Catching Up!

Xavier Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Xavier mentally scolded himself for wearing a sweatshirt today, he had forgotten than while it was getting colder and more winter like in France it was getting the complete opposite here. He had written Vincent a letter telling him they needed to meet up sometime to catch up with one another. Since Graduating Xavier had very little contact with any of his friends because of him either being busy with Quidditch or them being busy with something else. Since he and Vincent had been best friends for most of his school year he was the last guy that Xavier wanted to lose as friend so he had taken the day off to hang out with him some. Of course he had to drop Aphrodite off at Honeydukes first and forewarn her not to run off to far because he would probably end up taking her home as well, he was used to babysitting her and she was often no trouble for him so he didn't mind. Rounding the corner Xavier made his way to the area that he had told Vincent to meet him at, he had heard little from him as well so he wondered what his friend had been up to lately since he had no longer had to worry about school and all that boring stuff.

He probably could have asked his sister Alyssa how Vincent had been but he knew by now not to ask a girl who was heads over heels in love about their boyfriends, you could never get them to shut up. Actually Alyssa wasn't that bad but he would still rather not risk he, he wanted to see the man himself anyways. Sighing to himself he glanced at the watch he was given by his uncle and noted that he was actually on time for once. Now he just had to wait for Vincent to arrive and he could stop standing in the middle of Brightstone like an idiot.
Vincent wore a white shirt, faded jeans and regular sneakers as he decided to meet up with Xavier. Xavier had become a pro Quidditch player whereas Vincent had successfully become an Auror. Well he was in training, but it would be complete soon enough. He was at the apartment with Raffael right now, and he finished getting ready. He bid his friend and roommate goodbye and he left the apartment. Vincent did not have much to travel, but he decided to get better on his apparating. He apparated to the spot where Xavier had told him to. Vincent had been doing nothing but training and hanging out with Raffael, fixing up the apartment and missed Alyssa for all of his worth. Vincent needed to get an owl, because he had always used his father’s before, but not now. So, he had lost contact with his best friend, Xavier.

“Xavier, you need to stop standing in the middle of Brightstone. You look like an idiot!” Vincent hollered out with a smile on his face. He walked toward his best friend and he gave Xavier a smile. It did not look like the man had changed a bit. Vincent had, because now he had an attractive goatee on his chin. Vincent approached Xavier and now stood in front of him. He inquired, “What’s up, man? You still into that one girl?” Last he heard, they were dating or something, but he did not remember who it was though. It could be Hilde he was talking about, or Trilby, or whoever.
Xavier turned when he heard someone tell him that he looked like an idiot standing in the middle of Brightstone like he was, when he saw it was only Vincent he grinned. "Well maybe if you weren't so slow I wouldn't have had to wait in the middle of Brightstone."He teased right back before he walked closer to Vincent himself, it was obvious that the man had changed a lot while Xavier had changed only just a little, he was more built now thanks to Quidditch but that was about it. He took in how much older his friend looked and shook his head slightly, he remembered exactly how Vincent had looked when they met in his first year and now he could scarcely believe how much he had grown up since then. "Dude don't tell me...your became an Auror?" Xavier's crystal blue eyes lit up excitement as he thought about it knowing how much his friend wanted to become an Auror, his father must have been proud if he had. Though there was also a part of Xavier that unnerved about him becoming one of those that hunt down dark Wizards and Witches, his family was full of Death Eaters and as much as he hated them to be such a thing seeing them locked up would hurt. Or having them trying to cause Vincent harm because of what he was. Worried flickered into his eyes for a moment before he covered it up with a small smile.

"Well that totally depends on which girl your referring to, I kind of broke it off with the last one though." He averted his gaze for a moment, he wanted to bring up Trilby but he was embarrassed by the whole situation and really didn't want everyone knowing about how he was shut down by the one girl he actually liked. The only two that did know were Alyssa and Gabrielle and thats because they were really good at figuring out things that had to deal with someone's love life, neither of them really knew how to deal with his problem though. Sighing softly he ran some of fingers finger through his thin blonde hair before he motioned for Vincent to walk with him. "So what have you been up to man?" Xavier asked leisurely, even though he sort of felt like his best friend had become a stranger to him in the past few months that they hadn't spoken. If Vincent knew that his family was full of Death Eaters would he start to question him or suspect him too?
Vincent laughed at his retort and he said, "Hey, I am usually slow at getting ready anyway. But I always look devilishly good in the end." Vincent winked one of his blue eyes - a gene he inherited from his mother and father, but his were not nearly as vivid and bright as Amauri's. Vincent saw that Xavier was as built as ever, from Quidditch, otherwise, nothing else had really changed. If Vincent was not completely and totally straight, he would totally hit on Xavier. His best friend was just that type of person. But Vincent was in love with his sister. Vincent nodded, and he said, "Not yet, but I am in training!" Vincent was excited over this because he had followed his father's footsteps with glee. Vincent then remembered that according to Alyssa, the Snow's were bad people, but he had no idea which ones. So, he would just have to do some research in the future.

Vincent started to walk with Xavier and he was informed that he broke it off with the last one, to which he asked, "Um, what was her name again?" Vincent looked to Xavier for answers, and then was asked what had he been up to. He thought for a moment, and he answered with a smile, "Raffael Fox and I moved into an apartment not far from here, and I've just been busy with the Auror training. Dad is getting more lenient but I guess it is because of me being an adult now. What's been up with you?" Vincent had a slow pace right now, but he didn't care right now. He was just happy to be with his good friend right now. It seemed like old times again.
His best friend confirmed that he was an Auror in training and Xavier busted out the biggest grin he had in a long time because he was truly happy for his friend. "Dude I'm so happy for you! You've been working for this so long and your dad must be so proud!" Xavier chirped patting his friend on the back as he was congratulated him in doing something he really wanted to do. But then it kicked in once again what his friend was and what his family was. Vincent's dad was also one which also pushed up the threat against them. Xavier wondered if Vincent knew that Alyssa wanted to become one as well, he was dragging her into the light and that was upsetting a lot of people. "But if your going to research about my family, I'll just tell you know that you'll find out a lot more than you bargained for. They already have their eyes out on you." Xavier warned slightly, it was more along the lines of that they they were suspicious of him and didn't completely trust him enough to have him around anything. Would Vincent be heartless enough to turn in Alyssa's family on her, to where she would have no one to care for her anymore?

"Tr-oh um Hilde, yeah she was into some other guys anyways." He almost said Trilby, thankfully he was able to cover it up a little before he said her name and revealed that is was Trilby he was more concerned about. He shook his head and tried to forget that he was over here talking about another girl and trying to forget about the one he really wanted to talk about. "You two moved in together, only you two?" He asked with a sly grin knowing fully well that Vincent was a man and probably had at least a girl or two over every once and awhile. "As for me, Quidditch and avoiding home as much as possible." He coughed the last part but it was really the only thing he was up to besides Quidditch, coming with excuses not to come home was something he found himself doing all the time now. He wondered if Vincent would question why.
Vincent often wondered about Xavier, but nothing ran through his mind though. "Yeah, dad is really proud. According to him, everyone would be smiling down at me if they knew I followed in their path." It was rather obvious that he was. He trained so long, so hard for it. And now, he was making his dreams come true. With Death Eaters out there, killing left and right, someone needed to stop them before they killed again. Every life did not deserve a cruel death. When Xavier warned Vincent about researching his family, he raised an eyebrow, "Who said that I was going to do that? I'm just a rookie right now, but still. What brings you to say that?" Vincent was utterly confused though. He remembered that Alyssa told him that her dad was a Death Eater once upon a time, but he could not remember the damned man's name. It was not something said a lot apparently or else he would remember and would have told Nicolas King right away.

With a raised eyebrow, he stopped walking and he said, "Hilde? Well, sorry about that. For a second there, I thought you were going to say Trilby. I thought she was into that one guy, that Rossi character." Vincent shrugged lightly. That is what he got for not knowing everyone very well at all. Vincent could not remember for the life of him anyway. So, it did not really matter. Not in his opinion. Vincent nodded, "Yep, only Raffael and I. Next door though, get this, is both of our girlfriends and his girlfriend's sister. So, we have three gorgeous females right next door, but my eyes are on Alyssa. But when they get back from school, on the holidays, Hadan and Raffael vanish a lot, and Alyssa and I are left watching movies and stuff." Vincent shrugged lightly, and then remembered, this was Alyssa's big brother. Oh well. "If you don't like your house, then move out. Simple as that," Vincent did not ask why, but he said something similar though.
Xavier could tell that Vincent was really excited about being an Auror too, ever since they were kids Vincent had wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and now he was finally where he wanted to be. Other than Quidditch Xavier had no idea what he wanted to do with his life, his uncle had been playing for almost ten years for France and still wasn't tired of it. When Vincent asked him what would male him think he was going to go and attempt to research his family and a small knowing appeared on Xavier's face as he stared at his friend plainly. "Because they always do, My family is well known for being into the Dark Arts, so I just figure that eventually you'll grow curious and try to search into it like the rest." He stated with a small roll of his eyes but a friendly smile added at the end showing him that he was not at all bothered by any of this conversation but he was merely curious as to if Vincent was actually planning to lock up anyone that was related to Alyssa or him or if he wasn't planning to. If the Death Eater Snows were locked up it would reduce the risk of people getting killed but it would also leave Alyssa and Xavier alone without a family.

"Trilby is into that Rossi guy and it's a load of bull if you ask me, I met up with her over summer on accident and she seemed miserable." Xavier snorted as his pace quickened he hated that she was with some other guy when he was right here so wanting to make her happy and trying his best to show her that he wanted to make her happy. After a moment he slowed down a little and took a deep breath to calm himself down, he didn't need to act like this in front of his friend. When Xavier heard Vincent tell him that he lived next to Alyssa and a few others girls and stuff the Snow's eyes widen considerably before he gave his friend an odd look, it turned sly within a moment and he suddenly got what Alyssa was going on about earlier. "Oh, so now you live next door to my little sister. Thats just promising. Are you sure you live just next door and not in the same apartment? And please tell you haven't done anything with her yet." Xavier trusted Vincent because he didn't seem like one of those scummy guys that were just all over people's little sisters. He seemed to really like Alyssa and she seemed to really like him so it was probably a genuine relationship. But god only knows what has happened between those two already. "If I could I would nevermind." He waved his friend off trying to get it to drop because it he was able to move out he really would but it wasn't that easy. And he couldn't live with his mom either because she recently just got married to some man that Xavier dared not to come across.
"Your family really has it out for itself, doesn't it," Vincent raised an eyebrow, but he kept that in his mind. But what Xavier was saying was completely and utterly just stupid. How could anyone tell that their family is into the Dark Arts to an Auror? That was just hanging a sign on your back that said, Hey, arrest my family and I! We are evil! We perform Dark Arts and kill people! Right here we are! Vincent wondered in his mind that it was a no wonder why Xavier was not in Ravenclaw. Vincent didn't know what else to say, but he would have to research the family now. Because of Xavier's words. If someone questioned it, Vincent would have to tell the truth, and say that Xavier at told him. Vincent let out a sigh and just decided to drop that conversation before Xavier dug him and his family into a deeper hole than he bargained for.

Vincent shrugged, "Well, if she wants to make herself miserable, then let her do it. You can only do two things, and that is move on, or tell her how it is. There is no in between." Vincent didn't really know the two of them, but he told it like it was. Vincent didn't want his friend to be unhappy, and especially over some girl. Did she know what she was doing was affecting Xavier too? Most likely not, but if she did, then Vincent thought that Xavier could do a lot better. A hell of a lot better. Vincent raised an eyebrow, and he replied, "We live in separate apartments, Xavier. Did I stutter? I think not. And no, I have not. You know me better than that. You know I have always wanted to wait until marriage. And don't pull that 'but Alyssa is a Veela bulls**t." Vincent was a little offended at the matter. His blue eyes looked somewhat irritated. Vincent could joke around, but not on a matter that was so personal. All that caused him to forget what Xavier had said next.
Xavier laughed almost miserably when his stated that his family really had it out out for itself with the way the members of it were acting these days, especially his father with the way he was trying to control everyone he possibly could. "If only you knew Vincent. I'm only telling you this...well in case if anything ever happens to me or Alyssa one day." He sighed and shrugged his shoulders gently before his hand went up to rub at his temples slightly, it was extremely obvious that he was very stressed out by this whole issue. He knew he should not be letting all of this out but he wanted someone to help him out and keep an eye on him in case anything were to happen and he one day was not found anymore, it was always possible with his family.

"I tried to tell her man, but she wouldn't listen to me at all. She just ran and I don't know why, it's...she's just infuriating. I ended hooking up with some other random girl because of her." He wished Trilby would listen to him, every day she didn't things got worse between them and he wanted to stop it before things got too bad. The whole thing with him and Cassie was due to hurt feelings and natural chemistry between the and if they did not use common sense it could have gotten worse. It seemed like his friend wasn't in the best of moods today and Xavier could only wonder if someone was up or something. He shook his head and frowned. "Well for one I didn't think you were serious about the marriage thing and second, I didn't think you were that serious about my sister like that, I thought that she was just well..a girlfriend to you." Xavier stopped and looked at his friend, he remembered what Vincent had written to him long ago but he serious thought the man was kidding about such things, especially when it came to Alyssa Snow. Besides the fact that they were both goody goodies that had more looks then they really needed they were fairly different.
And...that did it. Vincent had no other choice, but even Xavier's ignorance was upsetting him to the point to where he was regretting even coming out to meet Xavier. No one told these things to someone that worked within the Ministry as he did, and now Vincent could very well take Xavier in to questioning because of this all. It was his job to help keep the peace, and yet, Vincent would have to speak with his dad about this all. Vincent hated the situation he was put in, and he took a mental note to keep Alyssa's apartment charmed so no one could break in and cause her any harm, and keep her safe. Xavier would just have to watch his own skin. Vincent couldn't save them all, but he chose the love of his life. Vincent warned, "Drop the conversation, or I will have no other choice but to take you in for questioning." His voice was stern, almost unlike himself - for Vincent was not normally stern like this. He was being serious when it came to what he was saying.

Vincent didn't know what to think about the whole Trilby situation. Maybe he could talk to her himself? Then again, this was Xavier's problem, not his. He got himself the love of his life without Xavier's help (even though he meddled in and caused it to be a lot worse), so Xavier will have to work this out on his own. "Then you will have to do what you think is best. If you messed things up, fix it, and if not, good luck." Vincent truthfully didn't know how Xavier would fix it. It seemed vaguely impossible to Vincent. Common sense says that if you love someone, you don't hook up with a random chick just because you are upset. That was just stupid. Vincent stopped dead in his tracks, his blue eyes blazing with intense anger. Vincent wanted to slap some intelligence in his friend. How could he not be serious when he had never shown any interest in any other girl except Alyssa? He never liked anyone else, he never cared about any other girl, and Xavier should have known that through their years at Beauxbatons.

Vincent retorted, "I am not a flirt like you were - or still are in this case. I have had no other girl except Alyssa, so that has to mean something. The fact that I waited years on her has got to mean that she is more than just a girlfriend. Just because you have low thoughts for your girlfriends or your sister does not mean that I am the same damn way." Vincent was tired of this all. Auror training took a lot out of someone and it was stressful enough. This was just adding onto his stress and he didn't need it. Vincent concluded with a sigh, "I was in a good mood, but now I am completely frustrated with how stupid you can be. Look, either you shut up about Alyssa and your damn family and change the subject or I am going home, because this is just unneeded stress. I get a lot of it from the Ministry already, and I don't need it from you." Vincent folded his arms, and he hated to be that stern, but some things just needed to be that way. Vincent was fully prepared to turn around and go back home. People knew he was upset when he used curse words like he did, and twice for that fact. Vincent rarely used such foul language.
Xavier paused in his walking narrowed his eyes at his friend, for the first time in years he actually showed frustration towards his best friend due to the behavior Vincent was letting loose which was very rare for him. Even though Xavier himself was a good guy and he never wanted to be harsh to anyone he was still a Snow and that meant he had a temper somewhere in there. "Don't call me stupid. Just because I'm not dense about what's really going on doesn't mean you need to get pissed at me." Xavier muttered under his breath, he and Vincent and never treated each other like this and he didn't know in the least bit why it was happening now. Did he not like Xavier anymore now that he was an Auror and couldn't be seen hanging out with someone like him, maybe it was from stress, or what if it because of Alyssa? There were so many reasons but all together but in the end Vincent never acted like this and never did he swear like that either. Then it was mentioned that he was getting enough stress from the ministry and Xavier shot him an apologetic look that meant that he was sorry for being like that he just, apparently he and Alyssa were going to go alone in this since Xavier assumed that if Vincent was going to help him he wasn't going to help her either. The moment they turned their backs on the family and refused to follow their paths they were going to be exiled and hunted down as fast as possible. A defeated sigh escaped Xavier's lips.

"To be honest I don't even know why I care about Trilby still, she dumped me then played with my feelings over and over again. Why the hell am I still bothering with her then, no matter what I tell myself I keep coming back for more just to feel like an idiot in the end. I...I can't forget about matter how hard I try. You understand me right? Gah f*ck girls." Xavier roughly kicked a bottle that was in front of him and watched as it rolled away, he used to like flirting with them and having a good old time. But now he was only with ones he had chemistry with wanted nothing to do with him so he was honestly stuck as hell with trying to understand them. "I think I'm sick or something man." Xavier muttered once again and started his pace up again, he hoped Vincent wasn't upset with him still but now it was all coming out and he was slowly starting to piece together that something wasn't average about this chick that he's been chasing after for so long. He could only hope Vincent understood him a little bit.
Vincent felt a pinch of guilt after practically exploding on Xavier. He was going through a rough time as well, and Vincent was making it hard on the both of them. He placed a hand on Xavier’s shoulder, and if something had happened to him and Alyssa, Vincent would gladly light a fire under their arse and chase them behind bars. Though that is not a technique to put bad people in Azkaban, but that would make a good story for the children though. Vincent would have to record that too. Xavier was not a bad guy, he was just a little hard-headed at times, and he accepted that. Vincent listened to the Trilby story and he nodded a bit. He tried his best to be understanding, like a best friend should. Vincent had a comment to say about that f*** girls part but he chose to remain silent. It was best to not even step into that area. Vincent chose to remain in a life of celibacy until his wedding night.

Vincent held the back of his hand to Xavier’s forehead and he shook his head, “Xavier, you are very sick, my man.” He removed his hand from the Snow’s head. Vincent continued, “I think I will diagnose you with the case of being in love.” Vincent scratched the back of his head for a bit, and didn’t know what else to tell Xavier. He had tried to forget her but could not – similar to what he and Alyssa went through as well. Strange. “Well, let’s go snow boarding in the Alps or something to make you feel better and to get this girl off of your mind. You up to it?”
Vincent had put his hand to Xavier's forehead and shook his head, that worried the blonde a little but not as much as when his friend told him he was sick. Just as he was about to open his mouth and protest he heard the diagnosis and stopped completely to look at the man who told him as if he had grown another head or two. There was just no way this could be true one bit because well, this was Xavier. "Haha man your funny. Me in love?! Heh, I'm not a sap like you man so I don't do that stuff......damn." He was going to try and write it off as being a simple mistake his friend had made because he surely was not going all googly over some girl that wasn't even interested in him. But the more he thought about it and her the more he realized that he wanted her and he wanted her to be his forever and ever. With a gentle roll of his eyes Xavier suddenly realized that this was why his friend was always acted the way he was whenever he was around his little sister, he also understood the letters they had sent to eachother long ago. "Damn, now I can't make fun of you and Alyssa anymore. Please tell me it's not going to be like this forever!" He was referring to the way he felt happy, his heart speeding up, him no longer caring about anyone else when she was around. Then again Vincent might still do it and it's been a year since he and Alyssa got all cuddly with one another. They seemed happy though and thats what almost made Xavier envious. How happy they looked being around one another.

"Snowboarding in the Alps? Sounds like a plan, I'd go anywhere to watch you fall on your a**." Xavier teased and grinned at his friend. It sounded like an awesome to get out there and forgetting about the way Trilby was making him for for just a moment or two. He needed just some quality time with Vincent before the two had to head off back to their jobs and become separated again. Little did Xavier know, he was going to be seeing his friend again a lot sooner than he thought he would be and for a reason he least expected.
Vincent raised his eyebrow when Xavier was denying it, and he had half a mind to just call out denial. That is how it worked, and he had seen this with himself. Vincent almost felt bad for Xavier, because Trilby didn't seem to be into him at all. Not while she was with that other guy. Why make herself miserable though? Vincent just did not know girls very well, did he? Nope. When Xavier finally came around, Vincent chuckled, "I am afraid so, my friend. But you will learn to adapt to everything else. Now, to get you two back together, or to at least have a distraction until she can come to her senses." Vincent thought for a moment, and he smirked at Xavier's challenge. "Oh I have been practicing my skills on the board. It will be I who will be laughed at you when you fall! Venez donc je ne peux essuyer le plancher avec vous!" Vincent smirked at his best friend, and with a hand upon the shoulder, he apparated them to the Alps, so that they could get their girls off of their mind, and to snow board with the pros, and make fools out of themselves.

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