Cassandra (Scamander) Carter

Cassandra Scamander

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Birth Names: Cassandra Winnifred Scamander
Changed Names: Scamander > Carter after marriage to Jareth Carter on February the 12th, 2028
Date of Birth: March 24th, 1999
Blood Status: Half Blood
Relationship Status: Married (to Jareth Carter)
Children: None at present, though she is trying to adopt
Education: Seven years at a muggle primary school in Dorset/Seven years at Hogwarts (Scotland) in Hufflepuff house
Area of Birth: Grew up in Dorset, lived there until she migrated to New Zealand in her early twenties
Current Residence: Just outside Brightstone Village, New Zealand
Siblings: Aden Scamander (Born October 13th, 2001), plays Quidditch for the Puddlemere United reserve team, of whom Cassandra remains an avid supporter
Past Occupations: Shop assistant at a wizarding alchemist shop in Dorset/Owner of Dervish & Banges in Brightstone, New Zealand/Private house cleaner
Present Occupation: Personal assistant


Skin Colour: Dark, elegant, and smooth
Body Type: Slim, toned, feminine
Hair Design: Short, choppy, brown
Eye Colour: Deep chocolate brown
Make-up Style: Mature, heavy plums and maroon
Standard Clothing: Sample


Muggle School Subjects: Maths, history, art, design technology
Hogwarts Subjects: History of magic, potions, ancient runes, divination
Spare Time: Playing gobstones, shopping, going to the beach
Workwise: Running a shop again
Animals: Ramora, zebras, moths, diricawl


Muggle School Subjects: Information technology
Hogwarts Subjects: Playing Quidditch (scared of heights)
Spare Time: Doing nothing, sitting around waiting for the end of existence
Workwise: Big businesses
Animals: River troll


Patronus: A smooth, playful dolphin
Animagus: Red and black ladybird
Boggart: Someone/something hammering on a locked door
Amorentia: Vanilla, clean bedsheets, lemonade
Mirror of Erised: Cradling a baby


Early years: Cassandra grew up in Dorset alongside her younger brother, Aden. Their parents, Moira (a muggle) and James Scamander (a pure blood wizard) were fair and loving parents. James Scamander would often take the children to see Puddlemere United play, and even redecorated their shared room in the team colours- much to Moira's dismay. James worked at the Ministry of Magic as the head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Committee. He met Moira whilst at a rock concert in 1983, at the age of seventeen.
Moira worked at the local chemist as a dispenser, until she found the funds to buy up the place in 1996. She was forced to retire early after a serious heart condition was discovered in 2014.
Cassandra and Aden attended the local primary school between the ages of four and eleven. Cassandra particularly favoured her art classes, though often got sent home with a letter to her mother, explaining her 'unwillingness to follow the rules'- which Cassandra claimed inhibited her creativity. She was an average student, grade-wise, but very friendly and open to new things. Her whole world grew a lot more exciting when she recieved her letter to Hogwarts.

Hogwarts: Cassandra attended Hogwarts in Scotland in 2010. She was sorted into Hufflepuff, and her father was very proud as it was his old school house. Aden later joined the great house of Hufflepuff, though his father was less pleased when he kept misbehaving. Cassandra enjoyed many of her school subjects, though she was far more interested in playing gobstones or finding fascinating insects and creatures living in the grounds of the school. And occasionally her bed. Her N.E.W.Ts were as follow;
Muggle StudiesCharmsHoMAstronomyTransfigurationHerbologyDADADivinationArithmancyPotionsAncient RunesCoMC
Her parents were pleased with the decent marks she scraped in her final year, and just as happy when Cassandra decided not to go into a job at the Ministry, but to instead take up the job position at a wizarding alchemist shop in Dorset area.

Migration: In her early twenties, while happy with her life as it was, Cassandra decided to up and move. To New Zealand. Her parents believed this too drastic a change, but Cassandra wished for a little adventure, and she had heard rumours of the growing wizarding community in New Zealand. She packed up and shipped off, returning only at Christmas to visit her family. She struggled for some time after the move with money, but she was lucky enough to have the funds ready to throw all in to the shop she decided to purchase- Dervish & Banges.

Dervish & Banges: Cassandra fell in love with the shop almost instantly. She took over and began her various sales techniques, raking in enough money to not only keep her afloat, but guarantee herself at least a few more years living in Brightstone, New Zealand. She took on several members of staff and had a great time running the place, meeting all manner of people. Life seemed to be getting on well, and she kept the business for a few years, until trouble hit.

Marriage: Cassandra and Jareth had both attended Hogwarts in Scotland, though with Cassandra being a year his senior and in a different house, the two had only really seen one another in passing. They got chatting when they met at a pub in New Zealand, and the two hit it off straight away. Their friendship was on the brink of something more when Cassandra's mother passed away (her heart condition having finally taken its toll). Cassandra, felt lost and confused. She struggled to continue comfortably running her shop, and surrendered to the fact she could no longer cope, forcing her to sell up and go home.
Over a year had passed before Jareth eventually uncovered Cassandra, seeing her in a state in her dark and messy home. After helping her get a grip on her life once more, the two became a couple, and remained so until Jareth proposed. The couple wed in Las Vegas in February of 2028, and moved to a new home in New Zealand, just on the outskirts of Brightstone.

Adoption: Cassandra was distraught to discover that she and Jareth could not naturally conceive children. They tried for the first year of their marriage before finding out the sad truth of the matter. In 2030, the couple agreed that the idea of adoption would probably be best as they could not handle trying other methods to gain children of their own, partly due to lack of funds. They began the adoption process towards the end of the year, and have been in contact with a child (Zenith Barselona) they are hoping to adopt at some point during the year.

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