- Messages
- 20
- OOC First Name
- Linda
- Sexual Orientation
- from Reality
- Wand
- Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
- Age
- 12/2032
Full Name:
My name is Calypso Hellebore Furie - it is quite possibly the most pretentious name I have ever heard of in my entire life. I grew up on the edge of an estate until I was nine in Oxford and then my grandmother shows up one day and yanks me off to tour Europe like that was normal but in all that time, all the people I met - I cant remember anyone having such a ridiculous, pompous sounding name as mine. Why couldnt my parents have called me Alice or Sarah or Agnes, something normal and plain - something that wasnt showy or attracted attention, that made people look at you quizzically. I mean there are celebrities who have children with seriously bizarre names, I wouldnt have minded even that I could probably have coped with Kitten Fudge Furie but no, I run the risk daily of being a laughing stock, a freak show and all because my parents must have been drunk or high when they named me.
Date of Birth:
- December 17th 2032
Current Age:
- 11 years
Basic Appearance:
- red short wavy hair, pale flawless skin okay I get the odd zit but Gaba says I don't have to worry about those in the magical world because there are potions for that. Athletic build, not like an Olympic body builder athletic but distance runner kind of athletic. Height wise, I'm alright, still growing, got a ways to go yet but think I'm currently about 5'2 or so. I've a big mouth ... I mean like big lips, I have a big mouth too but my lips are huge, they always look like a train ran over them and they've just sort of swollen up. I hate my lips. My nose looks a bit crooked too actually ... maybe I'll grow my hair long to cover it up.
- fairly outgoing, I certainly wouldnt ignore a person unless they had done something to me that called for it. I have a tendency to act first and do a lot of soul searching afterwards but I think fast, I mean I have good reflexes and instincts. I dont like getting involved in other peoples battles but if Im dragged in kicking and screaming, then Im in. I can be a little mouthy, my mother keeps telling me its my insecurities about myself while my Dad says that Im just a brat waiting for a good hiding; it might be a bit of both or none of these, maybe I just like having my say, getting my opinion in whether its wanted or not, whether Im right or not.
- My family Id rather lock in a mad house and throw away the key. They are all barking mad, I kid you not. We are direct descendents on my mothers side from Nicholas Remy the French witch hunter of the 17th century and descendents on my fathers side of the Witch Finder General Matthew Hopkins.
My father is a historian and researcher at Oxford University and my mother is a tenured professor of English and European folklore there. They are bat crap crazy the pair of them. I had an older brother but he left home a long time ago, I think I was about five and I never heard from him again, never saw him, nothing and my parents suddenly stopped talking about him as if he didnt exist. Even the photographs about the house got changed so none had him in it. I know I didnt imagine him, Archer - yep, that was his name, at least I remember it as being that.
I have aunts and uncles who we meet for funerals and weddings but otherwise its a card at Christmas and a small note. Sometimes one of them remembers I exist and I get a birthday card. Its my grandmother, my batty, crabby, wrinkled, extremely old grandmother who visits, who tells me stories - not that I get a choice of course! She asks me strange questions and takes me to visit stupid places like the botannical gardens or historical sites of where the witch trials took place. She took me the first time when I was four, I can still remember that my parents didnt give a monkeys! She told them I needed to know my heritage and they thought it was a wonderful idea. But Gaba - thats what I always called her and it sort of stuck, she didnt tell me anything good about my ancestors no, she told me about how evil they were and the atrocities they had committed.
I was certain that I was traumatised afterwards and after my ninth birthday, she managed to convince my parents that I needed to have my education expanded by having a tour of Europe. Again my parents agreed, I think they were just delighted to have a kid out from under their feet, not that they were ever home at any rate. So I went, with Gaba all over Europe, expanding my education in what she had already started, the macabre and the unusual. Not the most practical education for a kid. So yeah my family in a nutshell. Weird, bizarre, lock them up and throw away the key.
- Gaga insisted that I get a pet, but that I was not to refer to it as this but as my familiar. So I got a cat, a rough looking rescue cat who only has one eye. He is great though and I love him, Jack. I gave him a nice ordinary, simple cat type name. I wasnt going to do what my parents had done to me, that was for sure.
Area of Residence:
- Just before my eleventh birthday my gran dragged us to a place called New Zealand, weve been here ever since really and it doesnt look like were moving because I got this letter from a school here and check this out, its a magic school. I mean hilarious or what, I thought it was Gaba having a joke but she doesnt do jokes. So I ignored it because I like presumed we were going to be heading home, I mean, I have parents and theyll want to enroll me in to school in England but Gaba has been acting really weird and started telling me stranger stuff than normal. So home used to be in Oxford but right now its Port Pegasus, Stewart Island, New Zealand.
Blood Status:
- I think Im A - but would have to get that checked but thats my blood type. Gaba has been going on about this a lot since my letter arrived, she said Im mixed blood because she was a half blood but a squib that married into a muggle family and her blood and my Gramps means that mine got mixed, she said that she knows for a fact that my great-grandfather on my fathers side was also a squib and that they are not as rare as people think they are, that purebloods are rarer but thats all going in one way and out the other. I have written home to my parents and told them that Gaba needs to be sanctioned and could they just bring me home already but I havent heard anything back yet.
- We are direct descendents on my mothers side from Nicholas Remy the French witch hunter of the 17th century and descendents on my fathers side of the Witch Finder General Matthew Hopkins. Gaba was mad to tell me all about this when I was younger, giving me nightmares for weeks but ever since I got the letter from that magic school she tells me to know my heritage but never speak of it. I mean if this magic school is real, do you really think I am going to go around telling real life witches that oh by the way my ancestors were the worsed of the witch hunters in their day! Yeah, will make lots of friends that way.
The more Gaba tells me about this magic world and the school which explains a lot about things when I was younger, just silly things that I put down to coincidence and others that I thought some angel was there for me doing but Gaba has told me about my brother Archer, that he was mixed blood too and that she had taken him off to school as well but to Durmstrang, hes meant to be in his final year now and then she explained why my parents didnt ever mention him again.
Special Abilities:
- I can burp the national anthem but am not allowed to because apparently it is disrespectful.
Interests or Hobbies:
- I enjoy hours of needlepoint and tapestry work, knitting blankets for little old women and hats for babies and in my spare time I feed the hungry and destitute oh and try to take care of world peace.
Ok, Im being sarcastic - truth is, I havent been allowed a hobby or outside interests since my grandmother hoisted me off from home. Shes had me learning everything I can for what I understand now as preparing me for the magical world.
Additional Skills:
- I can also burp Jingle Bells
- stubborn
-- very stubborn
-- extremely stubborn
- did I mention that I was stubborn!
- see above.
Describe your character in three words:
- can I make them up or do I have to be honest?
Assertive, talkative, outgoing
Favourite place to be:
- currently its our bathroom as Gaba doesnt follow me in there to lecture me
- Jack me one eyed cat - am making him an eye patch and a stuffed parrot to put on his shoulder, he doesnt mewl like a normal cat it comes out like an arraggh - so I figure he sounds more like a pirate.
I suppose I can count Gaba but that is kind of weird saying that my one and only human friend is an ancient old crone. There are no settlements, estates or anything like that where we live, the only people we see really are tourists and fishermen, so I havent really made any friends here.
Hogwarts House:
- I know there are four of them and Gaba has taught me about the founders, excruciatingly boring much by the way - if I had a choice, Id say Gryffindor but as I dont, will have to leave it to school.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- That no one ever, ever finds out about my heritage and blames me for it - kids can be a bit messed up and mental, I know - Im one. To get through a school year without too many mishaps.
Best school subjects:
- Algebra oh wait, that isnt one and it certainly wouldnt be my favourite any way.
I dont know, Ill just have to wait and see I guess.
Worst school subjects:
- History, I know Gaba has said that there is a magic of history class. Im up to my eyeballs in history, I dont need any more.
Extracurricular Activities:
- havent had a chance to do any really, we walk a lot.
At Hogwarts Ill see what clubs and sports teams they have.
- Thatll be seven years away, let me get through the first year at least.
Current Job:
- boredom regulator
Plans for your future:
- none yet, am still getting my head around the fact that Im a witch and apparently my stupid name wont sound so stupid where Im going either. Gaba says many witches and wizards have names like that.
Your Patronus:
- Gaba hasnt explained what this is to me yet.
Your Boggart:
- waking up with blonde hair - Im eleven, my fears are stupid at best - Gaba has frightened the living daylights out of me all my life, so honestly, if I woke in the morning with blonde hair, I would be far more terrified than if I woke to a freaky magical thing hovering over me.
Your Animagus:
- *flicks through book to see what an animagus is*
noNOno ... just no!
I am not turning my body into an animal for anyone, that isn't going to be on a test is it?