Character Building

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Kimmyeon Kendall-Wu

kaikoura kea chaser; reserved; arkham’s mum 🤍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
7/2028 (23)
COUSIN TO Keira Kendall-White & Lykke Wu
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Kimmyeon has grown up with her mother and siblings in Korea. Her mothers family; The Kendalls, have disowned them as her mother had a relationship with Hanuel Wu. Kimmyeon is therefore incredibly independent and enjoys doing her own thing. However this also means that she rarely ever looks out for anyone else, and is only interested in doing what is best for herself. She in very active and competitive, and she also likes to lurk in the background, spying on other people and using their information against them.


The Companions; As Kimmyeon has not yet been sorted, I cannot ask for friends in her house. That being said it would be nice to have a few students that Kimmyeon could feel she could interact with. It is very hard for her to make friends, but if there are students that could help her out with her plans, or perhaps play sports with her, she would appreciate it.
- Georgina De Lacey
- Daniel Rosemary

The targets; Kimmyeon also needs a few "willing" targets. She likes to write and make stories from the observations she makes, and so if there are character that want to get their names out in the open, you could allow Kimmyeon to tell stories / spread rumours about you.
- Sylvester Valerio

The younger sibling;
As Kimmyeon is an elder sibling, if there are any students that wish to have Kimmyeon as their guide, whether it be for studious reasons or outdoor activities etc, then they could roleplay and see how they interact.
- Felix Urie
Daniel Rosemary: So I've decided to let Kimmy RP with him if she wants to. Feel free to read about his personality; I'm still editing the final touches of it - meaning the other not so good traits about him, but that's basically him. If he's not into a good mood, as he can have a temper, he doesn't really like helping others out of a sticky situation but rather watch in amusement xD (I know I know, a little evil). I don't know, Dan's not that easy to figure out so I figured if he was Kimmy's companion it couldn't hurt to make another friend :)

He loves pranks and being the centre of attention as well, and he's known to be quite the "charmer".
I don't think they are similar at all xD But I think if Kimmyeon makes Slytherin, it can't hurt to interact with someone else :p We'll have to see how they get on!
I just want to introduce Kimmyeons siblings, as they will be joining one day!

Sister: Soohye Kendall-Wu (B. December 12th 2029. Age 9)

Brother: Isaac Lee Kendall-Wu (B. December 10th 2030. Age 8)

Sister: Soonkyu Kendall-Wu (B. October 26th 2032. Age 6)

Sister: Taerin Kendall Wu (B. April 4th 2034. Age 5)
I have Felix Urie. He's a Hufflepuff but he makes friends easily. Though he never actually does anything bad very often, he always gets into trouble and usually takes the fall for things. That's just the kind of person that he is. I could see him getting friendly with Kimmy despite the fact that she seems to be out for herself. Felix has a habit of making friends with the wrong kind of people because he is pretty much a pessimist and sees all the bad in the world. Add to that the fact that his twin sister was sorted into a different house and you can see we have an interesting mix. Let me know!
Willow Jaye Hydran said:
I have Felix Urie. He's a Hufflepuff but he makes friends easily. Though he never actually does anything bad very often, he always gets into trouble and usually takes the fall for things. That's just the kind of person that he is. I could see him getting friendly with Kimmy despite the fact that she seems to be out for herself. Felix has a habit of making friends with the wrong kind of people because he is pretty much a pessimist and sees all the bad in the world. Add to that the fact that his twin sister was sorted into a different house and you can see we have an interesting mix. Let me know!
Haha, I think that could actually be quite interesting! Maybe he could also be put into the possible younger sibling category? She may feel she could help him..
Kimmyeon Kendall-Wu said:
Willow Jaye Hydran said:
I have Felix Urie. He's a Hufflepuff but he makes friends easily. Though he never actually does anything bad very often, he always gets into trouble and usually takes the fall for things. That's just the kind of person that he is. I could see him getting friendly with Kimmy despite the fact that she seems to be out for herself. Felix has a habit of making friends with the wrong kind of people because he is pretty much a pessimist and sees all the bad in the world. Add to that the fact that his twin sister was sorted into a different house and you can see we have an interesting mix. Let me know!
Haha, I think that could actually be quite interesting! Maybe he could also be put into the possible younger sibling category? She may feel she could help him..
I don't see why not? We can always stick them together and just see how they develop. I'm certainly keen for this if you are!
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