Open Chalk Specks and Lines

Abigail Payne

7th year | aussie 🐨 | observant artist 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
17 (02/2044)
The school semester was coming to a close and to be honest, Abby was a little excited for the school year to end. She'd rather be at home with her family than be here much longer. The girl was usually by herself, sometimes with her classmates from time to time, which was a bit lonely if she was being honest. The Gryffindor was usually seen doing some sort of art. Either painting or doing her usual chalk art. Today was no different, and Abby thought about doing some chalk drawings in one of the corners of the courtyard like she usually did. She sometimes wondered if anyone had noticed them. Sometimes the rain would wash out the chalk art, but Abigail didn't mind, it meant that she was able to draw something new. Abigail crouched down in one of the corners of the courtyard, a tub of different coloured chalks right beside her, as she picked up the white chalk and began to outline her design.
Margo was trying not to think to much about exams, which seemed so much closer than she thought they were. She had never really had trouble with them but that didn't seem to stop her from worrying. But she had finished all her assignments and had the afternoon to do as she pleased. She had lost track of Isadora and Cameron so she decided to do some reading in the courtyard. There was still a stack of books she had brought from home that lived in the bottom of her trunk unread. She had grabbed one and made her way outside. The air was a bit cool but not uncomfortable, especially if she sat in the sun. Margo was almost all the way to one of the benches when she noticed Abigail crouched over in the corner. Curiosity got the better of her and she went to go see what she was working on. She was pleasantly surprised to see a beautiful chalk drawing. "Oh wow!" she blurted out without warning. "That's beautiful, did you do that all on your own?" Margo asked sincerely.
Abby jumped a little when she heard a voice and quickly looked at who it was. She sighed quietly in relief when she realised it wasn't a professor. She smiled at Margo appreciatively and nodded shyly. "Um... yeah, Thanks," Abby says quietly with a nod and a sincere smile. She still wasn't used to the nice compliments when it came to her art. But she did appreciate them. Abigail then turned back to her art piece. "Do you draw?" Abby asked her classmate shyly. She didn't really interact with many of her classmates, but she was happy to get to know them.
Margo crouched down next to her classmate and frowned when she asked if she drew. "Sometimes but not very well." she admitted. She could draw simple flowers and a lumpy looking cat if she tried, but she wouldn't consider herself to be artistic like that. She liked writing more. It was easier for her to move words around than a pen or pencil. "And defiantly nothing like that." she said with a sigh. She was a little jealous that Abigail could make something so pretty and make it look so easy. "Did you teach yourself? Or did you have like drawing lessons?" she asked curiously. The closest thing to an art class she had taken was when she went to a muggle school as a kid and they got to do some arts and crafts in the afternoon.

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