Cavani Laskaris

Cavani Laskaris

Well-Known Member
Knotted 10" Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
FULL NAME- Cavani Laskaris
AGE - fourteen
HOMETOWN - Nicosia, Cyprus
SEXUALITY - Straight
SCHOOL - Beauxbatons
YEAR - 3rd Year
ACTIVITIES - Hockey, Ping Pong.
FACE CLAIM - Alicia Vikander​

"No, thank you, seriously, happy to help out. Anyway, my full name is Cavani Laskaris, no fancy middle name, just Cavani Laskaris, as you can probably tell by my name, I'm not English, American, Canadian, Australian or a Kiwi. Its also easy to say, Ca-van-e Las-ka-ris. I like my name, though its actually a boys name. Cavani is a boys name. My parents thought I was going to be a boy and had come up with a name and a whole bunch of blankets and clothes with that name on it, and even though I came out a girl the name Cavani stuck. I couldn't find a meaning for my name. Its a little depressing, but each time I search, it comes up blank. I wish I knew what it meant, but since it doesn't I like to make things up. Right now, Cavani means warm heart. Doesn't make too much sense, but thats the way I like it. Confusing and awesome. Laskaris, my family name is simpler, its an incredibly common Greek surname. But, its fairly disputed as to the origin of the name. Some say that is Greek, meaning teacher, and others have said it comes from the persian word asgari which means warrior, soldier. I like both of those definitions. I think it does actually suit me, I love learning, and my mother has always called me, quite the little fighter.

I'm half greek, and spent a lot of my Cyprus, and Greece, so, my name isn't spelt, C-a-v-a-n-i L-a-s-k-a-r-i-s. Well, it is, in English, but in the Greek alphabet, its spelt, wait let me show you by writing it done. You probably wouldn't get it if I spelt it out. See, it looks really nice when I write it like that. I've been so used to it being like that, that it really took me a while to get back into the english alphabet that I use in school. Even though, the school I went to in Cyprus was an international school, it was a Greek international school in Cyprus. Its because of my mother that we were there, and because of my father that I went to a greek school. I could've gone to a normal school, but that one was the best in the country, with the highest grade averages, and the best facilities. Understandable why he sent me there, but now, I get my alphabets mixed up. Which is less than fun. Most of the other kids in my school, when I was there had the same issue as me, but unlike most of them, they weren't found to be magical and have to be sent to a completely new school in a country they hardly knew the language of.

Nicknames, well, I never had one before Beauxbatons, but, I found that some people just prefer nicknames, and while it was the first person I ever met who gave it to me, when my accent was still a little strong. She had misheard me, thought I'd said Ava and not Cavani. Which makes me wonder what my french used to sound like. It must have been awful. Truly awful. Apart from Ava, I don't have any other nicknames. Which is good. I like my name, and I like the small nickname I have, wouldn't switch them for anything.​
"Well, I just turned fourteen a couple of months ago. Yay! It was a lot of fun. It was part of the way into the year, since I was born on November 2nd. We had a small party, me and my friends. Not too many but enough. My family sent me gifts and al that it was nice. I was born, three weeks early, while my parents were living in Tenerife. They were there for my fathers job. It was only meant to be a temporary thing, about two months or so, and they were meant to leave just being the due date, and I just arrived early. Panicked everyone and all that, but I was born very healthly so in the end it was pretty good. It was actually half way through the night as well. My parents love tell me the story of how I was born. Middle of the night, not a sound, suddenly my mother was panicking, and they were driving to the hospital. I was born four hours later, just as the sun was rising on that day. All very nice. Nice little story. I think.

I like my birthday. Its just after Halloween, so I've taken to mixing the two. Most of my friends don't really celebrate Halloween, which is why mixing it with my birthday works well."​
"No, my family moved in December. My father moved back in November, just after my birthday, just to get settled, and the rest of my family moved there in the following month. I haven't been over yet. Stayed in France over the winter holidays. I'm excited to go. I'm applying to Hogwarts New Zealand. It would be fun to go there, and go to school. I like being in France, and Beauxbatons is amazing, but I'm just happier slightly closer to my family. They are a crazy little bunch, but I love them. I'm really a little from all over the place. I mean, I was in Tenerife, which is really Spain. My mother is Spanish, and my father is Greek.

From the age of under a month to when I turned 2 I lived in the very heart of the south of Spain. A miniature little town, to the east of Seville. I don't remember anything from it. Its where my mother's parents used to live, and when I was born, my parents were between jobs, so, they didn't have a lot of money. But, from how my mother talks about it, seems like she misses it. We've went once on holiday, like, two years ago. We were in Seville, to visit the cousin that got married, and we went back to the old town. It was so hot, like 40oC or something seriously. The little town, was just that. Little. Very Spanish, very sort of traditional, with traditional looking villas and it spelt like Paela and Churros. It was really great. I liked it. But, it was too small for my liking. I don't think I would've liked living there too much. It would've been very different, and my Spanish would be so much better than it actually is.

After that, my family moved to Athens. We lived in Athens Greece for about 2 years. My father had gotten a new job with a large renewable energy company, and they were stationed in Athens. Which suited my family, since all of my fathers side of the family lived in Keratea, which is like a half hour from the coast, and south of Athens. Which is great. I also don't remember much of that place, I mean I was four when we moved. But, I've been back to Athens many times. Its a lovely place. I love all the historical sites of the city. Its got so much history, seriously. I mean one city where so much has happened. So much. I'm sort of really interested in history. Which my mother has always loved about me.

After that, my father was moved to Cyprus, the capital, Nicosia. My father had been moved there by the company. We lived in a small apartment in the old side of the capital for about four years. Then his pay went up and we were very suddenly better off. It was when we first arrived at our house on the West outskirts of Nicosia that we met, my now brother. He was a runaway child, four years old, I was eight at the time. Little boy, with blonde hair, and bright green eyes. Wide eyed, little boy. By the name of Kyriakos Demetriou. Which later became a Laskaris now, but my parents think that its important that he still feel connected to whatever came before us. We moved into a large house, its the one we lived at until now. Until the family moved to New Zealand. I love Cyprus. Out of all the places I have been to, I always feel like my home is Nicosia. I love living there. It was beautiful. The sky was almost always blue. The weather was always lovely. It didn't really have very clear seasons. There was summer, and the spring. There is winter, and then, it can be a lot more wet, and the temperate can drop, but its nothing that can't be handled well. It was so weird for me when I went to Beauxbatons, since the weather has been so different. It has hot summers, not as hot as I'm used to, but still hot. And the winter can either be mild or cold, with a lot more rain. Cyprus is very often lacking in water. Which is hardly surprising. Considering.

But, of course now I live in New Zealand. And that really is different. According to my brother, who is constantly writing to me. He likes keeping me upto date. He doesn't like it too much. But, they are heading into winter, so my brother and my family has told me to be prepared for the worst kind of weather. I do however look forward to the challenge and as long as I don't lose my tan, then I'll be happy.
"I've been fearing this question. I don't know how to describe myself. I'm kind. At least I try to be. I hate upsetting people. Its the worst thing. I do this thing, its really annoying but if I'm with someone and if they start crying I will also start crying. It means I get sometimes called a cry baby. I don't mind that, but its still not fun. I like helping people, I like making them feel better. I'm not the kind of person who would walk away from helping someone. I try to do good, you know. I guess that makes me kind then. I really do try. I make promises to people and I just can't break them. So, rather than constantly making them, I'm careful about it. But if its something that I can do, then there is no reason why I shouldn't do it. I don't think it would be right of me if I didn't. Its the same way with my older sister, she's a pain, but I love her, and I try to make things work between us. Which is a challenge and a half. I work hard when I'm with her, to make her happy, do what she wants to do, that kind of thing. It has never bothered me that I wasn't getting my way. I just think if I'm kind to her, she can't say anything bad about me. She can't make up lies, because they simply, just would not be true. I guess it probably also makes me patient. It takes a lot with my sister, shes a lot to handle, but patience works.

I don't like being too positive on myself. I always know that I can do a little better, so I keep trying. I've been brought up in a very positive and hard working family. A family of people who follow their dreams and do exactly what they want. So, I'm pretty driven. I broke my arm playing hockey once, and as soon as I had the cast off, I was back on the field. I don't see the point in becoming scared of doing things. I know I can keep going, so why stop. I'm a little bit of a pushover. If I'm trying to argue my way, I'll eventually cave. While I'm good at sports, I really dislike confrontation in any other way, so I make sure that I avoid it. I avoid it with my brother, and with my sister. And with pretty much everyone else. I always do as I'm told. In school, or at home. I'll only ever go against it, if I really feel like they are asking me to do something I'm not comfortable with, or just think is too stupid. I think I'm smart, I mean, I try really hard in school. Do all the homework, all the reading. I can speak, French, English, Greek, Spanish and a little Turkish, thats got to account for something. So, I guess I'm fairly smart. I'm pretty into fashion, and by that I mean I enjoy it, but more to look at. I'm more a jeans and t-shirt with trainers kind of girl. I like the Beauxbatons uniform, it makes me feel like I'm really fancy.

As well as all that, I'm friendly. I'm bubbly. I'm not easily brought down. I think thats all really important traits. I'm all smiles and giggles most of the time. Which is fun. People say I'm nice to hang around, because I can brighten days. Which makes me feel pretty good about myself. Because I really do try that. I like to make people feel better. So, if I'm friendly and bubbly and that works then thats awesome. I'd hate to be really dull and not have any friends. I don't think I have to worry about that too much though.​
"My family are amazing. There are five of us altogether. Me, my mum, my dad, my older half sister, and my younger adopted brother. We're a put together family. Its always been important to my parents to make sure everyone feels like a part of it. My older sister and I share a mum, but her dad died, just after my mum got pregnant with her, so hes never been in the picture. My dad came along just after she was born. My dad and her have got a great relationship, hes always making sure that he isn't a replacement for what her could've been, and hes always encouraging her to talk about him, to consider visiting his grave and such. My dads pretty great. Shes a bit of a pain. Shes pretty self involved, so everyone is less important, but shes eighteen and now at university in New Zealand, doing fashion design or something. I forget. But, she likes it. Shes not magical. Currently I'm the only one, but, we think that Kyriakos may be. In his little bundle of belongings is a wand, and a picture that moves, and when we saw them, it made no sense, but he was a bit weird, and we figured it was a inherited thing, and now, we think its magic. It would be really cool if he was. I wouldn't be the odd one out. Anyway, back to my sister, shes tall, slim and a brunette like me. She has similar blue eyes, oh and her name. Wow, can't believe I forgot to mention that. She has a very pretty name, which said in more understandable English, is Ocean Elani-Laskaris. So, yeah its pretty and my name is less so. I mean I love my name, but hers is a girls name, and mine, well, isn't.

My brother, I was eight when we found him asleep in our new home. He was very afraid of us to begin with, but after speaking to the local authorities, my mother decided that the boy had already made our home, and that he should therefore be able to stay. My parents had been trying for another baby, with no luck and then a four year old boy was in front of us. We don't know much about him. Just that he could only speak Greek when we met him, his name and that he was four years old. He couldn't tell us, when his birthday was, or where his family was. He doesn't remember, or hes just never said. And we've never really pushed. My brother, Kyriakos is an amazing person. Hes well adjusted, hes smart and loves to go surfing. He works really hard and we get along amazingly. Hes just turned ten, so next year we will find out if hes a wizard or not. Its pretty exciting for us. For me, I barely now remember a time before him. I might've been eight when we met, but hes my best friend. I love him to bits. My parents are great, they work super hard for us to have everything we need. My father works in Renewable energy, and my mother is a historian who deals specifically in Ancient history, before the birth of Christ. She loved Cyprus for its rich and deep history. She loved Greece for it, and I think she'll like New Zealand too. It's good for her to move between places, she says. Both of my parents, parents are dead. My fathers when he was 21, so before me, and my mother, was one after the other, about 2 years ago. I miss them, but they gave me some amazing memories.

I have, quite a family, my mother has one sister, who is married, both of whom live in Spain, they have three children. One girl who is the same age as me, a boy who is 16, and the second boy who is 22. He got married about 2 years ago, and him and his wife just had their first child, a boy. On the other side, my father has two brothers. He is the youngest of the three. The middle brother is not married, his first wife died giving birth, his second walked out, he is currently seeing someone, but he claims its nothing serious. He has two kids from his first wife, two boys, one 14 and the other 10, and from the second marriage he has a girl, 7. Then my fathers eldest brother, who is married, had one boy, and adopted another. His biological son, is 25 and got married last year after getting his girlfriend of 4 years pregnant again. They had two kids, a girl, 2 and a boy of only 6 months. The other son, is currently at school in Athens studying to be a doctor. A muggle doctor. I think thats everyone. So, No grandparents, three uncles, one married in. Two aunts, one married in. 8 cousins, 2 married in cousins, and 3 kids of cousins. Every family's different.
"Well, I'm only fourteen so my life thus far has not had much in it. Like I said before, I was born in Tenerife, to a small family of three. I lived there for a month, before my parents went back to the small town in Spain I talk about before. There, I lived for two years in a small country house with my parents and my sister. My sister is four years older than me, and has always been the centre of attention. She is the one with half a foot in this family. In a way. Which is an odd way of thinking about it, but it is however the only way. My sister was always very into fashion, I don't remember it, but there are plenty of pictures of my sister dressing me up in various outfits. During the time in Spain, I grew close to my father, my first ever memory is of the two of us watching the sunset on a winters night. Well, as much as you can call it winter, i don't remember much else about that night, just that, it's sketchy. After Spain, when I was four we moved to Greece. I remember this a lot more. Though I was still young. I first attended nursery in Greece. We were super close to my father's family which was nice. My mother's side is great but, just a little crazy. I had a lot of friends in Greece. I went to an alright primary school and made friends with a group of people I have on occasion seen again. Despite how different we've become. That and I'm magical in blood and they aren't which makes things a little awkward. During our time in Athens I first became interested in History. We had gone to the great monuments and my mother had told me the story of the great lives that people lead. The lost libraries and everything like that, I just remember standing on the great steps, that had been there for over two thousand years and thinking about how incredible that was. That only 2000 years before the steps were new. I walk among the kings of our age. For a five year old I was pretty deep. But then we had ice cream, and ice cream became my favourite thing. It really wasn't until I found out about the magical world that I thought back on it. It felt pretty surreal. Athens was good for history, just as much as it was good for the beaches. I first discovered my love of summer, sandy beaches and blue water while in Athens.

When I turned six, my family relocated to Cyprus. My father had gotten a small job within the firm. It had more possibilities of moving up the chain. So he took it and we moved. When we arrived in Nicosia, I developed pretty bad appendicitis, and had to get my appendix out. Not a fun first memory of Cyprus, but it didn't take me long to fall in love with it. It had everything I loved. Though when we first moved we lived in a tiny studio apartment. It was barely big enough for us. My sister at this point was about to start secondary, and my father spent a lot of time looking for the best school. Which turned out to be the international school that I also attended, though I was just in a few years below. My father moved up the chain quickly. Only two years after my father got promoted, and with this came a huge pay rise. Which was good, because sharing the one room with the entire family had been pretty straining. We moved into a large house with many balconies and a swimming pool on the roof. We were about to move in, literally in the process of moving boxes when the boy turned up. He had been sleeping in the kitchen when we found him. My mother has always loved kids and she had always believed in helping others. When it became clear that the boy had no one, my mother couldn't let him not stay. Funnily enough, he fitted in perfectly with our family. It felt complete. I had kind of felt like our family was missing something and apparently it was missing a third child. Our family is sort of mishmash of lots of things. It works. I love my little brother, I do anything for him. We get along super well, and I do rally hope that he is of magical blood so that I can share this with him. He'd love it. Seriously. Magic. I always fear that one day his real family is just going to pop up and try to take him from us. I hope it never does, but you know, it something that you really can't avoid thinking about,." (More to come)​
"To come"​
"It’s pretty dull to be honest. I’ve never been kissed and I am most definitely not with anyone. Which is super dull but the truth. I focus on my studies.​
"I am super excited to go to New Zealand, oh and as for goals. I don't have too many. As far as I know there aren't any wizarding universities, and the only thing I really desire to be is a historian like my mum but I don't think I can do that. I think that wizarding history is incredibly fascinating. Everything from Dumbledore, potter and the goblin wars. Everything. It's incredible. So, I'm looking to do something like that. I really am. "
"Haven't I told enough already. Seriously, I have no idea what else you'd be interested in knowing. I guess one thing would be that I actually find English really hard. Of all the languages I know, English is the hardest. I have this incredibly thick Greek accent. I think most struggle to understand me. Oh, I love The Lord of the Rings books and the movies. They are amazing. I've always wanted to go visit all the sites in New Zealand, so I'm excited to go. I know that if I was at Hogwarts, should I get in that I'll be a hufflepuff, but I'd love to be in Gryffindor. I hate playing Ping pong, but I do anyway. It's the same way that I hate playing the flute but do it anyway. I think that's all the good secrets your going to get out of me. "​
" No, thank you. It's been good to talk to someone. I really do love helping out. It's good and you guys seem cool. So why not. It's not harming me."​
[th colspan="1"]Don't you worry[/th]

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