Closed Casa En España

Tina Seville-Lopez

2056 Alumni | Student Journalist | Two-Faced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Feeling it
It was a boring day earlier, Tina arrived at casa Sevillé with her luggage for the up coming school year at Hogwarts New Zealand. She had decided to go to a school where her cousin Nora would be. She also heard that the rest of the Maxwell children would be there. So, it was decided for her to stay there to start off her summer vacation as well. At the dinner table, Tina sat opposite Nora, holding something underneath the table. "So, cuando vamos a encontrarnos con tu novio?" (So, when are we going to meet your boyfriend?) The dark haired young girl asked her cousin. It seems everyone on the table, including the helpers, stopped whatever they were doing.
After a nice sun bathe by the beach, Nora excitedly came home to greet her cousin because she was staying at the house for the rest of the summer vacation. Youngest girl in the family, she was alone at times because of her brothers being both married already and have kids. One of them is Faustina or Tina to them all. Nora knows her cousin well. She knows Tina can be a handful but all in all, she's a great kid.

Nora entered the dinning hall and waved at her cousin for a greeting. It took her a bit of a time at the beach because of shopping. Once she took a seat and was about to acknowledge her dad, Tina spoke in Spanish, loud enough for everyone to hear and understand.
The sixteen year old pretended she didn't hear it. But everyone's faces tells that they all heard it loud and clear. "¿Que novio? ¿Quién dijo que tengo uno?" (What boyfriend? Who said I have one?) Nora chuckled nervously.

"Recuerda, solo tienes dieciséis años. No hay novio todavía. Enfócate en tus estudios." (Remember, you're just sixteen. No boyfriend yet. Focus on your studies) Interjected Don Sevillé. Nora shakily grabbed the serving spoon from the paella and said, "Si, Papa." The woman didn't know what to do. She was cautious just by eating her food, thinking Tina might push the topic more.
She watched as the drama unfold in front of her. It was like the telenovela she likes to watch, El secreto de Puente Viejo. Nora lying up face to everyone about it when she holds the key to it all. But when the topic subsided, Tina gently slammed a handful of letters on the table and slowly put a smirk on her lips. "So, ¿Cuáles son estas letras de un hombre llamado Spencer?" (what are these letters from a man name Spencer?) Tina pressed on as she leaned against her chair and folded her arms. She's a one bugger eleven year old.
Nora ate one spoon full of rice and she had to spit it everywhere. The letters she and Spencer were exchanging are now in front of her parents. "¿Seriamente?" (Seriously?) She angrily said and stood to get the letters back. But her misery wasn't ending there, the letters were snatched quickly by her mum. Nora silently went back to her seat. Waiting for something to happen.

"Leonora Francesca Maria! ¿Qué diablos es esto?"
(What in god's name is this?) Dona Sevillé calmly said. It was known she has a heart condition and need to be relaxed. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you but I know this will be the reaction." Nora tried to be calm as well but she can't help but ball her hands in annoyance. She wanted to tell them but she was waiting until she graduate. She think she could handle it longer but those letters were just too comfortable in her vanity drawer.

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