Closed Catching Up Over Lunch

Max Goose

Laid-back | Unfocused | Distracted
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
08/2046 (13)
Tired and hungry, Max let his backpack fall to the ground as he sat down next to Conan at the Ravenclaw table. They had just come from History of Magic, which proved to be as boring as ever, so lunch couldn't have come at a better time. ''I'm already not looking forward to History of Magic this semester,'' the Gryffindor began while he filled his plate with whatever was in front of him on the table. While he had been very excited to go back to Hogwarts, he had been less excited for classes to start again. And it was showing, especially after having missed breakfast earlier that day. ''Mate, who cares about historical figures, anyway? Why doesn't Moncrieffe just talk about awesome historical fights with dragons or other beasts?'' he added before stuffing his face with eggs and bacon.
Conan was glad to be back at school. He was glad to see his friends again. He wasn't gonna admit it to anyone, but he definitely missed his friends during his break. The Ravenclaw abruptly sat on the Ravenclaw table along with Max as they had just finished their history of magic class. Though he gently placed his shell box on the table. As usual, it was absolutely boring. "It's so boring... It's gonna be boring all semester. Nothing interesting at all" Conan commented. He found classes in general boring. There honestly wasn't anything interesting about them. Conan nodded his head quite fast in agreement. "I know aye, learning about those that fight dragons and beasts sounds a lot more awesome than what we are learning right now," Conan says with a sigh.
Glad that he wasn't the only one who thought that History of Magic was as boring as ever, Max quickly swallowed his food away by taking a sip of his pumpkin juice. ''Tell me about it, I've got Transfiguration and Astronomy this semester. Ugh, it's going to be awful. At least Herbology makes up for some of it, I'm kinda hoping we get to work with cool plants this year.'' Things wouldn't have been as bad as they were now if he'd had all his classes with the Ravenclaws, but unfortunately, Gryffindor was mostly paired up with Slytherin this semester. ''Right? Why should we care what Merlin did 500 years ago? He's long dead, isn't he? Anyway, how was your break? Collected any more shells?''
Conan nodded as his friend spoke. Though he didn't mind some of the school subjects, the classes and the content that was being taught were all boring to him. They didn't sound interesting to him at all. Conan's face scrunched up at the mention of transfiguration. "Transfiguration is complicated and boring," Conan said. There was too much content in that subject to remember and he couldn't wait to drop that subject next year. "Lonnnnngggg dead" Conan said with an agreement and a nod of his head.

The Ravenclaw frowned a little at the mention of his break but quickly hid his frown with a smile. His break wasn't the greatest, especially with what was going on at home. "Eh, my break was all good. And yeah! I did manage to find a few shells lying around at the river and beach near my house. Did you wanna see?" Conan says with a nod, as he patted his shell box. He didn't fully wanna talk about his break, but he was open to talking about it to Max later. "How was your break? Get up to anything interesting? You trying out for the Gryffindor team this year?" Conan asked his friend. He knew how much his friend was passionate about the sport. He was unsure if the tryouts had already happened or not though as he was out of the loop when it came to sports.
Max nodded in agreement. Transfiguration was alright when they would get to transform one thing into another thing but that was about as interesting as it could get. If only the theoretical side of the subject wasn't so tedious. ''Makes you wonder at times if they like to torture us with these boring lessons, doesn't it?'' he said jokingly.

Max listened attentively to Conan talking about his break, taking a bite of toast while doing so. He was so hungry that it wouldn't surprise him if he ate everything in front of him. He perked up when Conan asked if he wanted to see the new additions to his ever-growing shell collection and nodded his head excitedly. Actually, talking about his friend's collection of shells reminded him that he would need to return to his dormitory sometime later that day to get a handful of shells out of his trunk. He had found them lying around whilst visiting a beach and thought that Conan might like them. ''Nah,'' he said with a shake of his head. ''I didn't do much, just some flying and going on trips with my dad and my sister - all boring. And yeah, mate, I'm definitely going to participate in tryouts I've never been this stoked about anything before!'' In truth, the Gryffindor was a bit nervous to fly in front of so many older students, but after practising for most of the break, what could truly go wrong? Nothing, exactly! ''What about you? Gonna give it a shot as well?'' He was sure that his friends were sick and tired of him talking about Quidditch all day, every day, but that was how passionate he was about the sport. Plus having his friend on an opposing team would only make things more interesting. That was if he was going to get on the team himself as well.

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