Characters in need of roleplays etc....

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Alice Hills

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kate v.1 [Main]
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Hey guys again :D

So i have a few characters now, and i would really like some more plots/roleplays for them all.
Thats why i posted here :p
I think i probably have a character to fit into most categories for everyone, so i would really appreciate any ideas from anyone :D
Also, if you need any of them for a plot, then please let me know :D

<SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="mediumblue">Alice Hills
1st year Ravenclaw.
A sweet girl, clever and at the same time. Has a good sense of justice, sometimes finds it hard to
fully show that. Brave isn't a word that instantly comes to mind when talking about her, so therefore she
finds it hard to portray her sense of justice. She is very intelligent and loves to read, finding joy in delving
into characters problems, joys and general lives. Finds reading an escape from everything else. This has developed
into reading the school books and therefore why she is in Ravenclaw for her love to read, write and learn.

She had a boyfriend for now, and a guy that she will probably get together with another time. She doesn't know
this yet, so i am still almost open if you had a guy that you were interested in them dating....

Basically, i am looking for more friends, of any house. Possibly some enemies, but not many. These would probably
be from Slytherin, because of her hatred of that house down to her bad experience with her cousin who is in that house.
But to put it simply, i am really looking for friends for her. This could be from most houses, from any year. A mentor type
of friend, or simply just a friend with whom they could travel through the adventures of life together :p

I am also thinking of a plot in the hospital wing, with a lovely, caring, motherly nurse. Alice would end up breaking her finger,
by accident and then go to the hospital wing. She is having problems at home with her dad, she feels that she will never
please him and make him happy with her. She believes that he will never love her until she reaches what he sees as perfection.
So the lovely, kind, motherly nurse could see that something is wrong with her, not just with her finger, but with her general
appearance in her attitude. The lovely etc nurse could be nice to her and help her through it all, help her to realise that her dad
will love her forever, no matter what she does. I really need someone who will fit this description, because Alice isn't the sort of
girl to go and spill her life's problems to a random person, so it would need to be someone who can quickly gain her friendship
and trust. If you can help, please reply or pm me.

Isobel Hills
1st year Slytherin.
Naughty, loves every opportunity to break a rule and then blame someone else. Is quite evil in her plans, would plot against anyone
who crossed her. Is currently a member of the Dark Elite's and this group description fits her quite well. She is quite clever really,
and can get people in her confidence easily. Underneath the tough skin of this evil and cold girl, is a broken child, screaming out for help.
When Isobel was 5, her mum and dad divorced, leaving her stuck in the middle. She lived with her mum, and only rarely visited her dad.
her mum was a witch, like her but her dad was a muggle who hated the idea of magic. 2 years later, the tragedy got worse, and her mum
died. (Cause unknown.) Isobel moved in with her dad, unaware that she had magic. She was spoilt rotten by her dad to get her to like him
again, but she never really did. Having him around her finger, she managed to convince him that her coming away to HNZ would be best.
He was hardly ever at home and she felt abandoned into the world even more. Unlike her cousin, (Alice Hills) her escape in the world
was to find pleasure in other people's suffering and sport. She loves sport more than anything else and is very talented at it. She knows this
as well so it is good to compliment her on it all.

For Isobel, i am looking for some more solid friends, preferably Slytherins. She would also like the idea of a boyfriend. Nothing too serious,
but just to feel appreciated some time. She wouldn't date anyone who she viewed as 'below' her or weaker than her, so this would probably
result in it being an older student, and again, preferably Slytherin. I don't think she needs any more enemies, because she seems to make
those easily, so im not bothered by that fact. However, if you are in need of an evil first year Slytherin girl, then she is at your service.

Amelia Johnson
6th year Beauxbatons. Half veela.
Amy is a clever and very rich girl. But she is also very independent in life. She doesn't like to be told what to do or where to go,
but prefers to do things on her own choice. When she was 13, she ran away from home, feeling unloved by her parents
and not appreciated for who she is. She feels like she isn't loved any more but is instead used as a model for her good looks
and natural charms. When she was 14, there was a guy that she began to trust, who then used her. Her cousin Jack, put the guy
in St Mungo's for a while, and she didn't date any other guys for a long time. However, that soon changed and she found that she enjoyed
dating people. She is a little bit of a flirt, and enjoys male company more than female company.

For Amy, i need some more friends. Girls, and possibly guys, but preferably girls... so if you have a character that you think
would be able to cope with her wildness or help educate her in the ways of the world, then i would be very grateful to you :D

Jack Evans
7th year Durmstrang. Half Veela
Jack is Amy's cousin and is very protective of her. He cares about her a lot and would get very annoyed with anyone who crossed
Amy. He is very protective of girls in general and despises them being mistreated. He lives with his family still and loves them
but doesn't think that the way that they treated Amy was fair. He is a big flirt, but wouldn't mistreat a girl on his life. However,
below all the lovely gentleman act, is a dark streak. He is probably going to become a deatheater when he is older and is temper
is dangerous. He would easily tackle down anyone who he mistrusted or didn't like in general. When his anger takes control of him,
he isn't accountable for what happened with it all.

For Jack, i am looking for friends, preferably male, who would possibly be in his year or below/above. They could be from any school,
he probably wouldn't let anyone know about his love of the dark arts until he got to know them better and was confident enough that
they wouldn't try to change his mind. I am also looking for a final for him, a girl who wouldn't mind if he was a deatheater or not,
but someone who actually loved him. They could be a friend at first if you wanted, or a lover and then they actually fall in love. I am
completely open to suggestions, but i would probably like a girl like him or somewhere in his age bracket. Also, i was thinking that it
would be really good to have a girl who had a crush on Jack, but he didn't know it.

James Green
3rd year Durmstrang.
James is quite quiet really, and has a love for sports. His dad died a few months ago, and instead of staying around and caring for James,
his mum took the opportunity and ran off with another guy to America. She refused to offer to take James with her and he is now stuck
in the care of his grandma. He likes his grandma, and is grateful to her, seeing as she is his last remaining relative. He lives with her,
but at the same time, feeling restricted and constrained by life and finds it hard to make new friends. He knows a few people now and with
the help of friends, he is able to start getting over all of his problems.

James basically needs more friends, ones in Durmstrang and ones out of Durmstrang. He could have a possible girlfriend later in time,
but for now, he loves a girl called Nicole more than anyone else. He would be blind to flirting and would probably ignore any advances.
He is a sweet boy really, broken by family ruins and needs some guidance in the world. If anyone has someone who is a counsellor, that
would be an interesting roleplay me thinks.... :p

So thank you for taking the time to read this, i hope that it has given you a little more insight to my characters. If you can help
me, please post here in response or even pm me. I will update this regularly to tell you what things i still need. Oh, and if you are going to reply,
i would personally prefer someone who is on here quite regularly so that i can do some 'proper' roleplaying rather than just one a month.

Thanks again,

Hey Kate!

I have a few characters I can offer up!

First off, I have Sydney Kirkland. She's a very calm girl, not very prone to do wild things. Her mother and father just raised her to act that way. Purposely-oblivious would be a perfect word to describe her. It's not that she doesn't notice things. She does. It's just that sometimes she doesn't want to comment on it. After all there are more important things to focus on besides the actions of other people right? When she finishes school, she is probably going to just relax and lay back. Eventually she'll get a job, but that's not much of a worry. Her family isn't rich but she's well off enough to not worry about working just yet. What I can offer her up as is a friend for Amelia and a final for Jack if you'd want. Maybe it could be a plot where she meets Jack through Amelia and they hit it off. I don't know, we could think up something together. :)

Next, I have Sydney's brother Austin. He's 17 and currently home schooled because his singing career takes a tad more time out of the day than he'd like. He's a very 'stereotypical-teenage-boy.' He loves to just relax at home and play sports, not to mention that he loves to spend time with his girlfriend Amanda. He also is going though some trouble with an ex at the moment, but he'll get through it. He can get a tad arrogant and can also be self-centered at times, but he never really means to. All Austin wants is to make people happy. If he feels he hasn't done that, it's a disaster waiting to happen. I can offer him up as a friend to Jack.

Let me know what you think. ^_^


<COLOR color="deeppink">Hey Mimi :hug:

Thanks for replying :D i feared i had scared everyone off with my long writing... :p

Sydney and Amelia
I think this would work quite well actually. Their characters seem almost opposites of each
other and i think they would click well as friends. :) Roleplay???

Sydney and Jack
I also think that this would work. As long as Sydney wouldn't mind about Jack's passion to be
a deatheater, i think they would be very good together. What did you have in mind? Wife, long
girlfriend??? Jack would probably tell his wife about being a deatheater because that should be
something that they should share in my opinion. But tell me what you think and i am sure we
could arrange something. Before i decide on anything though, please can we do a roleplay together
so we can see how their characters actually work???

Austin and Jack
They seem quite similar and would fit in well with Jack's 'laid-back' attitude. They would probably
end up as very good friends, what with them therefore being so similar. A roleplay????

Anyway, that sounds really great :D

Thanks again,

I have a few to offer too.

I have Tuska Wolf: Beauxbatons: 17
Zafrina Lockhart: Employed, 22.
Pixie Carlot-Smith: Beauxbatons, 15, seeing somebody.
Arden James: Durmstrang, 14/15/16
Hey Domino :D

Could you please tell me a little more about them and what characters you thought they
could go with/be friends with.... that would be great,


:D I love lots or writing.

Sydney and Amelia
Perfect! :D I'd love for them to start roleplaying.

Jack and Sydney
She wouldn't mind him being a deatheater. She may be a little freaked at first, but she would realize that it was still Jack (even with an evil profession.) And I think maybe after dating she would make a great wife for him. Plus that's one of the things that Sydney really wants out of life. But a roleplay with these two would be great too. :)

Austin and Jack
Awesome!! Austin needs some guy friends anyway. Roleplays would be awesome!
<COLOR color="#000">

Zafrina Lockhart - Really Nice, Miss Perfect
Tuska Wolf - Flirty but picky
Arden James - really *****y.
Pixie Carlot-Smith - Mixed persona
<COLOR color="deeppink">Im glad to hear it the Mimi :p

My general posts aren't this long normally, about 4 or so lines... varying on other posts :p
so i hope that you won't shame me awfully by posting such big roleplays....

Sydney and Amy
Could you start a roleplay please???? Sorry, i don't have the time at the moment....

Jack and Sydney
That sounds fine with me then :D i will see how it goes, but so far that would be a really
good idea. You are at the top of the list for future final for him :p

Austin and Jack
Ok, another roleplay then.... would you like to start it???



Domino :)

That sounds really cool, did you have any plans for which characters they wanted to roleplay
with out of my characters?? Did you have any idea for relationships or just friendships????


Arden and Alice could be friends (despite the age difference).

Tuska and Jack could be friends...

Dunno about the others!
<COLOR color="deeppink">That sounds like a good idea. Perhaps instead of Alice though, Arden and James could be friends,
seeing as they are in the same year in Durmstrang. Their personalities seem quite similar down
to the core, and it would be good for James to have a fun friend to hang around with, especially
one who is a girl. Maybe she could give suggestions for how he could become better friends with
Nicole (the girl he likes.).....

Tuska and Jack
Also sounds like a good idea. Would you like to start a roleplay then with them??
:p I'm glad you're glad. And that's about what I post too.

Sydney and Amy
Sure I'll start one!

Sydney and Jack
Aw yay! xD Should we have an rp with them or should we wait off a bit?

Austin and Jack
Sure I'll start one for these two too. :)

Thanks for doing the roleplays for me :D

With Sydney and Jack, well Jack has a girlfriend at the moment. But she won't last
for very long because she doesn't know it yet, but she is in love with another guy...
so how about we do a roleplay with them being friends, and then once he is free again,
they can start to like each other as more than friends?? I personally think that it is probably
more realistic than falling for each other straight away.... and also, it means we won't
forget about the post. :p
It's nothing. :D

I like that idea! And it is more realistic. Should I start one off for them too? :) You're full of good points. xD
Hey Kate!

I think I should offer some characters too. . :D

First one's Aldrich Rousseau, 14th year, durmstrang. He is open-minded, friendly, extremely talkative, determined, sensitive and romantic, Aldrich is one who tries to befriend a lot of people as he would always see the good in them, but in one respect, he could be really vain and arrogant too.

And then, I have Chantal Himmelreich, 6th year, durmstrang, one of my first female characters.. :D

She's Alois' cousin, and well, Cute and optimistic, also energetic, Chantal may look like an ordinary girl, but she is a gifted witch. In terms of personality, she is good-natured and caring towards her friends. Her clumsiness may lead her to trouble most of the time, but she has a very determined spirit. Shel is incredibly a brave and compassionate person. She is shown to be very caring and somewhat stubborn, but she mostly appears happy and smiling. She is the type of person who easily forgets her worries and problems.
I would want to add Dominique here on the list. :D

She's extremely caring towards those she deems as friends, to the point of getting incredibly upset when she sees a friend deliberately put themselves in harm's way. She can be quick tempered and most of her friends are quick to make sure they don't upset her. Because of her friendly and caring nature she can become very emotional when someone dies, even a stranger. She is quite stubborn, doing what she has always intended to do and focuses on it.
i have this guy firstie hufflepuff if you want him.
he has a gf at the moment. he is very stubborn but can be very helpfull when he wants to be.
Wow, loads of replies :D Thanks guys :D

Mimi, that would be great thanks :D thanks anyway, but my ideas are basic, i tend
to take them from other people as well. The famous saying goes that there is never
such a thing as a new idea.... :p

Rui :hug:

Thanks for offering the characters :D They sound really cool, were you thinking of Aldrich
to be friends with James??? And Chantal to be a friend for Jack or Amy??? Or something
more if you were going down that line.... and with Dominique, could she also be a good
friend for James perhaps? Along the same lines as them being close friends and her
helping him know what to do when he is around Nicole????

If you had any better ideas, please let me know :D

David :hug:

He seems a really cool character, actually like someone i know in real life :p
Anyway, what ideas did you have with him for my characters??? Him and Alice
would probably get on quite well if they tried, so perhaps friends??? Seeing
as they both seem taken on the relationship status :p

Anyway, thanks to everyone who posted :D

I really appreciate it :)

kate :hug:

yeah i was thinking about him and alice and that sounds good so we can do any thing that comes to your mind.

kate :hug:

yeah i was thinking about him and alice and that sounds good so we can do any thing that comes to your mind.

Kate: :lol:

Yeah, Aldrich and Dominique could probably be friends with James.. That would
be cool haha.. :D
Dominique could probably help him with Nicole, and probably, just probably though
she could like, you know, have this deeper feeling for him, but she won't tell, she'll treasure their friendship after all. :D

For Chantal, she can be a friend of Jack, or probably, Amy. It depends on you actually. :D


That sounds cool to me :D would you like to start a topic somewhere then?
And then we can get some roleplaying going.... oh, and if you have any
wacky ideas or anything, that we could incorporate into the topic, just pm me
on Alice's account (my mainy) and then we can bring it in... like in one topic,
someone got accepted as a parselmouth so we brought that it as well :p


Dominique and James
Sounds really cool :D would you like to start a topic or something? And would they
already know each other perhaps... because if so, James has missed the first few
weeks of school down to his families recent history. If they already know each
other, then perhaps we could start the topic with them meeting as maybe, the
professors could give her some sort of work to hand on to James.... perhaps...
if not, don't worry, im sure we can come up with something else ;P I like the idea
with her feelings for him running deeper, that would work well with his style... not
really noticing anything outside his own personal bubble until it confronts him face
on. Which it wouldn't because Dominique wouldn't tell him, so he would be completely
oblivious to the fact... makes me sad to type like this, some friends have the same
problem.... :( :p

Aldrich and James
Any ideas for starters or something??? My muse is beginning to fail on me :p But if
they were just friends that would be really cool :D

Chantal and Jack then???
I think they would probably get on better for the moment, seeing as they are in the same
school and it wouldn't mean explaining how they met. Maybe if they become good friends,
Jack could introduce Chantal to Amy and then they could hit it off as really good friends???

Thanks again guys,

Tell me what you think and if you want to change anything :D

Yes, I think it would be easier for them if they already
know each other, it would save us the time of having them introduce themselves. :D
Would you like to start the topic, or should I?

I'll try to think of one.. :r

Right, let's go with that idea.. :D

By the way, Alois&Amelia's topic will be posted once I had made one.. :D

<COLOR color="deeppink">Dominique and James
Sounds great :D could you please start it - sorry, my muse is running low
and i don't have much time on here today...

Aldrich and James
Thats fine, just let me know by pm or on here if you come up with anything ;)

Chantal and Jack
Good :D could you start it please as well???

Thanks again,

<COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50">Hey, I can offer Arielle to be friends with one of your first year characters,
she needs more RP's going to keep me interested with her and all.

Arielle Lemaire.
She's nice when you get to know her, only if they can stand her rude
comments and she can trust them enough. Once Arielle is friends with
somebody, she is very loyal and does whatever she can too make
them happy, unless it will make her unhappy in the process. Arielle
likes to make fun of other people for their appeaance and if somebody
isn't mean like she is, she assumes thay are fake and will do her best
to get them to leave her alone. She is from France and has an obvious
French accent and is really rich.

Let me know if you want to RP with Arielle :)
Thanks Rui ;)

Hey Anna :hug:

Thanks for replying :)

Isobel and Arielle (probably best)
Isobel would probably view Arielle as a sidekick or someone to
boss around. Because of Arielle's loyal nature, Isobel might see this
as a weakness and therefore not view her as a best friend but a
general friend. Because Arielle is a Slytherin, Isobel will do what she needs
to do to get Arielle on her good side. Seeing as they are in the same year,
should we roleplay that they already know each other then???

Thanks again,

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