Casual Morning Jog *pant*

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida looked around as she snuck out of the common room at around 4am as per usual, she had on her Grey track pants and just a casual red T-shirt rather loose so it was more free to run in, Kida jumped down the flights of stares before she reached the door and walked out casually through the front door, the morning air was fresh and crisp perfect to start a day off, Kida took a deep breath before breaking into a light Jog Casually along the Garden path, carefully not treding on the snails which had came out to enjoy the morning jew along the path.

Kida had a sudden inspiration she found one of the path straights and ran full out before springing up and doing a triple back flip side cartwheel double no handed back flip half turn before continuing in her casual Jog, it felt good to be doing Gymnastics again after such a long time of being cooped up with books or training to become a Animagi.
Kida casually continued to Jog along the path.
Eden was already jogging her way around the great lawn. She had been doing somethings that she was sure if the Professors had known about she would have gotten in trouble but no matter she was done and now was running for the fun of running. Her shirt had fallen so that her right shoulder was bare and her mark was showing but since it was so early Eden did not worry. Who was she really going to run into?

Rounding a bend Eden saw Kida. Watching as she did a few flips Eden picked up a bit of speed and threw herself foreword her hands lightly touching the ground before she flipped once and landed back on her feet. Doing a few cartwheels Eden landed right next to Kida before turning on her heel to run the same way as Kida. "So what are you doing out of the castle so early?" Eden asked lightly.

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