Closed Change for the Better

James Michaels

Rebel- Photographer- Romantic- Healing- Uncle
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ten inch sturdy Cypress wood with Thestral hair core
6/30/2013 (49)
-Set in December of 2051-

James was so worn out. Everything was just so… so hard right now. Onyx had therapy and he was constantly with James, always asking questions, and James was watching him like a hawk to make sure he was going to be okay. He was so worried, it felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. He was just so tired, constantly. Jordie was in school and needed a tutor. And Sapphire… Merlin, he never did know what to do with Sapphire. She seemed so strong, but he couldn't read her. Was she really as alright as she seemed? James didn't know.

The only thing that was keeping him going right now was Colin. God, James was so in love with Colin. The writer was his rock. James would have been lost without his boyfriend. Especially tonight. Colin had been stopping by often to make dinner. It was always delicious, even if James was always so stressed he couldn't eat much. He shuffled into the house, glad the door was unlocked as he herded the three kids inside. Sapphire and Onyx set the groceries on the counter before Onyx chased after Jordie- possibly to see how much of Jordie's new video game they could play before dinner. Sapphire moved to set the table, and James had the phone trapped between his shoulder and ear as he set about putting groceries away.

He sighed. "I know, sir, the London spread is a big deal, I just can't come back yet- No, I understand that, but you have three other staffed photographers that could do just as well as I could," He shut the fridge a little harder than he meant to, sighing in frustration. "No, you listen to me, for nearly two decades I have run every way you have asked, worked every photoshoot and made you immense profits, you can wait until I decide my child is well enough that I can return to work; we both know you won't fire me and I am not in the mood to listen to you complain about doing your job, call Evans and assign them to London, and send Albert to Tokyo and you'll be perfectly fine." He hung up, dropping his phone onto the counter and leaning against the fridge, taking several deep breaths as he tried to reign in his frustration.
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What had happened to Sapphire and Onyx was overwhelming, and since the attack, Colin had done all he could in his spare time to help James and the rest of the family, wanting to make their lives easier in the wake of Onyx’s recovery. It had taken a toll on Colin’s energy to travel constantly between his job in London and New Zealand where James lived, to the point his sleep schedule was out of whack more than it had ever been. But if it helped and reassured James he had people around him that cared, it was entirely worth it. That evening in New Zealand, which was early in the morning in UK time but thankfully a day where Colin wasn’t required to work, he had shown up to James’ house with a few groceries to make dinner for the family, wanting to give James one less thing to fret over. Winnie was at her mother’s for the holidays and unable to attend though regardless of her absence and intent on avoiding James and his family at all costs, Colin was happy he was at least there to provide what he hoped was a comforting meal in the midst of such a stressful time.​
The dish of the night was Spaghetti Bolognese and Colin was in the process of cooking the noodles in one pot, and stirring all the spices and meat on a simmer in another, when James walked in the door with Onyx, Sapphire and Jordie. Colin smiled at everyone that walked past as he stirred, eyes eventually settling on James who had slammed the fridge in frustration. Colin watched as James hung up the phone and sighed, it was then he stepped away from the oven for a moment to approach James, kissing him softly on the cheek in an effort to comfort him. His life was stressful enough already without work getting in the way. “Evening.” Colin greeted softly, soon stepping away and returning to stirring the pot slowly. “It’s Spaghetti Bolognese tonight, there’s garlic bread that needs to be in the oven in a little while, but other than that dinner is sorted.” Colin mused, half turning around to look back over to James. “How’s your day been? Do you want to stir while I put away the groceries?” He asked gently, wanting to focus on the task at hand rather than the stressors in everyone’s lives. It would soon be dinner time, and Colin wanted to do all he could so the entire family could eat, relax, and unwind.​
James had shut his eyes, trying to calm himself down. His breath caught when he felt the lips brush his cheek and he opened his eyes, turning to look to Colin. "Evening," He gave a tired, strained smile. He glanced to the food on the stove before looking back to Colin. He sighed softly, ignoring the question just a moment as he stepped forward. He slipped closer to Colin, turning the man slightly so James could press up on tiptoe to kiss his boyfriend gently, running his fingers gently through the hair at the base of Colin's neck. "Has anyone ever told you you're a godsend?" He murmured, sighing softly before moving to stir the food as Colin had asked.

"Today has been... long." He shook his head. "My boss is being difficult. Onyx is... alright, I guess. Full of questions again. Odd things. He asked me today if he liked Mexican food." James bit his lip, sighing as guilt tore at him for the hundredth time. He set the spoon down, running a hand over his face. He glanced up a moment as he heard a bang from the other room, but when nothing else happened he turned back to dinner, stirring. "What about you, love? How was your day?" He asked, hoping he didn't sound as tired as he felt.
As much as Colin appreciated James’ affection and wanted to return it, holding James for as long as he wanted, there was presently food on the stove that drew his attention. It was food for everyone, and Colin wouldn’t dare let himself be distracted and burn it. “Oh shush, I’m doing what is best for you and your family because I love you, it’s not holy to help the ones you love.” Colin dismissed softly, half joking as he turned back to the kitchen to unpack the groceries as James moved to the stove. He listened to James talk about Onyx. “Mexican food? An odd question out of nowhere, did you suggest he tries it to find out? Surely we can go to a Mexican restaurant for dinner one night, I haven’t tried Mexican food myself.” Colin suggested, unsure if allowing Onyx to figure out and discover the things about himself he had forgotten in the accident, at least the smaller things like food preferences, would be helpful or not, but wanting to offer help anyway. A fun outing would at least be a nice reverie from cooking, Colin felt sure everyone would get sick of his food sooner rather than later.​
Eventually the groceries were put away, the garlic bread was almost toasted in the oven and the table was due to be set. Colin had already told James about his day which had only really began in UK time, as he was setting up the plates and cutlery on the table. “James, can you plate the garlic bread?” Colin called out, soon walking into the kitchen to retrieve the pots from the stove to place them on the table, for everyone to help themselves. Eventually everyone had served their food and Colin found a nice bottle of red wine, placing it on the table along with two glasses, one for him and James. He poured both of them some wine before sitting down and sighing. “Now that we’re all set up, it’s nice to have some wine and properly talk to you over a meal.” Colin mused, picking up his glass and sipping from it.​
James chuckled. "You do know you're too good for me, don't you?" He asked, only half-joking with his boyfriend. When Colin asked if James had offered to take them out for Mexican food. "Well, I told him he should try it and see," He thought over Colin's offer. "You know what, that could be nice. Going out. But maybe not just Mexican... we could go out once or twice a week, let someone else cook for us and just enjoy being together," He mused, glancing up to his boyfriend. "What do you think, would you like that?" He asked.

It wasn't all that long really before dinner was served. James walked over, a plate prepared for both him and Colin. "Here you are, love," He murmured, setting Colin's plate in front of him before settling into his seat himself and sipping on his wine. He smiled softly at Colin's words, reaching across the table and placing his hand over Colin's, meeting the man's eyes with a warm smile and adoration in his eyes. "I have to admit, Col, having you here... I've never been happier in my entire life." James hesitated a moment, setting his wine down and reaching over to place both of his hands over Colin's. "Col, I..." James sighed shakily. "Colin, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I... I am unendingly grateful that when everything turned against me and I was at my worst, you- you stood by me. You've been my rock."

James bit his lip, reaching up to brush Colin's hair from his eyes. "Colin, I love you. With all my heart, and all I am, I love you. And this... I want you to stay. I want you to move in here. With me. I know Jordie is going to school soon and Sapphire and Onyx will be out on their own in the world sooner rather later." He bit his lip, bringing his hands back over to himself, crossing his arms on the table in front of him as he waited for Colin's answer, his heart thundering in his ears. Asking Colin to move in, it was a huge step for him. James had never been in anything serious in his entire life, and he felt both giddy and terrified.
With dinner served for everyone and a nice bottle of cabernet sauvignon opened, Colin was content, smiling slightly knowing everyone was eating and able to relax as James sat down across from him. But admittedly what happened next surprised Colin. As wonderful as it was to be appreciated for cooking dinner for James and his family and helping them through the struggle after such an awful accident, to have James reach over and hold his hand, explaining how appreciated it was, was a different experience entirely. As it led into James asking Colin to move in, officially, it was definitely overwhelming. Colin felt dumbfounded, looking between James’ hands on his own and into James’ eyes. He exhaled, nodding, and listening as James explained his reasoning, explained Jordie would soon be at school, and Sapphire and Onyx would be graduating soon and out in the world themselves. Winnie was about to graduate herself, and insistent on moving in with her mother for a little while after school as she settled on what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, leaving both Colin’s flat in London and James’ home relatively empty. It seemed like a natural progression, the more Colin thought about it, to eventually move in with James after Onyx, Sapphire, and Winnie were all out of school. But he had to admit he was too caught up in taking care of James and the family to realize sooner.​
“Oh wow.” Colin began answering. “I mean, it makes sense James, all of it does, and to be honest with you, traveling between New Zealand and the UK has done a number on my sleep schedule, this, would be easier, would be natural, I could help out more here, spend more time with you.” Colin agreed, waving his hand slightly. There were other things to consider like Colin’s lease on his flat, his job as a librarian, all things he would need to organize to move back to New Zealand, the country that had once been his refuge when he was outed to his family and in denial of his identity, where he had started a marriage and family, and where he ultimately moved away from when he was finally honest to and about himself. Colin never thought he would move back. He knew he would visit, surely, and had many times to see his friends and Eva, and of course James, but living back in New Zealand permanently again, was admittedly a step he never knew he would take. It did make him happy however, and unlike what he assumed it wasn’t a step back in his journey to be himself and instead a significant step forward as he was moving in with his boyfriend, committing to him further than he had already. "Alright then, we’ll have to set things up, it would have to be a slow process, we can move things in slowly and at the end of the school year, it can be official.” Colin said with a confident nod of his head, smiling as he moved one of his hands to touch James’ face. “I love you too, and I want to live with you, being part of your family and in your life more permanently would make me incredibly happy.” Colin added, sitting back in his chair slightly to pick up his wine, offering it to James in a cheers so they could celebrate.​
James' heart was thundering in his ears. He couldn't help the sharp stab of rejection that shot through him the moment Colin began talking, but James' pushed it down immediately, knowing it was just his insecurity trying to force its way to the front and convince him Colin would tell him no when the man hadn't even properly answered. James did, however, feel incredibly guilty when Colin admitted how his sleep schedule was affected negatively. He glanced away, biting his lip a little. He really did owe so much to Colin.

James glanced up again, his eyes widening as Colin agreed, feeling as if his heart had stopped in his chest. It fluttered again when Colin touched his face, bringing a hand of his own up to press lightly over Colin's. He smiled shyly as Colin sat back, picking up his own wine and returning Colin's cheer before taking a long sip of his wine. He reached a hand over to hold Colin's, sighing in content and smiling lovingly at his boyfriend. "You know, Col, once you're settled in a bit, I... I think maybe it's time I took you to meet my mother." He glanced up at Colin. "My family is... very chaotic, and overwhelming. I want you to meet them, eventually, but it has to be something you're prepared for. When... Once I'm with my brother... well, we're very Irish, love, and it gets out of hand rather quickly." He admitted with a nervous chuckle.

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