Closed Can A Lion Swim?

Mania Athanasiou

Out here on my own, living life to the fullest 🌪️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A mystery
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/2052 (12)
Mania had gone on a walk, meaning to explore the grounds it was very beautiful the scenery around the castle. She had stumbled upon the lake front now, water was something she was used to. Growing up visiting Greece every summer meant a lot of swimming, though she hadn't been the best at it. Not like some of her sisters, she still enjoyed the feeling of water. The Gryffindor stared at the water, wondering if it would be terribly cold at this time of the year and how deep it would be. Though they probably weren't allowed to go for a swim, shame. Nia wasn't wearing her usual robes but suddenly the thought of her house sigil struck her head. "I wonder if lions can swim?" The first year mumbled to herself, she had never really thought of it. Surely they could, but were they good at it or bad?
Adrien decided to have a stroll around the school territory to get familiar with it. He was gonna spend 7 years here and he wanted to know the best places or where to spend time when bored or where to go for his morning runs. He wasn't planning to drop sports, he wanted to maintain being athlethic and not only with Quidditch, though it was a nice addition to his muggle sports even tho it was still a little confusing.

And as he was strolling around the lakefront, he noticed a classmate of his, he had seen her around the common room and Adrien surprisingly managed to get close enough to hear her question. "Actually then can, yes. But they prefer not to do it as they are more of a land animals but when hunting or escaping, they most definitely can," he nerdishly answered her question while supporting himself with hands on his thighs to get a better room to breathe.
Mania hadn't realized necessarily that she had voiced her question so when a voice from behind her spoke it startled her just a little. Turning around, a little alarmed, her features eased as they landed on a boy she recognized from her lessons and common room. Realizing he had answered her question she gave the boy a grin and placed her hand on her hips. "Oh, are they like do they think they are too fancy to get a little wet? If so perhaps I am in the wrong house then, I quite enjoy the water, but then again I don't have a coat of hair covering me that would weigh me down probably painfully so." She couldn't help but grimace at the thought of it, yeah if she were to be thrown into water fully clothed she doubted she'd enjoy it herself. "I'm Mania, feel free to join me here I promise I won't push you in." She gestured to the space next to her, she'd offer to join him on whatever he was up to currently but Nia wasn't quite ready to stop looking at the glimmering water yet. "Are you like an animal enthusiast or something? Ah let me guess your parents are magizoologists?" That'd explain it though she wasn't sure if they had many lions in magizoo's.
Adrien chuckled as the girl asked further questions, shaking his head a bit. "Maybe it's pride thing too but mostly they don't swim because of the physiology. Have you ever seen a whale walking? They are not allowed by their physiology not really their pride, I can't point you a finger to what exactly in their physiology doesn't let them swim that well but the coat does make a lot of sense," he agreed to her idea. He finally really turned to her when she said her name and smiled softly at her before getting closer to the space she pointed to. "I am Adrien and if you do decide to push me, I have to warn you that I can swim," he chuckled again and leaning his head a bit to the side. "No, definitely no. My parents are muggles, my mom is a literature teacher and my dad's a hockey coach, so definitely nothing magical and nothing with animals," Adrien shrugged his shoulders. "I just really kept up with my classes I guess," that was the best he had to offer to explain. He studied. Nothing weird, right?
Mania kept her eyes on the boy as he spoke, fair enough she supposed. "Yeah true, whales walking would be a sight to behold," she let out a laugh at the thought, yeah if that ever happened all sense would have been lost. She couldn't help but smirk at his words. "Good to know, would be a shame to accidentally cause your drowning." Nia said, though she had no intention of pushing the boy in, for now at the very least. "Ohhh that makes sense then, Merlin there's a lot of muggleborns in our year Gryffindor's this year." She responded, the last bit more so to herself than Adrien of course. "Hockey? The sport with sticks... and a black rubber thing you poke with the sticks and that ridiculous looking gear?" Mania asked for confirmation, recalling her cousins once speaking of something like that. "Ohh, I suppose that's a useful skill," she admitted, knowing full well she herself lacked concentration on a good day. "Soo, how are you finding the world of magic? My roommates found it quite.... shocking." Yeah that was the best way to describe the episode they had had in the dorm.

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