Closed Can A Lion Swim?

Mania Athanasiou

YOLOing it out as one should!
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A mystery
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/2052 (11)
Mania had gone on a walk, meaning to explore the grounds it was very beautiful the scenery around the castle. She had stumbled upon the lake front now, water was something she was used to. Growing up visiting Greece every summer meant a lot of swimming, though she hadn't been the best at it. Not like some of her sisters, she still enjoyed the feeling of water. The Gryffindor stared at the water, wondering if it would be terribly cold at this time of the year and how deep it would be. Though they probably weren't allowed to go for a swim, shame. Nia wasn't wearing her usual robes but suddenly the thought of her house sigil struck her head. "I wonder if lions can swim?" The first year mumbled to herself, she had never really thought of it. Surely they could, but were they good at it or bad?

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