Career Prep: Yvonne's Table

Professor Yvonne Dubois

fortune teller | free spirit | Div 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Cedar Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
07/2022 (41)
Yvonne had walked past this classroom a dozen times since starting at Hogwarts but she had never seen it used for anything but storage and collecting dust. So she was pleasantly surprised to see it cleaned up and bustling with activity with students and professor's alike. She had been eager to volunteer to help out the upper level students since they were the ones she had in her class currently, and she constantly sympathized with their anxiety of the future. Granted she didn't have that long of a resume herself but she was happy to provide practice if not some kind of reading in asked. Yvonne took her seat and waited for the students to join her.
Monday could hardly believe that he was late. Of all things, he was late to this, after he signed up for it! He finally looked over the chart, and made his way over to Professor Dubois. He knew her from Divination (although he knew everyone that taught here by now). He smiled at her and apologized, "I'm sorry I am a little late. Um, I guess I'll make this fast. What did you do before you chose to teach? What led you to make that decision?"
OOCOut of Character:
Let's ignore the fact that I forgot. :r
Yvonne smiled warmly when she saw a familiar face sit down across from her, even if he was a little late. She appreciated Monday's studiousness and knew whatever he did in the future he would likely do well. His question was expected and she sat up a bit straighter before answering. "Well my family owns a shop back home. I grew up around the business and once I graduated I decided to join them and slowly took over our fortune telling services." she explained. "I did that for a long time but I eventually decided I wanted a career change and to share my knowledge with others. So I ended up here." Yvonne finished her story with a shrug. They were running out of time but still wanted to feel helpful. "If you ever want a reading feel free to stay after class."
Monday listened intently when she spoke about how she had a shop, and that was where her interests rested. She did fortune telling. A part of him did want to have a reading done, but a part of him would not believe it. Monday smiled, "Well, I like to think you are doing well in this career. As far as a reading, I'll think about it. I have some trouble making time for things." This was evident of it, as he was late on it. "Just one more question before the switch. Did you have any doubts about teaching or fortune telling?"
Yvonne chuckled at the boy's compliment. "Well I'm glad you think so. Since you're the one subjected to it." she said playfully. She noticed he seemed to dodge her offer of a reading but she couldn't blame him. He did seem busy enough as it was. But she also knew the value of taking a moment to reflect and she hoped he would have a chance before he was out in the world. Still, he had time. She considered his question and took it seriously. She thought he deserved her honest answer. "Sometimes." she said with a nod. "It's natural to have doubts. At the shop I would have arguments with my mother about how things were run or I would get tired of being in the same place all the time." she explained. "Even here if I feel like I'm not reaching a student or if I can't help someone the way I want to, I can have doubts about my choices or if I'm the right fit. But at the end of the day I know I wouldn't be happy doing anything else." Yvonne said finally.
Leonardo had signed up for the career prep, though somewhat unhelpfully, he didn't know what he was prepping for. He did come prepared, he had a folder of his grades - largely EEs apart from divination, and a list of things he was good at, though no actual plan or idea for what he wanted. What he wanted to do. Leo knew if he tried he might be able to go into quidditch, but he didn't really want that. Quidditch was fine but he wanted it to stay a hobby. Leo waited until he was indicated to go to someone and sat down. He put down his list of grades and his leg bounced nervously under the table. "I don't know...," he started and then frowned.
Yvonne said goodbye and waved to Monday when he left, and she hoped he would find time to come to her for a reading some day. But there wasn't time to dwell on that because she was quickly joined by another student, one she hadn't had in class but recognized him as a seventh year. Her eyebrows raised when he didn't have much to say much at all. Not that she could blame him. When faced with huge decisions it was normal to be at a loss for words. "Oh well, hopefully I can help with that." she said with a smile. "What classes do you like?" she asked, wondering if that might be a good place to start. "Are you in any clubs that you like?"
Leonardo gave a tight expression, as if trying and then failing to smile. She asked a few questions and he paused, since he wasn't that sure what he liked. He had what he was good at, but liked was a strong word. "I'm good at charms and muggle studies," he answered in lieu of actually picking a class he liked. "I'm in quidditch...but I don't want to be a quidditch player,"
Yvonne couldn't read the boy's expression as he considered her question. For a moment she wondered if that was the wrong thing to ask but she wasn't sure if there was a better place to start. She hadn't quite had a chance to mentor any students so this was a learning experience for her too. "Alright." she said, considering his answer. "There might be something in the ministry that could fit those interests." she said encouragingly. "Like Misuse of Muggle Artifacts or even something with the Qudditch League."
Demetrius felt like his first round with a professor had gone well - whether or not he really wanted to do teaching, it was nice to have an option. His next stop was with a professor he'd never really interacted with - he hadn't taken divination at any point and knew very little about it. But he wondered what her opinion would be on everything. "Hi, I'm Demetrius," he greeted, deciding to introduce himself albeit somewhat awkwardly. "I'm planning on working in magical creatures when I grow up, which I guess hasn't got much to do with divination. But, um, I guess I'm kind of curious - like, did you always think you'd work in divination? Did you ever, um, have any doubts?" Demetrius asked curiously. He wondered sometimes if he was putting his eggs all in one basket and things wouldn't really work out the way he thought they would.

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