- Messages
- 486
- OOC First Name
- Ceara (Melissa)
- Wand
- Willow wand, 14" with Unicorn hair
Elspeth was standing near the edge of the Hall, where she and her best friend Lea had agreed to meet. She looked around, hoping she hadn't walked to the wrong place. This was the first Halloween Feast she had attended, because this time last year, she was still in mourning, refusing to leave her dorm except for quick snacks. She was happier now, though. Since she'd found her aunt, (or rather, her aunt had found her), she had been perpetually happy. In her costume, she was getting strange looks from a lot of the people near her, who didn't know much about muggles. She had come as a secret agent, complete with guns that made a loud bang when the trigger was pulled, however, almost no one but a few muggle-borns got it. She tried to peer over the crowd, but she wasn't tall enough, so she resorted to leaning against a wall, and hoping Lea would see her.