catching up with nina!

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Nina Patrokov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yellowheart with a mix of satinwood and a core of pixie dust.
okay so this isn't going to be pretty because i'm lazy but Nina Patrokov needs plots, and lots of them. i'm looking for a baby daddy for nina and her daughter isadora, who can be an existing character or a new character. basically he and nina dated for about a year and she was in love with him then she found out that she was preggers and she told him and he ran off scared leaving her with isadora on her own. so i'm thinking that maybe the guy comes back and falls in love with his daughter and wants to be a good father to her but nina won't let him because she is super bitter and doesn't want dora to get hurt. basically, their relationship will only be about their daughter because nina will not go out with him again. next, i'm looking for another guy who can actually fall for nina so she can start dating again. she probably won't introduce him to isadora for a long time because she has trouble trusting people with her daughter but they should totally fall in love. he should be about 21 to 25. i am also looking for friends for nina, this includes new friends and old friends (honestly, there are like two that are still on hnz) so please ship me up!!!
I can offer Isabella Parker as a friend for Nina. Isabella is a very strong individual and knows how to take care of herself well. She could probably help Nina get things together, offer her advice and be an overall good friend or a best friend? ^_^
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marcus girard;
so i'm gonna offer up my new character, marcus girard.
he's still very much underdeveloped but i'll tell ya what
i have so far! so basically, this twenty two year old was
born in london to french parents, the pair of them being
wizards. however, at the age of ten it became known
that marcus was in fact a squib. feeling like he was an
outcast to both the muggle and wizarding world, marcus
grew into quite a rebellious youth. marcus' parents were
quite ashamed to have a squib in the family and partially
because of his constant rebelling, he was unwillingly sent
to live with a cousin of his fathers. there, he graduated
school and became the lead singer in a small indie band.
to this day, marcus feels embarassed of being a squib
and constantly feels out of place when his band plays
in wizarding pubs in the local area. apart from the band
members and his parents, and his fathers cousin, no one
knows about his lack of wizarding ability. and he plans
on keeping it that way.

so what do you think alexis? i think it would be good for
him to find someone that he could open up to and also
be loved regardless of his squib-ness! i don't know if this
would be any good for nina, or if its anything that you're
looking for. he is a sweet guy now, maturing a lot since he
was moved to new zealand so don't get the impression of
him that he's some badass, because he totally isn't! sooo
let me know what you think about all this!

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isabella and nina ;; so nina has her life together and probably won't appreciate advice from someone that is younger than her in life experience because being a mother has changed her so entirely, not that she wasn't already mature beyond her years.

marcus and nina;; nina totally won't mind that he was a squib, she is only a muggleborn after all. i'm so up to them getting together! would they be finals? i feel like nina could quickly fall in love with him and i want something to work out positively for her, haha. oh and his playby, totally cute!

yeah finals would be perfect! i have nothing planned for
him at the moment so yeah, that'd suit fine! haha yeah
it's orlando weeks, complete babe!:p anyways so do you
wanna set up the rp or shall i?

marcus girard && nina patrokov;; yaye finals for teh win! ooh maccabees! would you mind setting it up? i have a few i have to get ready and the sort.
gareth knight && nina patrokov;; well i was hoping for at least twenty because isadora was born two years ago and he would've been seventeen which seems a little young to me.
gareth knight and nina patrokov;; isadora's father is now snagged thanks to summer.

marcus girard and nina patrokov;; replied.
Oh darn was gonna offer Sirius as the baby daddy becaussse I don't ever see Sirius ever settling down with anyone. So like I can offer Sirius as a fellow hogwarts staff friend and perhaps a very old Hufflepuff housemate like ummm maddiie stewart? She change her name cause she got a divorce and didn't want to carry her maiden name holland//hollawarth. The new maddiie kind more relax now, she basically living another life than before. she no longers cares about anything except her daughter delilah who lives with her parents temporarily. Now she trying to find a new way of life, by exploiting the life of others or just watching from the sideline of the fast lane till she goes back to retrieve her daughter in like two years. they can meet up or something but than again its up to you. Sirius just comes out when I need him to scare a few students and major events
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