Open Castle of Wonders

Audra Worth

Strange | Silent
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
(6/2036) 14
Audra was out by the lake today, a place she hadn't very much explored before. But then again last year her older brother Gracen hadn't really gone out here that much for her to follow him. Now that he transferred out of this Hogwarts she wasn't really left with anyone to follow around. Hudson was just too weird and always hiding that it was pointless to follow him. He wasn't very interesting to her and so wondered if she should try to talk to a dorm mate but none of them were around when she was there. The sun was hidden behind a flow of clouds occasionally letting light shine to the earth that day which made her think it'd be a nice day to head outside. So she did, heading down towards the lake the girl thought about her status of friends for a while before concluding she did not feel like trying to find someone herself to be friends with. They'd call her weird like everyone else anyways.

Audra was a girl who tanned easily and always had a darker skin color than her two brothers, even most of her cousins were quite pale in comparison. But she preferred to stay in doors or at least out of direct sunlight for long periods of time. She always found the forest calling her name and wanting to explore it knowing it was out of bounds. So she sat on a rock near the lake shore not staring out at the water but back towards the forest. The leaves covering all light making the area dark and mysterious. She wondered what could be so bad about the area that would make the Professors patrol the edges all the time in case a wondering student would try to slip in. Also, why couldn't they just put up a magical barrier, if something in there was dangerous, why not keep the students out and the bad thing in? Audra was lost in these thoughts as she twirled her long hair around her fingers.
As the weather was finally starting to warm up, Nell was excited to spend some more time outdoors. There was always lots to do inside the castle, but she missed spending time in nature, and it was nice to get outdoors for a bit. Nell had brought one of her schoolbooks, as she wanted to make sure she didn't fall behind, and had planned to spend the afternoon reading by the lake. When Nell approached the rock she had intended to spend the afternoon by though, she was surprised to see another girl already sitting on it, staring deep into the forest. Something about her gaze intrigued Nell, and she wondered if she might find something more interesting to do with her afternoon. "What are you looking at?" Nell asked curiously, peering into the forest alongside the girl as she approached.
Audra turned her head slightly hearing someone trampling towards her but she decided to not look at the person. But then she heard a girl's voice and she turned pretending to be slightly shocked at the interruption. She was surprised how most people went around walking so loudly, how did it not bother them all the noise they were making. "Just the forest," she answered turning back to look at the tall trees the tops waving in the breeze. She wondered if this girl would stay around or decide to head somewhere else. Either way she was set on sneaking over to the forest at some point, maybe not today but soon.
((Sorry to reply so late this thread completely slipped by me somehow!))

Nell didn't know what kind of answer she had expected, but the one she got from the girl didn't really explain much at all. She sidled closer, trying to get a look in the forest from the same angle. "Is there something in there? I've heard there's all kinds of things living in the forest, did you see something cool?" She paused, trying to consider other options as she didn't see much of anything at all between the leaves. "Or is it a tree you're looking at? The trees just look like normal trees to me, I don't think they're special magical trees, but I suppose you never know in a place like this."

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