Career Prep Event Part One

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley finished decorating the abandoned classroom and took a look at her work. Four pairs of comfortable chairs, each pair separated by a partition that would muffle out noise and allow some semblance of privacy as the career prep event took place. The professor was excited for the opportunity for some students to put some additional attention towards their futures. She so loved the one on ones she had with her older Gryffindors.

"Welcome everyone" the woman greeted the small crowd. "You'll notice that the staff are at their stations, and I've posted the rotations just there." She pointed to a large poster board. "I'll announce when it's time to move. Have fun!" The professor was curious to see how the conversations would go. She did her best to match people up by interest, and she knew the staff were eager to help the students along.

OOCOut of Character:
Staff can now post their separate RPs in this forum, and I'll add the links to the table. Each round will last about 48 hours, so OSW posts are encouraged! Have fun!

First studentSecond studentThird studentFourth student
Professor Gabrielle MoncrieffeAxel Zhefarovich IIFelix CarnahanLeonardo OrrMonday Weeks
Isabella RomanesMichael WatsonMargo FoxRosie ArcherFelix Carnahan
Professor Misha HadenDemetrius WagnerChaos Zhefarovich IIAine ThompsonEthan Alexander
Professor Yvonne DuboisMonday WeeksLeonardo OrrMichael WatsonDemetrius Wagner
Notes: Due to the # of staff volunteers and students, I tried to make sure every RPer has one character who speaks with more than one person but could not have every character do that so the fous was on characters who are undecided in their careers having more time. I also tried to avoid RPers having to roleplay with themselves. ID#118987
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