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- OOC First Name
- Eden!
- Wand
- Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Tohoru had spent a year in doubt that it was truly over between him and Eden. He had made a path through so many girls at Hogwarts that is was almost unbelieveable. But none of that had mattered. She was always on his mind. Everything he did he thought of her. He had to admit it he was still so very much in love with Eden. Nothing he could stay was going to change that. He needed to get over her. But he was not sure how. They where perfect together but than all of the sudden they where down and over with. One day she was telling him she loved him and than the next she was gone and in Chases arms. What had he done wrong? Looking down at the palms of his hands Tohoru waited for Eden to show up if she was going to show up. He had sent her a note but who knew if she was going to show up. He hopped that she did he needed to know if he was ever going to get over her.