Carson Shaw

Carson Shaw

OOC First Name
Willow Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Star Dust
Full Name:
- Carson Sandra Shaw

Date of Birth:
- August 5th, 1999

Current Age:
- Twenty-five

Basic Appearance:
- Carson has long curly brown hair that falls just past her shoulders. Her eyes are blueish grey and are often sparkling, unless she is sad or angry. She is thin, but not tiny. Carson is just the tiniest bit taller then average height. You will never see her messy or undone. Carson does not look like this naturally though, she spends hours perfecting her look each day.

- Carson is very vain and self centered. Her thoughts usually revolve around herself, and other peoples appearances. Carson always acts like she owns the room and that all eyes are focused on her. These traits have been drilled into her head through out her entire life. Carson knows how to act properly in public and in front of respected adults. However she can often seem rude in front of hers peers when she harshly points out what is wrong with people. Carson doesn't see this as mean, just simply correcting them.

- The Shaw family is a powerful family in the business of wand making over seas in the America's. Carson grew up in the families New Zealand home with her older brother, Marc. Most of the time her father was in North America running the family business and her mother followed him where ever he went. Mostly her and her brother were raised by various nannies.

- A white kitten named Princess.

Area of Residence:
- Carson's family lives in the Shaw manor by the shores of the north island, Carson herself lives in a condo in Obsidian Harbor.

Blood Status:
- Half Blood

- Carson's family don't believe in blood supremacy, but like normal wizards don't associate with muggles. The Shaw's chose not to take sides in the wizarding wars and refuse to comment on which side they would have like to see win. The believe in keeping company with families who are wealthy and have power.

Special Abilities:
- Fashion
- Manners
- Acting like she's listening and interested

Interests or Hobbies:
- Shopping
- Going to parties
- Raising her families social status
- Going to the gym

Additional Skills:
- Choosing clothing
- Is able to switch from the girl the adults think is a perfect young lady to the vain party going girl she actually is

- Fashion
- Working Out

- Healing charms
- Dark arts

Describe your character in three words:
- Self Centered
- Rich Girl
- Snob

Favourite place to be:
- Mākutu Mall

- N/A

Best school subjects:
- History of Magic
- Astronomy

Worst school subjects:
- Herbology
- Arithmancy

Current Job:
- She live's off her families money.

Plans for your future:
- Carson isn't a planner.

Your Patronus:
- A kitten

Your Patronus memory:
- The day of her brothers wedding when her sister in-laws dress got caught in her panties and no one bothered to tell her until she got to Marc.

Your Boggart:
- Her family poor and humiliated.

Your Animagus:
- A brown kitten.

Mirror of Erised:
- Her with 'the perfect guy' and living a comfortable life.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

OMG, today was such a huge day! Josh finally popped the question to Marry! I mean finally, they've been dating for FOREVER. Their families are very pleased with the union and think it will be profitable for both families. Oh and we had to shun Alex, she was wearing this horribly ugly outfit, and we can't have her bad taste bringing us down now can we? Marc called to update me on his little brat, I guess today she ran around in the backyard and jumped around in the mud. Yuck, I'm never having kids. Well I have to go to bed early, I have some things I need to do tomorrow.

Love, Casron ♥ xoxo
Hi Carson

just a few questions...

*Any reason why you'd prefer you're animagus form to be a kitten instead of a fully grown cat?
* What was it about Astrology that you liked so much?
* What was it about Herbology that made you dislike it?
*Which wizarding school did you attend?
*Did other members of your family go as well?
*What is your relationship with your brother like?
*Do you currently have a job?
*How well or poorly did you do in your NEWTs?
*Were you successful in obtaining your apparation license while at school?
*How good were you at learning wandless and non verbal magic?
*You list none of the incantation type classes as your favourites or worst, were you just mediocre at charms, transfiguration and DADA?
*How often do you shop?
*Are you currently in a relationship?
*Any reason why you'd prefer you're animagus form to be a kitten instead of a fully grown cat?
Well kittens are way cuter, duh. That and I'm far to young to be a full grown cat.

* What was it about Astrology that you liked so much?
My boyfriend at the time used to say my eyes sparkled like all the stars in the sky... I loved that class. *sigh* (we had that mirror thingy)

* What was it about Herbology that made you dislike it?
It was filthy, all that dirt and those gross plants.

*Which wizarding school did you attend?
Salem Witches Institute.

*Did other members of your family go as well?
I think my mother might have gone there, I'm not to sure though.

*What is your relationship with your brother like?
Well we were really close up until he married that ***** he calls a wife and fathered her demon child.

*Do you currently have a job?
Why would I need a job?

*How well or poorly did you do in your NEWTs?
Fairly well I'd like to say.

*Were you successful in obtaining your apparation license while at school?
Yes, I don't know what I would do without it.

*How good were you at learning wandless and non verbal magic?
It was really hard, I'm still not used to it yet.

*You list none of the incantation type classes as your favourites or worst, were you just mediocre at charms, transfiguration and DADA?
I'm not very good at the wand movements.

*How often do you shop?
Everyday, who doesn't?

*Are you currently in a relationship?
No, I'm waiting for the guy my parents will choose or approve of for me.
Thanks for answering these Carson, just a few more ....

*What was Salem like?
*Were there any professors who inspired you there?
*Did you join any clubs?
*Why do you dislike your brothers wife so much?
*Do you think there will come a time when you're father will cut off your allowance?
*Have you ever considered opening up your own store or clothing line?
*How do you feel about your parents choosing your future husband for you?
*What was Salem like?
It was alright, could have used some boys, but as a school I'd say its good.

*Were there any professors who inspired you there?
Yes, my astronomy professor. She ran the fashion club.

*Did you join any clubs?
The fashion club, and I tried starting a gossip club.

*Why do you dislike your brothers wife so much?
She took my older brother away from me. I could always turn to him and know he would be there for me, but now he has like this wife and child and I feel like I can't tell him things anymore.

*Do you think there will come a time when you're father will cut off your allowance?
Don't even talk about that! My daddy would never do that!

*Have you ever considered opening up your own store or clothing line?
I've thought about it, and my dad thinks it could be a good idea. My mom won't go for it though, she thinks a proper lady stays home and takes care of her husband.

*How do you feel about your parents choosing your future husband for you?
I really don't think about it all that much, its been in my family for generations and I'm not about to embarrass the family.

Thank-you for all the questions

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