Cedarwood Road

Felix Styx

d i s t r a c t e d
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 17 Inch Swishy Larch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Felix loved to explore his surroundings. He had been feeling a lot better about his lot in life recently as he'd been making some fast friends, he definitely hoped that he could continue to do so, maybe some other Hufflepuff's because he didn't have any friends in his own house yet. He even had a rival! How many people could say that comfortably. It was strange to think about the fact that both Falon and Finn were elsewhere than he was, being a Hufflepuff was great though, they're first semester had seen them without a Head of House and that seemed to have sent a couple of people a little crazy, everyone knew the story now, but Felix was confident it was mostly all okay now, though he hadn't actually had much to do within his own house, he preferred to be around people that he actually liked. Like Madeline! He'd met her early on in the year, randomly striking up a conversation with her about Falon, though it appeared she'd not yet met his sister, which was probably just as well, Falon was a little bit brutish. He didn't want to scare off any potential friends after all.

Felix made his way to the Gryffindor tower sucking on a lollipop as he went. He'd bought it from Honeydukes on his way back during the holidays, well, a whole bag of them. He had some for Madeline to and so he hoped she'd like to do something today, because he was just a little bit bored. There were a bunch of people making their way out of the common room as he approached, as it wasn't exactly early, but close to breakfast. He'd yet to see Madeline, but he was sure he'd spot her as she walked out. He smiled to himself around his sweet and waited, rather impatiently, against the wall directly facing the portrait. Either Falon and Finn were still in there or they'd already left, but he hoped he hadn't missed Madeline, this castle was huge and it would mean that she could be anywhere. "Have you seen, Madeline?" He asked as one of the older students stepped out, the guy shook his head and kept walking. "Hi, have you seen, Madeline?" He asked the next person. "Has Madeline left yet?" The people kept filing out and he decided to be slightly proactive. "Is Madeline still in there, is she awake?"
Maddie sleepily ate breakfast at the Gryffindor table, the semester had worn her out already and it had only been a couple of weeks. She hated reading and studying for her lessons, it felt so pointless to her and she was longing to do something fun. Something to take her mind off how boring classes were, although they did seem to be a bit more enjoyable than the ones she had last semester. She picked up a muffin to go and trudged out of the hall, tangled up in a mess of students that were both entering and exiting the Great Hall. She got swept up by the crowd and found herself in the Entrance Hall, a little disorientated, hearing some shout her name from behind her. She squinted, trying to see where the voice was coming from. The crowd dispersed after a couple of minutes and then she saw him. Felix. Maddie hadn't seen the Hufflepuff boy in what seemed such a long time. Suddenly, she didn't feel so tired anymore, she was so excited to see her friend. She waved to him and started walking towards the portrait that he was standing in front of, dodging people as she went.

Using her new found burst of energy she jumped up to Felix and gave him a hug (hoping they were in that stage of friendship, else she would have made the situation quite awkward). "How have you been?" she asked with her hand on his arm. It was so nice to see him again, he gave off such a nice energy and Maddie's mood picked up instantly. "Have you had breakfast yet?"
Felix grinned when he finally found Madeline, or rather, it was she who found him. She gave him a hug and he gladly accepted before grinning at her and pulling her out of the way of the crowds so that they could walk at their own pace. "I'm great! Excellent! Brilliant! Fabulous! Incredible! I think you get the picture." He said, laughing slightly at the odd looks he was getting. These magical people did not know what they were missing with their all magical upbringing. Felix wouldn't give up being a muggleborn for anything in the world. Well, maybe for these wonderful lollipops. He produced a lollipops from the little bag of them he had hidden in his pocket and smiled around he one he had in his mouth. "Want a lollipop. I got them from Honeydukes, they're really nice. The shopkeeper is a bit moody, but she was good!"

Felix looked around for a little bit and shrugged when Madeline asked if he'd had breakfast. "I never used to eat breakfast back home and I kind of haven't got back into the habit of it yet, so nah, I'll wait til lunch." He said, taking her arm and starting to walk them down the corridors. "We should go exploring. I bet there's loads of places we haven't been before. Plenty of places to discover. I heard there's this place called the come and go room. It disappears and returns and unless you know where it is, you can't find it!" Felix was super excited to find that room. Even if it took him his entire life at this school, he was going to find that room and he was going to use it for something at least once. He didn't know what and he really didn't care, but he was now determined.
Felix had so much energy it was hard to feel sad or down around him, his positivity rubbed off on you without fail, no matter if you resisted it or not. It was one of his qualities that Maddie found both fascinating and exciting about him. She didn't care that people around them were giving the two funny looks, she laughed along with what Felix said. Maddie nodded at her friend and took one of the lollipops offered "thanks!" she said happily. It was definitely a better breakfast than the one she just had in the Great Hall. But she suddenly remembered about the muffin she was saving for later and since Felix said he didn't want it she decided to get rid of it. Looking round to see if anyone was watching she threw it over her shoulder and then feigned ignorance. She wasn't sure if Felix saw as he was chatting away animatedly as usual. Maddie took the wrapper off the lollipop and put it in her mouth, it was strawberry, her favourite.

She let Felix take her arm and lead her down the corridor, she didn't have any particular plans for the day so she was happy to go exploring with her friend if that's what he wanted. Truth be told she had probably explored most of the castle already but maybe Felix had somewhere new up his sleeve. Maybe somewhere even Hemi hadn't found yet. "Let's go and explore then!" she said agreeing with Felix. "That come and go place sounds interesting... I haven't heard of that before. we should try and find that" she said tugging on his arm. she loved new adventures and despite getting trouble for her last one it hadn't put her off that much. Plus this time she wasn't sneaking out to go to the forbidden forest, she was only exploring the castle. What could go wrong really?
Felix grinned as Madeline threw the muffin over her shoulder. He was proud of her and he clapped at the sight. There were so many fuddy duddy's in this place he didn't want to come across anyone that wasn't fun to be with. Felix finished off another one of his lollies and stuffed the stick in his pocket before opening another one, stuffing it in his mouth and smiling. "You didn't have to throw the muffin away, we could've saved it as a snack for later you know." He told her, laughing slightly as they continued down the corridors. Classes were mostly boring for him and he only attended out of fear of Falon injuring him if he didn't, but honestly there were probably a bunch of classes that Finn didn't attend so he didn't know why he had to, of course he was also a first year and Finn was not. "Exploring is better with friends too, like I could've gone on my own, but I prefer not to." He stopped and looked at her when she said she thought the come and go room sounded interesting. Did she not know of the place? "Haven't you ever heard of it?" He asked. How could that be true, he'd been here five minutes and had heard about it, and he was a muggleborn. "It's supposedly so cool! Like it can't be found unless you know how to look for it and only a few people have ever found it and yeah! There aren't many people who know where it is!" it would be super exciting if they were able to find it.

My god I am sorry about this post.
Maddie's eyes widened at what Felix said, she clapped her hand to her forehead "you're right, we could have eaten it later." She looked back but the crowd was too dense and the muffin was no where to be seen now. She shrugged it off, there was nothing to be done about it now. She nodded in agreement "me too, it's much more enjoyable when you are with friends. You can both share the memories" she said smiling. Exploring was ten times better when you did it with friends she decided. Suddenly Felix stopped walking and looked at Maddie dead in the eye when she revealed that she had never heard of the come and go room. She tried to look apologetic as she shook her head in response to his question. "Sorry... I.." she began to say as Felix interrupted her with his enthusiasm as he spoke about the prospect of finding the room. It was infectious, Maddie could feel herself getting excited too. "Well what are we waiting for?!" she asked him grinning.

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