Closed Changes

Dimitri Jeffreys

Daring- Bored- Adventurous
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
10-inch flexible black walnut with Fwooper Feather Core
9/24/2028 (30)
Dimitri had been working hard for this. He'd taken extra shifts, worked late, done everything he could to make this happen. He had been so happy when he'd been able to order the ring, finally, and now it rested in his pocket. He'd gotten dressed up and invited Ares over for dinner, telling the man it would be a special night and hopefully not one Ares would forget anytime soon. Dimitri had set up the table as nicely as he could; long, sweet smelling candles, a vase of roses, rose petals scattered over the table. He'd spent all night marinating a few steaks, and had just set dinner on the table. Small medallion steaks, bacon wrapped scallops, twice baked potatoes, a small lobster bisque. Dimitri had worked hard to make the fanciest dinner he could think of, hoping that Ares would love it. Dimitri was just pouring the wine, hoping his love would arrive soon.
Ares had been on cloud nine since the very first real date, but everyting with Dimitri was always perfect, he was so glad that he hadn't given up on him. That he didn't find someone better they'd just continued to have a good time, to spend evenings together. To spending time learning Russian and getting to know his family. Everything was so nice, and Ares had never felt so loved, and hoped that Dimitri felt the same. Never so loved too. He was a little confused as to why Dimitri had invited him to a special dinner and so he had gotten dressed up, wearing something nice and thenarrived at the dinner. He knocked on the door, not just immediately inviting himself in as he might otherwise because they were doing this properly, a special night, a special dinner. He had brought flowers and was ready to spend this evening with him.
Dimitri grinned and rushed to the door, throwing it open. "Ares," He beamed, trying to steal a kiss before moving to drag Ares into the apartment. "I have everything ready, come, see," Dimitri gushed, staying close and trying to wind around Ares as best he could while still moving. Dimitri was all nervous energy. Happy, excited, the ring feeling heavy in his pocket. Dimitri knew what he wanted, and he fully intended to talk Ares into it.
Ares kissed Dimitri back and allowed himself to be pulled into the apartment. He followed him to where everything was set up and gave a little smile, almost saying that he wasn't worth this effort but stopped himself, that was the wrong way to think about it. He just leaned into Dimitri who was close to him and smile. "This is amazing," he told him with a little smile. "What's the special occasion?" he asked speaking with a fond tone.
Dimitri giggled. "That's a secret," he teased, walking over to the table, trying to pull Ares over with him. "Come, relax. Let's talk," He smiled, settling into his chair. "I made fancy food," he told his boyfriend. "Would you like some wine?" Tri moved to pour it, bouncing his foot nervously. These nerves might kill him. He smiled, almost nervously, admiring how handsome Ares looked.
Ares sat down at the table and gave a little smile, half just in awe of all the things that Dimitri was doing. "It smells delicious," he assured him quickly, mostly because it did. He'd certainly come along way from where he'd been when they'd first met. "Yes please," Ares noticed as Dimitri moved to pour it, his foot was bouncing. He reached over and lightly placed his hand on the man's knee. "You okay?" he asked.
Tri had just finished pouring the wine when he felt Ares' hand on his knee. He looked up, and smiled shyly. "Yes," he reassured Ares quickly, covering the hand with his own. "You are here. I'm perfect," He considered his options, and immediately decided that he was horrible with waiting and he was done with it. "Actually, there is something," He lifted Ares hand, keeping it in his own, and slid from his chair, dropping down to one knee in front of Ares. "I love you, dorogoy," Dimitri said simply, and laughed nervously, reaching with his other hand into his pocket. He pulled out the ring box, opening it and offering it up to the man with adoration clear in his eyes. "I want to stay with you, Ares, always. Will you marry me?" Dimitri breathed, fully expecting Ares to try and argue with him.
Ares was reassured and gave a little fond roll of his eyes, he certainly didn't think he was perfect, but he certainly wasn't going to argue with Tri about it. He was a little confused as Dimitri did actually say there was something, and Ares froze in shock as the man got down on one knee and held out a ring box, with a beautiful ring inside. He hadn't expected it, hadn't thought Dimitri would want it. He..did want it though, he loved Dimtri, loved the life they were carving out for themselves, but this was so official. "Yes," he answered after a moment, nodding lightly. "If you're sure,"
Dimitri lit up, pushing up on his feet. The ring box dropped unceremoniously into Ares' lap, Dimitri abandoning it in favor of grabbing Ares' face and pressing kisses over every inch of skin he could reach. Cheeks, forehead, nose. Finally Dimitri stole a proper kiss, elated, before giggling. "If I'm sure, don't be ridiculous, don't make me scold you," Dimitri chattered in rapid Russian, kissing Ares again. Dimitri had expected more of an argument. He wasn't going to complain, though, he'd gotten what he wanted.
Ares let himself be kissed by Dimitri, letting him enjoy the familiar feeling of being loved in the way that Dimitri did. He kissed him back when he was able to and laughed lightly at the words. He had known that would be the reaction to it, and though knowing that wouldn't stop him from saying it, he still felt it. The man just kissed him back. "I love you, husband to be," he told him softly, letting the warmth and love and joy he felt in that moment flood his tone and he knew that if he was to need a patronus this would be that memory.
Dimitri smiled, picking up the ring box. He took out the ring, tossed the box, and settled on Ares' lap, offering him the ring again. "You are my heart," He replied softly, running his other hand up into Ares' hair. "I am sorry I could not wait like I meant to." he apologized a bit sheepishly, with an impish grin. "It took me a while to- erm- save for the ring, I grew impatient." He laughed lightly.
Ares couldn't stop smiling at Dimitri, he had never thought he would ever get to this point, he had never thought he would get lucky enough to get a date, or lucky enough to be able to even be engaged. But he was, and Dimitri was so nice and good to him. He let the man moved in close and put his hand out so that the ring could be put on. "It's okay Dimitri," he assured him, he knew that Dimitri had likely spent too much money on the ring, if only because he had so little, but he appreciated it. "It's beautiful, and I can get one for you too, right?"
Dimitri slipped the ring onto Ares' finger, bringing Ares' hand up after and pressing a soft kiss to the band. "Of course, dorogoy," Dimitri replied easily, lacing his hand through Ares' and laying his other arm around the mans shoulders. "I say we run off and elope," He smiled impishly. "Where shall we live?" He mused, shifting into full on planning mode, his free hand shifting up to run through Ares' hair.
Ares laughed lightly, a big wedding in front of lots of other people was not exactly what Ares wanted either. It would just be too much, so running off to elope was the thing that he would rather. "Okay, let's elope, Xavier or something can be the witness if we need one," he wasn't sure how elopements worked, but inviting his twin was probably the right thing. "We could get a new place?" he suggested, "In New Zealand of course..," given it was where they both worked.
Dimitri lit up, standing and holding out his hands. "Then let us go, right now," he countered, bouncing on his feet. "We can go anywhere in the world, somewhere warm and beautiful, and get married." He laughed happily. "You will never be rid of me now, we will be together always." He smiled, making grabby hands towards his soon-to-be husband.
Ares laughed lightly, he was sure that there were documents they needed to fill out, people they needed to find to help them with this, but clearly none of that bothered Dimitri and he had to agree, it didn't bother him much either. he nodded lightly, standing up and taking Dimitri's hand as he did so. He didn't know where they could go at all. "Where to then?" he said, hoping that just perhaps dimitri might have something in mind.
Dimitri lit up, lacing his fingers through Ares' and pulling the man closer. "Oh, there are so many places!" He cooed, wrapping his free arm around the mans waist. "We could go to Paris, or Rio, maybe New Orleans or Venice or Prague or Miami," He giggled, swaying with Ares in his arms, before kissing him happily.
Ares gave a content smile as Dimitri pulled him closer. ”I've always wanted to go to New Orleans,” he said, of all the places he'd been in the world, America was not somewhere he'd spent much time, and it had to be an interesting place. It had to be. The man leaned in to the kiss, ”We could go to all those places, people who get married get honeymoons, that could be our honeymoon,” Ares replied softly after he pulled out of the kiss.
Dimitri giggled, leaning into Ares a bit more. "Don't we need money for that?" He teased gently. "Why don't we focus on one, dorogoy?" He offered. "We can make it a tradition, take a week and go wherever we want every year for our anniversary. We can go get married in New Orleans and enjoy the local life for a week," He cooed, swaying gently with Ares.
Ares was sure he could stretch his budget and his savings to be able to do all of that. ”I have some money,” he told him. He'd more than happily spend all of his money on Dimitri and this. But his love was perhaps right, they didn't need to do lots of things, go to New Orleans and do other things for celebrations of this. ”Let's do it then,” he agreed. He wasn't sure what time it was in America, but he was ready to leave there and then.
Dimitri was almost going to agree, when suddenly his stomach growled and he stopped. He blinked, surprised, before giggling. "Wait, wait. Can we go after dinner?" He asked, cupping Ares' face in his hand. "I got so excited I almost forgot, but I did work very hard to make dinner for you. We could eat, you could message your brother, and we then can pack and go?" He offered, smiling warmly and trying to pull Ares back to the table.
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Ares was shocked back to reality as he glanced down at the table and gave a shy expression. "I also...forgot...," he said giving a little chuckle, knowing that this would be a good meal and it would be a waste to not eat it. He nodded, sitting himself back down at the table. "You're right, let's sit, enjoy the meal and then get to the exciting things," he said.
Dimitri giggled, and pulled his chair right next to Ares', tossing his legs over the other mans and practically sitting in his lap. He speared a bite of food, laying one arm over Ares' shoulders and offering the bite out to him. "Mm... I say we feed each other, have a bit of this wine," He suggested with a coy grin. "Then we can throw together a few things and go?"
Ares watched Dimitri pull in close to him, and let one hand lightly and fondly pat the other man's legs as they were draped over his. He took a bite of the food that Dimitri offered to him and gave a little nod of agreement. He took his fork put some food on it and offered it perhaps a little more shyly to Dimitri. Ares wasn't quite as confident with that with his husband to be but Ares just wasn't that sort of person - though he wanted to be.
Dimitri was very comfortable, and worked through the dinner slowly with Ares. It took much longer to eat than it probably had to, but he didn't mind it a bit. He fed Ares easily and did his best to try and lead Ares into a little more confidence in returning the gesture. He knew that Ares was slower in his affections. Dimitri loved him all the same. When they'd cleared dinner- and had a bit of wine- Dimitri stood up again, offering out his hand to his love. "Come. Let us run away," He gave Ares his most devilish smile.

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