Catching Up Over Coffee

Kyoko Sato

Active Member
OOC First Name
The harbour was nice this time of year and Kyoko found it nice to waste the hours there watching the water. It was quite late in the afternoon and she had just finished work for the day at the Ministry of Magic. Working in the Department of Mysteries was not what Kyoko set out to do when she finished school, it was okay for a while but she felt herself going through some early mid-life crisis and needed a change. She had recently heard back from her job application to be an Auror but was not accepted. Although she felt quite disheartened at the rejection she had an offer going working for the Ministry of Magical Law Enforcement, but she was undecided on whether or not to take it. Kyoko was at a cross-roads, unsure whether she was going here nor there, but for the time she put her negative feelings aside as she she was preparing to meet an old friend for coffee.

Kyoko arrived early for their meeting, she would have been late if she went home to get changed first so she still wore the formal black dress suit and high heels that she wore to work that morning. She did not mind being early for meetings but highly despised when others then showed up late. She took a seat on a long bench just before the start of the beach to wait for her friend and then go to the coffee shop. The bench looked out to face the water and from where she sat her friend would be able to see her no matter what direction they came from. Kyoko propped her bag up beside her and crossed her left leg over her right as she looked out to the water her mind wandering aimlessly as she waited patiently for her friend to arrive.
Geminni Maliki was running late to a meeting. It was stupid because she was like right up the street from where she was meeting her friend, and she was still going to be late. Gem had a tardy streak. She was late to everything. She was late to family reunions, meetings, and even her brothers weddings. She was just late to everything. It was habit that she was never going to break. Geminni was organized, but she was not organized enough to be on time to her appointments. Geminni apparated in front of the shop, and walked in. She looked around, but she did not see Kyoko. It was not possible that the woman was late. That was just no her. She walked back out of the shop. She saw the beach, but then she saw a bench. There was a woman on the bench. She walked quickly over to the bench and sighed in relief to see that it was Kyoko. "I am so sorry for being late. I know that you hate when I am late." Geminni apologized sincerely. She her heart beat start to slow down. She felt calmer. "To make up for my tardiness, everything is on me." she smiled gently at Kyoko.

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