- Messages
- 221
- OOC First Name
- Jess S
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Gay
- Wand
- Ten inch sturdy Cypress wood with Thestral hair core
- Age
- 6/30/2013 (49)
-Set in December of 2051-
James was so worn out. Everything was just so… so hard right now. Onyx had therapy and he was constantly with James, always asking questions, and James was watching him like a hawk to make sure he was going to be okay. He was so worried, it felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. He was just so tired, constantly. Jordie was in school and needed a tutor. And Sapphire… Merlin, he never did know what to do with Sapphire. She seemed so strong, but he couldn't read her. Was she really as alright as she seemed? James didn't know.
The only thing that was keeping him going right now was Colin. God, James was so in love with Colin. The writer was his rock. James would have been lost without his boyfriend. Especially tonight. Colin had been stopping by often to make dinner. It was always delicious, even if James was always so stressed he couldn't eat much. He shuffled into the house, glad the door was unlocked as he herded the three kids inside. Sapphire and Onyx set the groceries on the counter before Onyx chased after Jordie- possibly to see how much of Jordie's new video game they could play before dinner. Sapphire moved to set the table, and James had the phone trapped between his shoulder and ear as he set about putting groceries away.
He sighed. "I know, sir, the London spread is a big deal, I just can't come back yet- No, I understand that, but you have three other staffed photographers that could do just as well as I could," He shut the fridge a little harder than he meant to, sighing in frustration. "No, you listen to me, for nearly two decades I have run every way you have asked, worked every photoshoot and made you immense profits, you can wait until I decide my child is well enough that I can return to work; we both know you won't fire me and I am not in the mood to listen to you complain about doing your job, call Evans and assign them to London, and send Albert to Tokyo and you'll be perfectly fine." He hung up, dropping his phone onto the counter and leaning against the fridge, taking several deep breaths as he tried to reign in his frustration.
James was so worn out. Everything was just so… so hard right now. Onyx had therapy and he was constantly with James, always asking questions, and James was watching him like a hawk to make sure he was going to be okay. He was so worried, it felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. He was just so tired, constantly. Jordie was in school and needed a tutor. And Sapphire… Merlin, he never did know what to do with Sapphire. She seemed so strong, but he couldn't read her. Was she really as alright as she seemed? James didn't know.
The only thing that was keeping him going right now was Colin. God, James was so in love with Colin. The writer was his rock. James would have been lost without his boyfriend. Especially tonight. Colin had been stopping by often to make dinner. It was always delicious, even if James was always so stressed he couldn't eat much. He shuffled into the house, glad the door was unlocked as he herded the three kids inside. Sapphire and Onyx set the groceries on the counter before Onyx chased after Jordie- possibly to see how much of Jordie's new video game they could play before dinner. Sapphire moved to set the table, and James had the phone trapped between his shoulder and ear as he set about putting groceries away.
He sighed. "I know, sir, the London spread is a big deal, I just can't come back yet- No, I understand that, but you have three other staffed photographers that could do just as well as I could," He shut the fridge a little harder than he meant to, sighing in frustration. "No, you listen to me, for nearly two decades I have run every way you have asked, worked every photoshoot and made you immense profits, you can wait until I decide my child is well enough that I can return to work; we both know you won't fire me and I am not in the mood to listen to you complain about doing your job, call Evans and assign them to London, and send Albert to Tokyo and you'll be perfectly fine." He hung up, dropping his phone onto the counter and leaning against the fridge, taking several deep breaths as he tried to reign in his frustration.
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