Characters In Need

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

Irene Finch- She's a 25 year old girl; attended Durmstrang and was raised with the Dark Arts; Currently works as an Apparation Instructor and also a the owner of the Makutu Dinette. Irene is not a very pleasant woman. She comes across as nice at first, but she is rather bi**y especially to other women.

So, Irene has found herself in a rather terrible predicament. She is pregnant. She knows who the father is, but she's not sure she's going to tell him or anyone else until she begins showing and is forced to. And she hates children and the idea of them, so being pregnant has not placed her in the best of moods.

What I need for her:
mothers (either soon to be or with small children) - She oughta know what she is in for ;) and I think it would be fun for her to see crying, fussy children and know that in a few months time it will be her.

If you can think of anything else for either of these two characters, I'm all ears. Feel free to pm me or post here and I'll get back to you :)

Hey there Cyndi,

I have Ally here and she could be like an obsessed stalker fan person or something if you want for Andrew Belo. And she can like I dont know do something xD let me know ok lolz

Ally's CD
Maybe Leah and Irene need to RP a bit more. They hated each other before, but perhaps they can find common ground and spark a friendship. I also have Ellen Harper who could be friends with both, and possibly romantically attached to Andrew. Ellen works in the Ministry and is also a bit snobbish, but is trying to get better.
Teigan: That sounds fun ^_^ I'll send you a pm with an idea I had soon-ish.

Malynne: Yes...the last time Irene and Leah met was oh so fun! :p
Ellen could work as well for Irene since they both work in the Ministry. Would you like me to start something for Irene/Leah?
Yeah! Start something, and we can RP ALL NIGHT LONG.
Cool Cyndi cant wait :D
Heyy cyndi

micheal could be a friend for andrew as michaels only friends are his fiances family
I think that Michael might be a bit young to be a friend of Andrew's, but I do have another male charrie that's a bit closer in age to Michael. Sebastian Rossi is 18 and he needs a good male friend, so if you're interested, perhaps we can have them rp instead?
Yeah sure just realised how old andrew is
Sounds cool! I'll start something up later tonight or tomorrow then :)
Hi all!

Ok...I've decided to add two other charries to the mix here. These characters have not been nearly as active as I'd like them to be, so without further ado:
Sebastian Rossi- I :wub: my baby. He's 18 about to be 19 and just graduated from Durmstrang. Music is his life and has been for some time now. He wasn't the best of students, preferring to spend his time writing songs or with his girlfriend. He also spent quite a bit of time in detention not because he was evil or anything but because he gets bored easily. Since graduating, he has spent his time practicing with Ares Moon, the band he created with his friends and also doing some part time work in a Potions shop in France where he lives.

What am I looking for?

Flirt/ Girlfriend- nothing long term mind you. Bas is trying to convince himself that he shouldn't and can't date his friend, Amzurah. So, I want him to date some other girls. I think it would be hilarious to have some horrible dates. Also, if any females need their character's heart broken by some guy, Bas can be that guy. He's usually a sweetheart, but I can totally see him breaking some hearts without truly meaning to.

Another musician friend
- preferably someone older who can give him advice or something. Whether the advice is good or bad is up to us, but it could be interesting to have Bas led slightly astray by some jaded musician.

Male friends in general would be nice.

Ioan Finch- my other baby (Yes, all of my charries are my babies) He's a death eater and yea he definitely grew up hating muggles. Ioan was a woman-stealing, devil may care, screw the world kind of guy for the longest time. Now, he's a bit more mellow and that is due to his children and his wife. He makes his money creating Potions/ Poisons (depends on how you want to look at it ) and dealing dark artifacts.

Enemy- I'm open to pretty much anything. Once I have a taker or two, we can come up with a plot. I think it'd be interesting for him to have a death eater enemy, someone who he feels may stab him in the back one day.

Male friends would also be nice for him.

As always, I am open to other stuff as well for any of my characters though these are the ones I really want to pay attention to now.

Thanks in advance :)
So I've lurked this a few times and I've decided to offer up something. xD

Andrew x Noah Snow: Noah is a famous Beater for the Quiberon Quafflepunchers so they both have an interest in Quidditch. Noah is fairly cocky and spoiled himself so I don't think he would mind Andrew being arrogant and spoiled. Overall he's just a big goofball who likes to party and such so he may be a possible good friend for Andrew.

Nicolette x Irene: You said you needed mothers of small children/babies so I'm willing to offer up Nicolette. She has five kids all together, three of which are rowdy toddlers so perhaps they can have a run in so Irene can get a glimpse of what it's like around Nicolette's children. Nicolette is not very pleasant herself, usually on the sarcastic and sadistic side so I figure Irene wouldn't scare her off too quickly.

I also have two, possibly soon three of her children's accounts made so we could actually have them into a roleplay or something too.

Thats all I can think of for now but let me know what you think. ;)
I have Haruhi Koshiba for Irene Finch. She has a two month baby Nozomi and a four year old daughter Bex. Nozomi is her child and Bex is adopted and they normally good but for Irene they could just have a bad day and act up and seeing as Bex is a real char maybe she could even end up chasing Irene from the ice cream shop. Send me a pm on Eden and or Haruhi. Or on here works :D
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