Closed Can I Join You?

Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (12)
Magne was enjoying being back at school and reconnecting with all of the friends that he had made. Though there was one he hadn't yet managed to reconnect with. He decided for lunch that he would go find her. He didn't want her to think he didn't want to be friends, so it was important to him to seek her out. Magne walked to the hufflepuff table, and glanced up and down it, until he spotted her. "Camille!" he called out, waving to her as he made his way to her. "Can join you for lunch?" he asked eagerly, his english much better than when he had last spoken to her.
The blonde was back at Hogwarts and one of the few rooms which wasn't hard to find was the Great Hall. It was lunch time so the blonde sat at the Hufflepuff table by herself. She was nervous for the new year, her first year had been ok. That was all it was, her grades were ok. But the classes were kind of hard, she so far enjoyed Herbology the most. And liked spending time outside and in the greenhouse with her dad. The blonde just took an sandwich as she heard her name. Her eyes went big, and she slowly turned to see who was calling her. It was perhaps an suprise that somebody called her. And it wasn't June. Camille noticed Magne, the Ravenclaw boy she met outside. He was nice and she remembered him standing into the lake outside. The blonde gave him an shy smile and nodded her head. '' Hello.. Magne.'' the blonde said softly back. '' Want.. a sandwich?'' she offered him. He wasn't from around here she remembered but he tried really hard with the language it seemed.
Magne smiled at Camille and then sat down and pulled the water jug next to him towards himself, pouring out a glass of water before he looked at the sandwich she was offering to him. "I think salad for me, or soup," he was glancing around the table. He was almost sure she had taken that for herself and did not want to take the food from her hand when he could help himself to other pieces. He glanced around and found a salad and put some of that on his plate. "How was break?" he asked her.

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