Cerise Allard

Cerise Allard

mother | children's tv host
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Cerise Allard !

Full Name:
Cerise "Cess" Allard

Date of Birth:
15th September 1998, born in Orange, France

Current Age:
Cess is currently 38 years old, she will be turning 39 in 2037

Basic Appearance:
Cess is a fairly average height woman, she has a slim build, but has gracious curves. She has always worked very hard on her body, and because of her work she has always felt the need to keep her body in the greatest shape that she can. Cess has long dark brown hair, which she put highlights in so that it helps make her look a lot younger. She has very tanned skin, which lightens when she spends a lot of time in places with not that much sun or warmth. She has soft brown eyes and long eyelashes. Cess has a few freckles on her face, but only a couple. Cess' style is much more formal than most a lot of the time, because of her work, she always has to look as though she had made an effort, but that is only when she is outside of her home. When she is at home, there is nothing that Cess loves more than sitting around watching movies with her family. Because of her job, Cess looks younger than she actually is.

Cess could be described as an all out Hufflepuff. She is crazy kind, even under the great strain that her work puts on her, she is the type of person who knows everyone, and tries to talk to them all. She doesn't believe in the us on the screen versus those behind the cameras ideal. She is exceedingly kind in all aspects of her life, and is not the kind of person who gets angry over nothing. She would be upset or frustrated more than angry. She doesn't believe in shouting at people, much less children, because she really doesn't think that it gets anyone anywhere. Cess is however determined and likes to achieve her goals. She is very family orientated, and can at times go a little over board. She doesn't see anything wrong with it, though many others do. She loves showing affection and helping those who need her. She is very big on charity work, and is always first in line to sign up for any charity events. She loves her family and doesn't really believe that just because a person is not directly related that they can't actually be family. She doesn't have much luck in relationship, because she can fall in love too fast and a lot of people don't really like that. But, while she's been through her fair share of break-ups Cess is very good at picking herself back up, and she always believes that with her boys she'll be alright.

Cess' parents were both born in Oran Algeria before moving to France in the same year, in a little town just off from it off the coast. Both of her parents are the first of their own families to be raised in France. The pair had known each other since they were little kids and grew up together. They married two years before their first child, Cess' sister was born. They separated in 2009 when Cess was 11 years old, she moved with her father to Boston where he'd found work, she went to the international school near the area where they lived. Her father became gravely ill when Cess was only fourteen, and because of this decided that she needed to start working, and after a lot of persuading, managed to get herself a small coffee shop job near her home. Her father died two years after, and rather than moving back to her mothers a woman she had been very distant with for years, she moved in with some friends, Angelo and Bianca Moretti.
Cess has only one sister, who moved to Toulouse to study at university, she was the smartest of the family and from their studied to become an academic in Economics, she is married to a marine biologist who was born and raised in Toulouse and they have one son, Bernard. Cess has not seen her sister in many many years.
Cerise had no other other siblings.
Cess has one biological son, named, Jonathan Phillips, whom she had when she was 18 years old, a little after she had graduated from high school. He is now 20 years old and Cess couldn't be more proud of him. He is a half blood wizard, who attended Beauxbatons academy of magic.
Cess has one non-biological son, most that she just see as her own son more than anything else. Samuel Phillips who is four years old than her son. She took him under her wing from a fairly early age, and has always seen him as another son. They are both very dear to Cess.
Cess was unwed, until recently when she married Levi Prescott.
Cess also has one daughter, born on the 19th August 2042 with her husband Levi Prescott, Marietta Pamplemousse Allard.

Cess has been living along for a good many years and has in this time decided that she wants to get a cat, so now, she owns a a small short legged cat. It's black and has little patches of grey fur. It's called Orwell, mostly just because in the store where she got it, it was being watched by a lot of other people. She was the one to buy it. While Cess does not have as much time as she wants with it, it fills the hole that not having her family around her constantly has created.

Area of Residence:
Cess currently lives in Paris France, at about a ten minute walk from where she works. She's been living in Paris for about 7 years, ever since Sam's parents died and she moved back to France with her son. She previously lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which is in the Boston area.

Blood Status:
Cess is a muggle

She is French/Algerian with her and her parents being born in France, but her grandparents being born in Algeria.

Special Abilities:
Cess has no special abilities that set her really apart from the rest. She is a very good cook, and finds it one of the most enjoyable past times, but to her it makes it more a hobby than anything else.

Interests or Hobbies:
Cess likes cooking a lot, it one of her favourite past times. She is sure that it's because of the fact that she's been on various morning programs for a number of years that has lead to the fact that she really loves cooking and all of that. She loves shopping as much as the next, but no

Additional Skills:
Cess is a gifted writer and is good at telling stories, she is very naturally excitable, and finds it easy to try to bring a smile to others, which is why she assumes that she's so good at morning programs. For her they are really easy to do.

Her strengths include her openness to all people, her understanding, her ability to love easily. She's also good at cooking, and prides herself on her tidy and presentable home. She is very loving and because of that also very loyal. She would not be easily swayed against those that she loves.

While loving too much can be seen as positive as well as negative, in Cess' case it is a large negative, she loves very easily and can be a little over the top by it, which isn't always the best thing. She is not very good at knowing when to stop at times, and while good at reading people while on tv, in normal day to day life she struggles a little more.

Describe your character in three words:
Protective, Loving, Kind

Favourite place to be:
Cess loves Boston. She has always loved Boston. She lived in Boston for a good few years of her life, and honestly feels like it one of the most amazing cities in the world. She knows full well that a good number of the places she has been to are far better than it, but it is still one of her favourite places in the entire world.

Cess has a lot of friends, she knows a lot of people, and is friendly and loyal to almost everyone, so making friends comes naturally to her. However, she doesn't have very many close friends just because she isn't very good at times with knowing where the line is, and her openness while nice with friends frustrates some after a certain point.

Hogwarts House:
Did not attend Hogwarts because she is not magical, but from what she has heard Samuel say about it, she is very certain that she would've been a hufflepuff.

School Hopes and Ambitions:
In school Cess' hopes were always pretty clear, she wanted to be on tv, she wanted to help others, but she wanted to be journalist of some sort and really liked the idea of doing it on tv. She studied hard at school, and achieved this goal.

Best school subjects:
Cess' best subject at school was always literature and creative writing. She excelled in it, more than she was good at anything else. Cess had a knack for it. She felt like it was her strongest subject and definitely worked hardest in that class over the others.

Worst school subjects:
Cess' worst subject was drama, despite being good on camera, she was not very good in her drama class. Cess thinks that it's mostly down to the fact that the professor really hated her, and was always very frustrated by her. Cess did love reading plays and acting but she did not enjoy the man or lessons that he taught.

Extracurricular Activities:
Cess was part of her school's journal, and helped run the website. But, that was all she took part in. She wasn't too bothered about the sports side of things, or anything else like that.

Cess graduated from High School in 2016
And graduated from community college in 2020

Current Job:
Cess is morning tv show host, of a program called 9am Morning Mayhem, which is every weekday from 9am to 11am. This is the longest running show that she has been a part of, and plays a large role in helping come up with the show now.

Plans for your future:
Cess thinks that she's perhaps a little too old, but she'd like to move to a less early hour, but more than that, since her boys have both grown up quite a bit, she would really loved to be able to have another baby. She had Jonathon so young because she didn't want to ruin her figure or her career when it was maybe doing better, but now, without any children really around, she honestly wishes that she could have another baby. So for her future she sees at least one more child.

Your Patronus:
Despite not being a witch, Cess' patronus would be a raven. She has always found them to be the most majestic creatures and thinks that while they aren't the best or something that most would like, she thinks they are the best.

Your Patronus memory:
There is an easy memory for her. It was while she was still living with Sam's parents and shortly after she'd had Jon, she loved her son a lot, but she was lying in bed with Jon lying on her chest, fast asleep and she had just thought it was perfect, and then a little head poked through the door, and she was met with the sight of young Sam, who had been curious about his little brother, and she had motioned for him to come join her on the bed. She remembered the feeling of the two young boys leaning against her, the soft rise and fall of each chest and the heartbeats. She just thought it was a magical moment when she'd really gotten everything that she had ever wanted. Sure she wasn't in as secure a job as she could, but she had her boys.

Your Boggart:
Losing either of her sons. Cess loves them both more than anything in the world. It would honestly break her heart to lose either one of them. She has always loved her sons, and she thinks that losing either one, or god forbid both, would just destroy her entire world. She knows that they are older and they don't live together, but not even having the option of them visiting. She would just feel like it was a cruel act to make her lose her sons.

Your Animagus:
If she was a witch, Cerise believes that her animagus would be exactly like her patronus and would therefore be a raven

Mirror of Erised:
Cess is very happy with her life right now, and would feel no real need for anything more. But in the mirror of erised she would see herself with a new baby, with someone around to keep her company, because without the company of her family, she feels pretty lonely, as much as she is happy for them, and loves them still, she wishes she could have another child. She would see her boys happy, and she would have a new baby.

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