Catching Up During Dinner

Isabella Chaos

infamous | fashion designer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ash Wand, 14 1/4", Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
1/2009 (44)
Isabella made her way down to the Great Hall after her first day of lessons back from holiday break. She was exhausted from doing all that work and walking all around the castle to her new classes. She made her way over to the Slytherin table and plopped herself down, immediately reaching for a warm bread roll. She looked towards the Gryffindor table, searching for Annamarie, and impatiently tapping her foot while waiting for Angus to join her.
Annamarie hurried down from the Gryffindor tower to met Angus and Isabella for a post break dinner. She tucked Angus' christmas present into her bag and ran down the steps as fast as she could. When she reach the Great Hall Isabella was already there waiting for them. "Hey Isabella!" she said panting and she mad eher way toward her friend.
As Isabella was staring the door down for Angus, Annamarie appeared instead. "Hey Annamarie!" she said as she approached. "Have you got Angus' present?" she asked, subconsciously reaching for her messenger bag beneath her. "That boy is taking forever!" she said laughing, imagining Angus worrying about how he looked.
"Haha" Annamarie laughed at Isabella's comment about Angus' tardiness. "Yup I got his present right here." she said tapping the side of her tote bag. She could feel the package leaning against the canvas of her bag. "So are we going to grab a seat now or wait for him here?" she asked.
Angus began to amble towards the Great Hall, until he remembered that he had completely forgotten Isabella and Annamarie's presents. Slapping his forehead, he darted back to his dorm, sought them out from beneath a pile of clothes, and then sprinted back upstairs, only realising when he got to the Entrance Hall that he could've used magic to find them and saved an awful lot of time. Slapping his forehead again, he entered the Great Hall and looked frantically for Isabella and Annamarie. Spying them, his face lit up with a smile as he wandered over to join them.
"Well, that's the last time I let Grandfather give me the grand tour of the Ministry of Magic..." he drawled, with a grin.
Isabella smiled at Annamarie and said, "Sure let's sit, if you don't mind eating at the Slytherin table," as she stuck her tongue out at her. Then she laughed and said, "Just kidding." Suddenly Angus appeared, finally, and Isabella grinned gleefully. "Long time no see, stranger!" she said happily at her friend.
Annamarie laughed at Isabella's comment. "I am not afraid of you Slytherins." she said sticking out her tounge back out at her. Annamarie turned around when she heard Isabella call out to someone. "Hey Angus! Merry belated Christmas!" she smiled.

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