Cato Austman

Cato Austman

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Full Name:
- Cato Seville Austman

Date of Birth:
- November 14, 2019

Current Age:
- Seventeen

Basic Appearance:
- High top fade. Black hair with blonde on the top. Brown skin. Acne scars on neck. Lean muscle. Lanky. Amber eyes.

- I am very indifferent towards people. I like to keep to myself, and I don't like a lot of attention. I like to get my work done quietly. This may seem strange, since I come from a big family. But, my parents were always the harshest on me because I was hardheaded, and I did not listen. My parents are emotionally and verbally abusive. Whenever I would say something, they told me I was either wrong, stupid, or unnecessary. I slowly learned how to keep to myself. I was one of the younger children, so I was not given as much attention or respect as my older siblings. Strangely, I still remained loyal to my family. They treat me horribly, but they are still my family. I guess that I hope one day the way my family treats me will change, and I won't have to be such a hermit. Naturally, I was held to high expectations. I was expected to get good grades and be a stellar student. I fooled around at Hogwarts New Zealand, but Durmstrang has really reeled me in and put me into shape. I learned how to better channel my focus when doing different things. Older peers assisted me in setting realistic goals for academics and non-academic. When faced with other people, I assume they are bad, and I keep a distance.

- Mother: Alli Austman mixed blood, 1939, housewife
- Father: Rasheed Austman muggleborn, 1983, CFO
- Brother: Jacque Austman half-blood, 2010, househusband
- Brother: Nikolaji Austman half-blood, 2013, unspeakable
- Brother: Raquel Austman half-blood, 2015, daily prophet reporter
- Sister: Maeve Austman half-blood, 2018, herbologist
- Sister: Zemirah Austman half-blood, 2025, beauxbatons student
- Brother: Xerxes Austman half-blood, 2028, dependent

- None. I have never been the type of person that wants an animal following me around and begging for attention.

Area of Residence:
- France

Blood Status:
- Half-Blood

- New Zealandian

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- Taekwondo
- Dark Magic
- Xerxes's wellbeing
- Quidditch

Additional Skills:
- Black belt

- Independent
- Loyal
- Dependable
- Intelligent
- Focused
- Goal-Oriented
- Protective

- Rude
- Judgemental
- Indifferent
- Cynical

Describe your character in three words:
- Indifferent. Spiritual. Cynic.

Favourite place to be:
- With Xerxes.


Hogwarts House:
- Former Gryffindor. Transferred to Durmstrang my 5th year.

Schooling Hopes and Ambitions:
- I started schooling with no real intentions of doing anything with my life. I met very few people. I found my years at Hogwarts uneventful. Our family moved France because Rasheed was moved to the branch of his job in France.

Best school subjects:
- History of Magic
- Arithmancy
- Divination
- Transfiguration
- Charms

Worst school subjects:
- Potions

Extracurricular Activities:
- Taekwondo

- 2038

Current Job:
- Student

Plans for your future:
- I plan on moving to New Zealand with Xerxes. I plan on getting a job at the Ministry of Magic or something small enough to support me and my younger brother. I am interested in becoming a animagus, but being able to transform into an animal will not benefit in any way.

Your Patronus:
- I cannot produce a full patronus.

Your Patronus memory:
- There was a storm one night, and Xerxes came into my room crying. He was five at the time. When I picked him up and held him, he stopped crying instantly. My little brother is the most important person in my life. Before, he and I were not very close, but that night made me feel important to him, and I always will protect him when he is scared and lost.

Your Boggart:
- Xerxes dead.

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:

A page from your diary:

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