Change and New

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Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)


Ai Edogawa, the girl who fights almost anyone. The girl who's too close fighting with her twin brother. What would happen if she became kinder (just a bit) to everyone? We'll soon find out. When the new semester starts, Ai's going to be a bit kinder?!?!

So, she needs a couple of new friends, not yet sure about enemies, and maybe a love interest or final...



Conan Edogawa, the boy who's friendly to anybody. No enemies Enemies with his very own twin sister. A little personality change, going to be a bit mean (just a wee tiny bit) and rude... Except to a few chosen people. When he gets back to school, a small change happens to the other twin?!?!

So he needs a couple of friends maybe and a bunch of enemies...



Killua Freecss, from a family of assassins. Don't worry he won't kill you until he has an absolutely irritating reason to do so, which I doubt will be given to him :doh: ... He'll be entering Hogwarts this year and I'll be needing a couple of RPs for him. He has a very cold personality due to his upbringing and he normally looks at people with cold eyes, although, he doesn't mean any harm most of the time. But, if he becomes friends and real close with someone, he is really kind to that person and that person alone.

So, I need friends for him who will be able to handle his personality. A bunch of enemies and a love interest or final, maybe...

I'm open to any suggestions! And, Gabby might be posted along with Gaux's other characters by the way... ;) ...
Ai and Conan Edogawa! I fancy the comics! I have Honey here offered to roleplay with yours. She's Half-Korean and Half-British. She's first year student from Gryffindor, as you know, and very welcome to make friends with others xD Ai and Honey could be friends. How?
Sure thing, Val! Just tell me if you would want to start the RP or if you want me to start it... And when you want to start it, alright!

This is still open for all those out there!! xD
Is it okay if you start the role-play first? Just tell me whenever it had started ;)
Alright... We'll start once the semester starts...
Marga! :hug:

I have Cato Austman for Killua. Cato is my second Gryffindor. :woot: He likes to be in the center of attention because he comes from a big family. He knows karate and meditates three times a day. Maybe Killua and him could be friends or enemies. Both are possible. Sometimes Cato can be a huge, insensitive jerk, but most of the time he is exploring and trying to make people laugh. So tell me what you think. :)

We should have Heath and Ai or Satsuke and Conan RP again. Satsuke met his parents over the summer, so when he goes back to school he will be very gloomy and miserable. He and Conan may talk about their problems together? I don't know, but it is up to you. :) Heath and Ai could just ave yet another strange conversation if you want. I need to keep myself busy, so I want all the RP's I can get. :p

LOVI!!! :hug:

Killua an
d Cato
Sounds great... Let's have a go with them if you'd like!

Ai and Heath
I love Heath!! Haha.. I love how their conversations go!!

Conan and Satsuke
Really?!?! Then I guess it should be fun...

Looking for RPs as well.. Managed to adjust with school now so I've got time to be on HNZ again!! :woot: Well, I do love RPing with you.. So tell me the ones you'd like to start alright.. :) ;)
I can start the Killua and Cato topic and the Satsuke and Conan topic if you want.
Okay. I will start the Cato and Killua topic. :)
Thanks, Lovi!
Psyche would definitely be interested in learning assassin skills from Killua and would befriend him to that end. Possibly something more would develop, I don't know. One of her hobbies is wilderness survival which she's largely taught herself from muggle books and time spent outside alone as she lives on a small, private, rather wildly overgrown island and never has outside visitors so almost all of her time is spent outside practicing those skills, when she isn't reading in the tomb under Ravenlark Manor, that is. She's been able to kill small animals, so far, with a small bow and arrow suited to an 8-11 year old's size, and she has practiced hunting with a knife and spear, as well. She's largely introverted and a loner and is awkward mixing with other people, especially as every time she does try to be kind or vulnerable she's figuratively stabbed in the back or the heart. Her emotions are hardening her from the inside out, but she has the capacity to form at least one strong bond of loyalty if she can trust the other completely. So far, she's only been able to trust her animals and she'd want to kill anyone who hurts them. It would take time for that kind of bond to attach to a person, but it's possible. I'm generally planning for her to develop a wicked cruel streak, if that matters.
Hey Marga!

I can offer Percy here for Killua. He could be a friend or anything you want. Since they're both in Hogwarts now I think the RP on the streets about the doughnuts is finished. Well, I think you already now him but if you still want some more info about this annoying snake then feel free to contact moi.

Psyche and Killua
I guess we could give it a try... Can you please start it if ever we would go through??

Percy and Kil
Nico!! To tell you the truth, I've actually been waiting for Percy... :r ... Sure, sure!! xD
Hehe. The waiting is over now. :p So, friends it'll be then?
Yup! Friends it is!
Hey Marga ^_^

So as you know I have Amelia for Conan.I think they got on well last time,so would you like to continue with the two of them?

Okay then. I'll start the topic tomorrow. :)
Conan and Amelia
I would love too.... Actually, I was just about to PM you about it... :r xD

Kil and Percy
Thanks Nico!

Killua and Psyche
Nope, no preferences at all... :p ;)
Is it alright if you start it? I still have a couple of ones to start and reply to...
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