- Messages
- 40
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Pansexual
- Age
- 3/2019

It's late at night and I can't sleep
Missing you just runs too deep
Full Name: Callistophae Wyrran Shannara
Pronunciation: Cal IST o Faye; Whir REN; SHAN Ara
Nicknames: Cal
Date of Birth: March 9th, 2019
Current Age: Currently twenty one</FONT>
Basic Appearance: Cal is about six feet tall and has a fit build. He shares blonde hair with his mother and the blue eyes of his father. Cal stands out in his family as the only one who has blue eyes as most of his family took the brown eyes of his mother. He tends to weigh about sixty five kgs but can often fluctuate between 65 and 68. He likes to keep his hair short and out of his face.
Personality: Much like the rest of his family, Cals personality is not always what it appears to be on the outside. Whilst on the surface he seems to be a very sensitive and caring person with a propensity for encouraging groups of people to help in his cause, beneath the surface lies a social intelligence that allows him to read people and situations easily allowing him to become the very person that is needed in most situations. He knows exactly what he needs to do to get what he wants and often actively seeks out followers or subordinates in order to achieve a higher level of personal pride. Cal is not a very honest person. He tends to take advantage of situations that will help him and further his cause, openly hiding his own allegiances and beliefs behind his familys generational campaign for the inclusion and acceptance of muggles and those who are not necessarily accepted within wizarding society. Cal always approaches his life with excitement though and never does anything he doesnt know he can finish. He loves adventure and will often go out of his way to make sure that his campaigns coincide with anything interesting that is happening at any given time. However, Cal is also very prudent as he is always careful about the choices her makes and the consequences that come with them. He is careful not to say or do anything that he may later regret.
Family: Parents: Theodre and Aravae Shannara
Half-brothers: Eventine Shannara (Feburary 3rd, 2019), Ander Shannara (March 21st, 2022) Wil Elessidil (August 23rd, 2026)
Half-sisters: Amberle Shannara (October 29th, 2024), Ilyrana Elessidil (December 13th, 2030)
Brothers: Cephelo Shannara (September 6th, 2036)
Sisters: Eretria Shannara (April 10th, 2041)</SIZE></SIZE>
Pets: Cal has a pet turtle, though recently he has begun to suspect that it's a different turtle.
School: Homeschooled
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Andorran on both sides
Interests or Hobbies: Activism, Extreme Sports, Dancing, Stargazing, Martial Arts, Yoga, Wine Tasting, Music, Books.
Though these are listed as hobbies, they are more correctly to be thought of as "talents" or "skills" as he uses these in different situations as a means of fitting into wherever he happens to be at the time.
Strengths: Enthusiastic, Accommodating, Disciplined, Diplomatic, Patient.
Weaknesses: Comes on too strong, Sometimes too demanding of himself, Sometimes talks too much.</SIZE></SIZE>
Describe your character in five words: Deceptive, Dishonest, Aware, Energetic, Prudent
Best school subjects: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Public Speaking
Worst school subjects: Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures
Current Job: Social Activist
Plans for the future: Unknown
Patronus: Coyote - The Trickster, Humor, Charm, Folly of Self-Deception and Survival, Prankster, insight, playful. The coyote symbolizes duality and the ability to present both sides of an issue. Clowning and humour, perhaps sarcastic. [x]
Patronus memory: Callistophae's patronus is the memory of finally coming into adulthood and being trusted with the family secret. He finally was passed into the vault and allowed access to the many millions of galleons the family had access to and allowed to read the many various representations of their history in the vaults.
Boggart: His secret being found out. Being accused of using someone to get his way.
Animagus: A Coyote, because they often take the same form as a patronus.<i></i>
Pronunciation: Cal IST o Faye; Whir REN; SHAN Ara
Nicknames: Cal
Date of Birth: March 9th, 2019
Current Age: Currently twenty one</FONT>
Oh I can't breathe thinking of your smile
Every kiss I can't forget
Every kiss I can't forget
Basic Appearance: Cal is about six feet tall and has a fit build. He shares blonde hair with his mother and the blue eyes of his father. Cal stands out in his family as the only one who has blue eyes as most of his family took the brown eyes of his mother. He tends to weigh about sixty five kgs but can often fluctuate between 65 and 68. He likes to keep his hair short and out of his face.
Personality: Much like the rest of his family, Cals personality is not always what it appears to be on the outside. Whilst on the surface he seems to be a very sensitive and caring person with a propensity for encouraging groups of people to help in his cause, beneath the surface lies a social intelligence that allows him to read people and situations easily allowing him to become the very person that is needed in most situations. He knows exactly what he needs to do to get what he wants and often actively seeks out followers or subordinates in order to achieve a higher level of personal pride. Cal is not a very honest person. He tends to take advantage of situations that will help him and further his cause, openly hiding his own allegiances and beliefs behind his familys generational campaign for the inclusion and acceptance of muggles and those who are not necessarily accepted within wizarding society. Cal always approaches his life with excitement though and never does anything he doesnt know he can finish. He loves adventure and will often go out of his way to make sure that his campaigns coincide with anything interesting that is happening at any given time. However, Cal is also very prudent as he is always careful about the choices her makes and the consequences that come with them. He is careful not to say or do anything that he may later regret.
Family: Parents: Theodre and Aravae Shannara
Half-brothers: Eventine Shannara (Feburary 3rd, 2019), Ander Shannara (March 21st, 2022) Wil Elessidil (August 23rd, 2026)
Half-sisters: Amberle Shannara (October 29th, 2024), Ilyrana Elessidil (December 13th, 2030)
Brothers: Cephelo Shannara (September 6th, 2036)
Sisters: Eretria Shannara (April 10th, 2041)</SIZE></SIZE>
This aching heart ain't broken yet
Oh God I wish I could make you see
Oh God I wish I could make you see
Pets: Cal has a pet turtle, though recently he has begun to suspect that it's a different turtle.
School: Homeschooled
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Andorran on both sides
Interests or Hobbies: Activism, Extreme Sports, Dancing, Stargazing, Martial Arts, Yoga, Wine Tasting, Music, Books.
Though these are listed as hobbies, they are more correctly to be thought of as "talents" or "skills" as he uses these in different situations as a means of fitting into wherever he happens to be at the time.
Strengths: Enthusiastic, Accommodating, Disciplined, Diplomatic, Patient.
Weaknesses: Comes on too strong, Sometimes too demanding of himself, Sometimes talks too much.</SIZE></SIZE>
Cause I know this flame isn't dying
</COLOR><i></i><i></i> So nothing can stop me from trying
</COLOR><i></i><i></i> So nothing can stop me from trying
Describe your character in five words: Deceptive, Dishonest, Aware, Energetic, Prudent
Best school subjects: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Public Speaking
Worst school subjects: Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures
Current Job: Social Activist
Plans for the future: Unknown
Patronus: Coyote - The Trickster, Humor, Charm, Folly of Self-Deception and Survival, Prankster, insight, playful. The coyote symbolizes duality and the ability to present both sides of an issue. Clowning and humour, perhaps sarcastic. [x]
Patronus memory: Callistophae's patronus is the memory of finally coming into adulthood and being trusted with the family secret. He finally was passed into the vault and allowed access to the many millions of galleons the family had access to and allowed to read the many various representations of their history in the vaults.
Boggart: His secret being found out. Being accused of using someone to get his way.
Animagus: A Coyote, because they often take the same form as a patronus.<i></i>
<COLOR color="#000"> Baby you know that <i></i><i></i>
Maybe it's time for miracles
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"> Maybe it's time for miracles
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="verdana"><SIZE size="50">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Time For Miracles" by Adam Lambert.