Character Interview with Victoria de Lacey

Victoria de Lacey

⚡ lightning mcqueen ⚡ zoom zoom 💨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Important information!
A/N: Interview conducted 11th November, 2063
Victoria de Lacey is currently a Second Year Gryffindor
She is 12 years old


what is your real, birth name? what name do you use?
“Uhm. My birth name, my real one is the same as the name I've always had which is Victoria Felicia Urie de Lacey and I mostly use the name Tori, so I guess that's the difference there. It's just a shortened version of my full name, so it's not really special or important, but it's what I will always introduce myself as, because it's what I like the most.”

do you have a nickname? what is it, and where did you get it?
"Tori! I answered this earlier but it's Tori. It's a shortened version of Victoria, but I mostly only use this and not my full name. I don't really know why. I don't dislike my name, I just prefer Tori and I have since I was really little. I don't know who first called me Tori though."

what's your real birth date?
"Uhm, as opposed to a fake one? Do I have a fake one? It's September third! My real one, not my fake one. I don't have a fake one."

what one word best describes you?

what is your most prized possession? why do you value it so much?
"My notebook! It’s not fancy or anything, but it’s where I write down all my ideas, doodles, and random stuff I think is cool. It’s like my brain on paper! I’d be lost without it—it’s got all my best plans and little secrets in there.”

what do you bring with you everywhere you go?
"My lucky charm bracelet! It’s got my name on it that reminds me of my family because they got it for me. Plus, it makes me feel like I’ve got a bit of home with me, no matter where I am."

what's the most useful thing you own?
"My wand, obviously! I mean, I’m still figuring out how to use it properly, but when it works, it’s pretty amazing. Magic makes everything so much easier—except when it doesn’t!"

what's your good luck charm?
"My bracelet with my name on it. Whenever I forget to wear it, something bad always happens. So I tend to always wear it!"

what do you like about yourself?
"Well, I think I like that I’m always curious about stuff... I mean, sure, it sometimes gets me into trouble—like that time I accidentally knocked over all those potions ingredients because I had to see how they smelled. But honestly, I think it’s fun always wanting to learn new things or figure stuff out. It’s like... life is one big mystery, and I just have to know how it all works!"

what don't you like about yourself?
“I don’t really like how I can be a bit too impatient sometimes. I hate waiting for things—whether it’s figuring out a spell or finding the right answer in class. I just want to get things done fast, you know? Sometimes I get frustrated and end up messing things up more because I rush. I wish I could be more... chill about it.”

what's the biggest realisation you had about yourself?
"... I hate my baby sisters.”

what do you need help with most often?
“I need help staying calm, especially when I get frustrated or worried about something. I sometimes get really caught up in my head, and it’s hard to know what to do next.”

what's something nobody knows about you?
"My dad scares me.”
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