic.

Hogwarts House:
Charlie really would like to be in Hufflepuff, but she's not sure if she is kind enough. She supposes that it would be very unlikely that all the Hufflepuffs are perfect socialites, so she should be fine. Charlie also has Gryffindor traits, but she doesn't like the colour red very much.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Charlie wants to try for the Quidditch team - she's certainly fit enough, even if she's never actually been on a broom before. It would be strange to go to school and not play some sort of sport. She supposes being a prefect would be nice, but Charlie doesn't really mind if it goes either way. Charlie thinks she will probably behave like a prefect anyway. Good grades would also be cool, to open up her options, but she doesn't really think she'll have to worry too much about it.

Potions would probably be an easy subject for Charlie, seeing as it's basically just cooking. History, too, because it is just reading and relaying information. Subjects that require magic, though, Charlie is a bit worried about. More than any of the other subjects, Charlie thinks what she's most unprepared for is the social side.

Extracurricular Activities:
At her Muggle primary school, Charlie played Waterpolo. Her brother, Zach, was a rower before he enlisted, and occasionally Charlie was used as a coxswain for the crew. She is also a very good cross country runner, not that she enjoys it all that much.
Hi Robin,

I really enjoyed reading your characters development sheet. I hope you don't mind my asking a few questions.
[li] How does Charlie feel regarding her mother's death?</LI>
[li] Did she have anyone close to speak to regarding her excitement or apprehension regarding the magical world?
[li] Is her penchant for taking charge of situations, due in part to her mother's demise early in Charlie's life and her being then the only female in the home?
[li] Even knowing that her mother died while on tour of duty, why did Charlie want to enlist so badly up until her discovery of her magical ability?
[li] Do you think that Charlie will find the magical world too different for her to cope with?
[li] How do you think she will react when she has to get her wand at Ollivanders?
<LI>[li] Does she have a favourite genre of books, a favorite author?

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