Cameron Henderson

Cameron Henderson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curved 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Acacia Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Full Name:
Cameron Othello Henderson

Date of Birth:
August 30th, 1988

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Cameron is a tall and sturdy man, standing 6'4 and weighing well over two hundred pounds, rather strange for a Scotsman. Though nearing the age of fifty he has remained active and strong, regularly exercising and engaging in strenuous activity. His hair is cut shorter but not shaved, and medium-brown strands begin to wave as they lengthen. No hints of grey or white have yet to enter his head, though whether due to his lifestyle or due to genetics he is not sure. Only the slightest and most modest hints of white have dared creep into his thin beard, giving him a refined look without aging him too much. But his eyes are dotted with spots of grey, set amid a piercing blue the color of the ocean. His face has aged throughout the years, due to his long travels and demanding work, giving him the appearance of a man in his mid to late fifties.

His right hand and the bottom half of his right arm have been missing for the last few months, the result of his own carelessness in a cursed Norse tomb. While on an expedition he made the rookie mistake of reaching into a cursed chest without properly checking for all the curses he should have. The consequences of this were the loss of his hand and part of his arm, permanent scarring across the remaining part of the arm and right side, and a slight loss of vision in his right eye.

On the matter of his dress, he can commonly be found wearing a long black trenchcoat over thin robes of green and brown. His wardrobe has the tendency to consist of thick wool and heavy fur clothes, designed for long trips into the mountains of Northern Europe. He is incredibly fond of thick wool caps and heavy sweaters when he is out in the Muggle world, normally only wearing robes when he is with wizards. He does not wear jewelry with the exception of a small necklace that he wears beneath his robe, a silver medallion bearing the face of Saint Cathan, his father's favorite Saint.

Cameron chose the career of Curse-Breaker due to his interest in archaeology and his own selfish and greedy desire for gold. The pursuit of gold has driven him most of his life, straining his relationship with his family and some friends, though he has been unaware of this because of his tendency to not realize others feelings. And although he can be impatient and ignorant of social norms, he can be tender and caring with those he loves, often going to great lengths to plan events for his loved ones.

Cameron is the son of Alistair and Leana Henderson, a Muggle landscaper and seamstress. He has three older siblings, two brothers (Bruce and Kyle) and one sister (Shona). His father died when Cameron was 24 of a heart attack, and his mother died shortly after of a heart attack as well. His brothers still live in Auckland and are both married with children and grandchildren, but Shona moved to Dunedin shortly after graduating Hogwarts and has remained unmarried.

Cameron has two pets, a dog and an owl. His dog is a three year old female Akita named Denise that he bought in Norway on an excavation in 2035. She was the only surviving puppy of a small litter of unhealthy dogs and due to this, she is smaller than the average Akita. For the last two years she has accompanied him on almost all of his journeys and has proven to be a trustworthy pet, and the two have developed a close bond. His owl, Ganoni, is a Northern Hawk Owl that he has had for nine years. Ganoni, though somewhat sprite for her age, is likely in her last year of life as her breed of owls usually only live for ten years and rarely more.

Area of Residence:
Cameron was born and raised in the Parnell suburb of Auckland, NZ. His parents, both originally from Scotland, had fled to New Zealand during the first wizarding war with Voldemort at the urging of Cameron's uncle Michael (who was himself a wizard). There they found work and built a home in Parnell, having four children in that home. In 1999 Cameron left home and begin attending Hogwarts in Scotland, living there for the majority of his life from eleven to seventeen.

After graduating he returned home for two years before moving to London to apply for work as a Curse-Breaker for Gringott's. He lived in a cheap slum for a few months before he began working for Gringott's and soon moved to a wizarding neighborhood near London. A few years passed and eventually he saved enough money to return to Auckland and purchase a home in the suburb of Ellerslie, though he continued to work for Gringott's and spent little time at home.

Blood Status:

Cameron is of Scottish descent, both of his parents being born and raised in old Scottish family. Cameron and his siblings actually hold dual citizenship in Scotland and New Zealand, having been born in the latter but having the blood of the former.

Interests or Hobbies:
Cameron's main interests are in ancient archaeology and treasure hunting, though he enjoys reading detective novels and riding horses as well, when he has the time.

Additional Skills:
Cameron is fairly skilled with Muggle weaponry, often engaging in rifle hunting with Muggle hunters in mountain ranges.

Cameron is a fairly strong wizard, well versed in a number of magical skills, and he has a nearly photographic memory. He is also rather quick witted and organized, methodically planning out most aspects of his life.

Cameron has a number of noticeable weaknesses, the foremost among them being his greed and impatience, the lesser being his non-awareness of social norms and his ignorance of some people's feelings.

Describe your character in three words:
Wise; Impatient; and Jaded.

Favourite place to be:
Cameron's favorite place to be is on the slopes of Mount Tasman in the Southern Alps, a place that his father often took him and brothers when they were children. They would go once every year or two and spend two long weeks in a cabin nearby, hiking during the day and making campfires by night. His father would tell stories of growing up in Scotland and scare them with ghost stories when it was late. Often Cameron will find himself reminiscing of those times, always hoping that he could go back and experience them once more.

Cameron keeps a small but tight-knit group of friends consisting of a few former classmates and other (trustworthy) curse-breakers that he has worked with over the years. The foremost among these are his old classmates Aidel Sellavine and Wally Greenleaf, both of whom were classmates of his in Ravenclaw, though Wally was a year younger than Cameron and Aidel. Aidel was Cameron's school girlfriend, but they parted ways two years after graduation, still staying good friends all the while.

Hogwarts House:
When he was 11 he was sorted into Ravenclaw House at Hogwarts Scotland, much to his own dismay, as he had hoped to be sorted into Hufflepuff like the friends he had made on the train.

Best school subjects:
Cameron was very adept in a number of subjects while in school, but excelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and Potions, gaining O's in all three during his OWLs and NEWTs, as well as EE's in Transfiguration and Ancient Runes.

Worst school subjects:
Though a good student overall, Cameron's OWLs and NEWTs in Herbology, History of Magic, and Divination were a poor, as he received an A, T, and D respectively.

Extracurricular Activities:
Cameron showed little talent for flying and as such never participated in Quidditch, preferring academic pursuits such as the Potions Club and the Astronomy Club (even though he never took Astronomy while at school).


Current Job:
Cameron is currently a thirty year veteran Curse-Breaker for Gringott's, though he is soon to retire.

Plans for your future:
Cameron's current plans are to retire from Gringott's and permanently move back to New Zealand, and then either apply at the Ministry or at Hogwarts in a training/teaching capacity.

Your Patronus:
Cameron's Patronus takes the form of a great European elk.

Your Patronus memory:
The memory that Cameron evokes for the use of a Patronus is of his wedding day, and his first kiss with his wife Adrienna.

Your Boggart:
Cameron's boggart takes the form of a werewolf, a recurring monster in his nightmares as a child and a magical creature he has had a few choice encounters with.

Mirror of Erised:
In the Mirror of Erised Cameron would see many things. His father and his wife alive, his gold and wealth expanded astronomically, his body healthy and young and his arm grown back.

A page from your diary:

Dear Diary,

I've made up my mind...the time has come for me to leave Gringott's. After the accident I don't think I can do this anymore. To be honest, I think I've known that this was coming for a long time. With each new journey and every expedition I could feel myself growing more and more tired. I could see the lines growing around my eyes each time I looked in the mirror, and I could feel the dull grinding pain in my knees with each step I took. The cold of the mountains chilled me more than it used to, the fire's never warmed me the way they should. And even more so than that, I think something deep within me was fighting back against every action I took. Every time I stepped out of the house to work something willed me to stay. Every time I ventured into a tomb or a cavern in search of hidden things, nagging doubts kept me timid and I became careless. Maybe if I had decided to retire sooner I could have avoided what happened, but there's no point in dwelling on that anymore. All I know is that next year I'll be fifty and no man should have to deal with what I do at that age. Yet, I don't feel old. I feel young and I feel strong, so maybe it isn't age. Maybe it's something more.

Regardless, I know that my time has come. I don't know what I'll do now, likely return home to Auckland. It will be nice to be home for an extended period of time, but I don't think I can stay there too long. I need to be active and I need to be able to do something productive. I might apply to the Ministry or maybe to the school, I haven't made up my mind yet.

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