Carrow Hall

Tristan Drage

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
August 9, 1978 (76)
Tristan could never remember what he dreamed. His dreams were always nearly real in essence, though they hung at the tip of his tongue. It was as if someone scooped out his brains with a spoon every morning. These dreams only bothered him when he was left with silence or nothing to do. He wanted to tell his love about them- he told her everything- but he simply couldn't.

He was sitting in an armchair in the estate where his perfect family lived. The large man smiled as the little boy charged into the room, his tiny pixie face alight. He had blond hair like his beautiful mother's, and blue eyes like his father's. And he was always running. The concept of walking was alien to the child, and his father found this immensely amusing.

Stepping out of his chair, the large man picked up his son in one fell swoop. The child giggled and squirmed. The man couldn't imagine life without his love or his son- he would die, he was certain of it.

He set the child down and chased after him again. It was a game that both of them liked to play. At fleeting moments, Tristan thought that he could remember another child, a daughter perhaps. But she was unimportant, especially if she wasn't involved with him and his family. The girl was probably a figment of his imagination- not even real. Thorine and Christian were all that mattered to him, and all that would ever matter.
Thorine smiled from the doorway as she watched Tristan with their son. They both had taken to each other so quickly as if they had never had time apart. Christian was in no way strange towards the man who he had called 'Dada' as soon as Thorine had informed him who he was. Tristan on the other hand, once he had taken the potion unbeknownst to himself of course, he was instantly the loving father and the faithful adoring husband.

Thorine wondered briefly if it would be like this if she stopped giving him his morning dose but knew it was way too early yet. She was angry with Goia who at the very last minute had suggested that it was not a good idea after all. Saying he was only thinking of the young master who would get attached to his father and if the potion wore off or stopped working over time, Tristan would leave... leave them both.
Thorine had punished him for the first time in her life, she had never had to put Goia in his place before but there was no way Tristan was leaving her to return to the muggle.

She walked into the room with a bright smile.
"Now what are my two favourite boys doing then?" she put an arm about them both and tenderly kissed Christian on his chubby little cheek before turning to Tristan.
"Hello" she leaned forward and kissed him softly, in all the time they had been apart she had not forgotten how their lips were simply made for each other.
Christian's tiny mouth erupted upward as his mother entered the room. "Mama," he intoned sweetly, wrapping his tiny arms around her. He couldn't say much, but all in all it was obvious that he was a very happy child.

Tristan met his love's lips with enthusiasm. He didn't want it to ever stop, but it did. It was as if the two had been fated to be with each other. Of course we are, he thought to himself. Why they weren't married was beyond him. He would probably wait for her to say something. Thorine was always right. He never did anything without her approval- that was the way it was supposed to be. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if he wasn't doting on her every second.

"We were playing tag. Show Mummy, Christian."

The moment he set the little boy on the floor, he was running away, laughing and giggling. Tristan would wait a little bit before going after him, just to give him a head start. Turning to his love, Tristan asked, "Do you think he should start flying? We could get him a toy broomstick." The blond child sure had the energy for it. His father had a notion that Christian would fall in love with flying.
Thorine put a very predatory arm around his waist as they watched their son run along on unsteady legs. Christian would be two soon, he had lost out on so much precious time with Tristan already, it would be over her dead body before he would miss out on any more.

"That is wonderful" she beamed at her son as he toddled off so that his father could catch him. Turning to her beloved she traced a hand gently down his cheek.
"Maybe when he is a little older, I know he is as fearless as you but I would prefer him to have time on the ground first."

Christian had only begun walking and running properly a few months ago, he had been a speed crawler and had hated the slow cumbersome steps of walking. Now he was more sure of himself and as Tristan was here to chase after him, found the exercise great fun.
Turning back to Tristan she smiled up at him.
"You are happy my love, aren't you?"
Tristan let his love put her arm around his waist. Their son was a fast little bugger. It would be interesting to see if he ended up playing Quidditch in school. That was, if he went to school. It was something that Christian would not want to miss out on.

He nodded. "Of course, my love. You are right." Why hadn't he thought of that before? Christian might get hurt, after all- he was still quite little.

A slight chuckle escaped past the large man's lips. "Why wouldn't I be?" He smiled, picking Thorine up around the waist and spinning her around. "I'm here with you and Christian. What more could I ask for?"
What more indeed, she wondered as movement by a certain house elf caught her eye. She would have to be more vigilant of Goia, knowing he was only looking out for Christian it didn't do her peace of mind any favours. Tristan was here and he was staying here, if it meant over Goia's dead little body then so be it but nothing was going to take him from her ever again. She laughed, actually laughed as he lifted her and swung her about effortlessly. She placed her hands on his shoulders as he did so, so that when he lowered her once more her hands circled his neck. He was a tall man but Thorine was also very tall, she looked into the eyes that she had missed so very much. Not understanding how one man could make her feel so utterly lost and incapable of rational thought.

"Hmmm, perhaps a sister for him or another brother" she smiled mischievously, as she kissed his neck inhaling the glorious scent of him and regaling it to memory.
Tristan's mouth was fixated in a blissful smile. He couldn't explain the feeling of emptiness that was gnawing at him. It confused him quite a lot. What more could he want with his beautiful woman and child? He held Thorine close, listening to see which room Christian had turned into. If the little boy liked anything as much as running, it was hiding. This presented a problem for both of his parents. Tiny children could squeeze about into any space they wanted- quite like bats.

A laugh broke past the large man's lips. "A sibling? That can be arranged," he chuckled mischievously, bringing his lips softly to hers. After a moment he pulled back, still grinning. "I suppose I better go and find Christian. Merlin knows if I don't start now, he'll fall asleep right where he is and I'll never find him." The little boy was energetic, but like every other child his age, he could nap at a moment's notice.
Thorine felt his lips on hers again and wanted nothing more than to simply go back to their room especially as he wasn't averse to the idea of another child. Had she meant it though? Could she really cope with another one? It would be perfect for Christian to have a sibling but her work within the DE was now more than ever hectic and her business was booming. Another child would simply upset the apple cart, well she would think about it some more.

"You do that Tristan, I have work to do anyhow. I won't be too late I have to head to Obsidian to the Leaky, wait up for me if you can" she winked at him before kissing him again.
" Goia" she called her house elf who appeared immediately at her side, "You shall come with me".
She was loathe to leave him alone with Tristan for too long.

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