Caysi & Kiera...

" She used him for money and for a home". she said.
Kiera sighed. "Thats really not good. I figure I should probably try and contact her. Maybe she didnt want to leave. Bella told me that once you are in the death eaters you cant get out." she said.
" It's true what she said...once their in, they can never get out.".. she said quietly.
"You's really hard going home in the summer or whenever, I always wished for a mom to be there with open arms to hug me.." she said building up tears in her eyes.
"Oh Kiera, we'd get in trouble , I think that we should ask Alicia first..". she said.
" They can kill us, and can trap us for Merlin's sake!". she said . " Well...I think that we should talk to Alicia...just incase or something like that".
Caysi shrugged. " I don't know, I'm not so sure if we can find them ourselves.". she said.
" But that doesn't mean that they would tell us where they are...unless, they would try to trap us.". she said.
" That's true". she said " Why are we even going to be looking for them?". she asked.

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